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Search results

  1. DrClef


  2. DrClef

    Can anyone hear me?

    Can anyone hear me?
  3. DrClef

    Pokémon pronouncications you got wrong

    Re: Pokémon pronouncications you got wrong I always pronounced Unown "You-Known" for some reason.
  4. DrClef

    I don't trust Linoone.

    I don't trust Linoone.
  5. DrClef

    Go back to your fucking hacker friends. You and your wannabe tough shit script kiddies are NOT...

    Go back to your fucking hacker friends. You and your wannabe tough shit script kiddies are NOT welcome here you lying fuck! I've dealt with your fucking kind before and this little act isn't fooling anyone, you don't belong here. LEAVE
  6. DrClef

    ASB password scare and related bans

  7. DrClef

    [cancelled] More Than Human: Golden Opportunity

    I don't care, I'm reviving this RP. DON'T YOU DIE ON ME! Name: "Sable" Age: 22. Gender: Female. Species: Scyther. Personality: Sable is the spy master of the now powerful Pokemon Army. One of Alois' earliest followers, and, many believe, instrumental to his rise, she uses her blades and a...
  8. DrClef

    the space around the stars

    Can you draw me a Scyther riding SCP-682?
  9. DrClef

    Yet Another Association Game

    Hackers trying to scam me.
  10. DrClef

    Im glad those ID-theft-tough-shit-wannabe-MLG-hacker guys are gone. People like them deserve no...

    Im glad those ID-theft-tough-shit-wannabe-MLG-hacker guys are gone. People like them deserve no sympathy.
  11. DrClef

    What's Your Favorite Pokémon?

    Re: What's Your Favorite Pokémon? Scyther and Flareon, god they're both adorable in their own ways.
  12. DrClef

    MODS = Gods and Kings.

    They have graced us with their protection by banning several scammers today, they would've hacked our accounts had they not stopped it. ASBers can rest easy now knowing that we are being watched over, I wish to personally thank the staff for the time they have spent making sure this forum is...
  13. DrClef

    Thank you for banning those guys, I don't know what would've happened if they got my account info.

    Thank you for banning those guys, I don't know what would've happened if they got my account info.
  14. DrClef

    ASB password scare and related bans

    LOL, morons. Good, they got what they deserved. Thank you admins!
  15. DrClef

    Yet Another Association Game

  16. DrClef

    Yet Another Association Game

  17. DrClef

    The Return III

  18. DrClef

    Yet Another Association Game

    Installation 05
  19. DrClef

    Continue the Story

    ...and that is why you never look up Scyther pornography. Because the rip in spacetime allowed Dave and the ghost of Mia to step through, who decided to go on a killing spree in the name of lord helix much to the displeasure of the dark prophet flareon.
  20. DrClef

    Yet Another Association Game

    The Enclave
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