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Search results

  1. Sapphire

    Roar of Time style

    Whoa, that looks amazing. I love both Dialga and deep blue, by the way.. It is great, but.. I don't really like using a dark style, since it is a bit difficult to read. Well, I've always been using Dewgong style for both the forums and the site, even before the forums got deleted somehow(yes...
  2. Sapphire

    The Sailormoon club!!

    I'm in. I'm still a fan <3
  3. Sapphire

    Your hours?

    It depends. In weekdays, I wake up at 6AM, and go to bed at 11PM. In weekends and vacations, I wake up.. um.. at random times, and go to bad around 2-3 AM.
  4. Sapphire

    What's ironic or surprising in your Pokemon game?

    The Rayquaza in my Emerald happened to be a legit shiny one. Seriously. I was like "WTF", and instantly used the Master Ball.
  5. Sapphire

    Favourite cartridge?

    You mean Sapphire is supposed to be blue? Dammit. I have a bootleg, then x__x'' Gotta kill my parents. They said it was legit =O I like Crystal, because it's kind of light blue, and I love that color.
  6. Sapphire

    What's YOUR type?

  7. Sapphire

    Where did you get your avatar?

    Um.. found the sprite and the courtroom on www.courtrecords.net, found the guitar on google, pasted it, used some filters, and.. cropped.
  8. Sapphire

    What were you and your partner in PMD red and blue?

    Skitty, and Charmander.
  9. Sapphire

    Haha! I am new...

    Welcome =D
  10. Sapphire

    How Tall Are You?

    Re: Are You Short or Tall? 4'8''. Incredibly short. .. people often think I'm 10 years old. Seriously.
  11. Sapphire

    What's Your IQ?

    142. lol wut I mean.. English isn't even my mother language ._.' This surely must be wrong.
  12. Sapphire

    How many level 100s do you have?

    Um.. I always max out my teams on every version, so.. Blue, Yellow, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Emerald, Leaf Green, Diamond.. so I've got at least 48 level 100s. And onsidering I sometimes max out some other Pokémon that are not in my team at all.. Geez, I'm surely addicted. o__o''
  13. Sapphire


    In episode 3(or was it 4?) the dub says Brock's mother passed away(the original japanese version doesn't say anything about her, if I remember well.), but she reappears on Chronicles, many episodes later. 4kids was probably ashamed of the goof-up, but somehow, they didn't cut the episode.
  14. Sapphire

    What is your favorite font style ?

    I like Trebuchet MS.
  15. Sapphire

    Hey everyone!

    Welcome :)
  16. Sapphire


    Welcome to TCOD, kupo. Nice avatar, by the way @__@
  17. Sapphire

    Indeed.. xD I found this while searching for Sho sprites on Google.. and I just HAD to make an...

    Indeed.. xD I found this while searching for Sho sprites on Google.. and I just HAD to make an avatar out of it;
  18. Sapphire

    Kingdom Hearts

    Um.. I just got the first game recently, but I haven't got much time to play it yet. Gotta finish Final Fantasy IX first.. but I have played through, like, three worlds.
  19. Sapphire

    [img] Just can't resist.. @__@'' *walks away*

    [img] Just can't resist.. @__@'' *walks away*
  20. Sapphire

    How did you come to T-Cod?

    I used to go to other Pokémon forums, that weren't even in english, and some random user had a 'What Pokemon are you?' result in the signature. Since I'm way too curious, I clicked it. It's been a long time. Some months later, I joined the forums, but with a different username, and I wasn't...
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