• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Blade here.


New member
I just joined this place, so I decided to introduce myself for two things; first: so that I'm not a complete stranger in the forum, and two: to get rid of the header that insisted on me introducing myself -.-

So! =3 I'm a 17-year-old guy who is simply looking for a cool time in this forum =D
Hello, and welcome to the Cave!

I'm Blade, and.... Wait... *glances at user's name*

I sense some confusion in the future.

Either way, welcome! If you look to your right, you'll see the Anime-Style Battling thread, which I highly reccomend. Enjoy your stay!
Hello, all of you =D

I don't know about being pretty cool, but I'll do my best to keep up your expectations XD

Blade... yeah, I see confusion XD but thank you for the welcome. I shall check out that section, thanks =3
RTB, I shall henceforth call you RTB in public.

Blade, nice to meet you, and welcome to the cave! Can I get you some Tea and Cod? Also, watch out for the carnivorous welcome mats. I hope to see you around, and have fun here!
RTB, I shall henceforth call you RTB in public.

Blade, nice to meet you, and welcome to the cave! Can I get you some Tea and Cod? Also, watch out for the carnivorous welcome mats. I hope to see you around, and have fun here!

aww but I like Blade...
One day we shall have a big TCoD convention (TCon!) where I shall yell "Blade!" in a crowded room and it shall make me giggle.
Hi to the people who have posted! it's really appreciated =B

aww but I like Blade...

I don't mind if everyone calls you Blade, you were here first, besides, if they talk to us, we'll probably know who they're talking to =P

And , Yoshiya, you're mean XD there will be two of us looking around trying to figure out who called XD
Hey Blade! How ya...wait...WHAT?!! Two Blade's?! My mind is going to explode from the confusion!! NOOO I LIKE MY MIND THE WAY IT ISSS- *shot*

BUt ok! Welcome to TCoD! I am Silver! I'm pretty sure you'll have a great time here. And so not to cause any confusion when you see my posts around here, I AM A MOOGLE/UMBREON SPLICE! (Hence the Moogle in my avatar.) And I reccomend to you the Role-Playing forum and Anime-Style Battling forum!

BLade(uh...both of 'em.) : I'm totally going with Yoshyia on this one. He'll be on one side, and I'll be on the other shouting 'Blade!' We'll double team ya!!

Oh, and also, I'm evil at times, so I could threaten to kill you depending on our conversation. Just ask the other Blade! ^-^
Hey, wai-what
what are

I is confus.
Hello, New-Blade. I am Markku. :D
Your resident TCoD bass player. :3
Enjoy your stay!

Yoshiya Kiryu said:
One day we shall have a big TCoD convention (TCon!) where I shall yell "Blade!" in a crowded room and it shall make me giggle.
I would go to that no matter what. You should be rewarded for such an idea.
This would be amazing.
I would go to TCon and never leave. Srsly.

Anywho, welcome to the forums, Blade! I suppose to stop the confusion, we can call RespectTheBlade Blade, and maybe you Blade2? I'm not sure, but like you said, it should be pretty obvious which Blade we're talking to. Anywho, have a wonderful time here at the forum~
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