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Search results

  1. Blade

    Are you a virgin?

    I am gay and don't have a "gay voice", neither does my boyfriend, but, hell, there is a teacher who does, and people do say like "he's gay" and stuff like that, however (and though it is very normal in my school for teachers to be friends with the students, and also to openly critcise them), no...
  2. Blade

    Blade here.

    Blade, we should totally do that! Revenge! Also, about calling me Blade2, there's no problem with me XD. NBlade could also work, as on "New Blade" I don't really mind, I can put something in my signature like "Refer to me as (something)"
  3. Blade

    Are you a virgin?

    No, I'm not. *Ducks in case objects might come flying by*
  4. Blade

    Blade here.

    Hi to the people who have posted! it's really appreciated =B I don't mind if everyone calls you Blade, you were here first, besides, if they talk to us, we'll probably know who they're talking to =P And , Yoshiya, you're mean XD there will be two of us looking around trying to figure out who...
  5. Blade

    If you had been born the opposite sex, what would you have been named?

    Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named? It means "maid" .-. More like a Pariah name.
  6. Blade

    Blade here.

    Hello, all of you =D I don't know about being pretty cool, but I'll do my best to keep up your expectations XD Blade... yeah, I see confusion XD but thank you for the welcome. I shall check out that section, thanks =3
  7. Blade

    It is? XD Well, I like talkking, so, cool! Yeah, I noticed that XD, But you were here fisrt...

    It is? XD Well, I like talkking, so, cool! Yeah, I noticed that XD, But you were here fisrt, so... Ah, I just became obsessed with the Secret link game, decided that I couldn't find it, and saw that htere were forums, so I just came here. I'm mexican, so you'll have to excuse me if I make...
  8. Blade

    Blade here.

    Hello! I just joined this place, so I decided to introduce myself for two things; first: so that I'm not a complete stranger in the forum, and two: to get rid of the header that insisted on me introducing myself -.- So! =3 I'm a 17-year-old guy who is simply looking for a cool time in this forum =D
  9. Blade

    I'm fine as well. a little sick but otherwise, perfect =3 That I am, haha. So, what's up?

    I'm fine as well. a little sick but otherwise, perfect =3 That I am, haha. So, what's up?
  10. Blade

    If you had been born the opposite sex, what would you have been named?

    Re: If you had been born the opposite gender, what would you have been named? My mom said Justine, my dad insisted on Dagmar if I turned out a girl.
  11. Blade

    Hi! How are you?

    Hi! How are you?
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