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Search results

  1. Abufi

    Music that gives you shivers

    right on, this exactly. lateralus is great. that reminds me, got another for this thread: reflection, or triad. or hell maybe the title track.
  2. Abufi

    Rate the song above you

    ^i'd say somewhere around 8.5 - 9/10. i'm biased and love that song, but it takes way too long to build up if you ask me, the intro could be shorter. but once it really gets going it's fucking awesome, one of my favorite tracks off aenima. stone the crow - down
  3. Abufi

    Music that gives you shivers

    ^vicarious is awesome, "right in two" off the same record is also pretty intense
  4. Abufi

    Music that gives you shivers

    "southbound pachyderm" by primus "learn from this mistake" by down "third eye" by tool "floods" and "it makes them disappear", both by pantera. god damn
  5. Abufi

    Stuff You Love

    DEY DUN DERR TURNED PETE 'NTO A HORNY TOAD that was a fun movie, yeah.
  6. Abufi

    Stuff You Love

    music - down and pantera. holy shit dude, both are really great. really really great. down has particularly got me hooked lately and man they are some cool stuff. not for everyone, but yeah i like it a lot. sludgy, low-tuned metal with a southern edge. also les claypool. the guy may very...
  7. Abufi

    All-time top 5 video games

    to hell with orders half-life 2 team fortress 2 zelda: minish cap super mario world then uh, either god of war or left 4 dead 2. i can't settle on one between those.
  8. Abufi

    Big 4 of British Metal

    i'd say OP pretty much hit the nail on the head, that set sounds about right to me. right away when i saw the title of this thread in threadlist, maiden and priest immediately came to mind, and motorhead and sabbath fill in the other two spaces nicely.
  9. Abufi

    Songs that make you smile / ones that make you happy

    megadeth's cover of "i ain't superstitious." IT'S SO TRIUMPHANT "lies, i don't know what they say but" by down. i dunno man, something about it is just really uplifting, this song kicks ass. and uh, shit, pretty much any song by the beastie boys. something about those guys always makes me...
  10. Abufi

    Most anticipated albums of 2011

    uhh, this isn't widely anticipated by everyone everywhere, but it's something i'm looking forward to, does that count? phillip anselmo's (probably best known as the singer for pantera) gonna apparently release a solo album sometime this year, where he's gonna be doing vocals and pretty much...
  11. Abufi

    Current Theme Song?

    as much as i love heavy metal, i really am not a badass person in real life. at all. so um i'd probably have to go with "hellbound 17 1/2" by primus. i think it's an awesome song but really it sounds silly and maybe even a little dorky. but i like it.
  12. Abufi

    Your favourite genre of music?

    i like metal a lot, but i'm silly and biased and particularly prefer stuff from the 80s and 90s. i won't deny that there has been plenty of good music to come out of the 2000s so far but as a whole i generally tend to prefer stuff from around the time window of 1975-ish to 1997-ish. subgenres...
  13. Abufi

    Favorite Cover Songs?

    pantera's cover of "planet caravan", originally by black sabbath. that cover has got to be one of my favorite songs ever. it's really nice and mellow and i dunno man i just really like everything about it. sabbath's original is real nice too, but i feel like pantera's cover took a good...
  14. Abufi

    Your Favorite Guitarists?

    i would have to say dimebag darrell (of pantera, damageplan, etc). that man was a beast. and if bass guitarists count then by god, les motherfucking claypool (most famously known as the bassist and vocalist for primus). that guy is so awesome it's ridiculous. some others would be chris...
  15. Abufi

    that it indeed was; one of my favorite records.

    that it indeed was; one of my favorite records.
  16. Abufi

    "GODDAMN X!"

    ^ah that reminds me i forgot to say anything related to TF2. i suck at TF2, so my complaints are to be taken with a grain of salt and most likely do not apply to anyone else, but HEAVIES. GODDAMNED HEAVIES. always the bane of my existence with their miniguns that i always happen to run right...
  17. Abufi

    "GODDAMN X!"

    holy shit, this although the spiders are even worse for me, i haven't had too many terrible experiences with creepers. faster than your character, and sometimes they randomly jump while attacking me which completely throws me off when i thought i had their attack pattern down and has a chance...
  18. Abufi

    Most Overrated/Underrated Games Ever

    overrated? holy shit can you say modern warfare 2 (although i admit to finding the campaign to be pretty cool.) i haven't played black ops myself yet so i can't judge whether or not that one lives up to all the hype surrounding it, but really, a fucking call of duty-themed jeep model released...
  19. Abufi

    Power Ballads

    floods - pantera cemetery gates - pantera hollow - pantera learn from this mistake - down a tout le monde - megadeth (REALLY not sure if this one counts, probably not, but) nothing else matters - metallica (^ditto that. just throwing these here in case they do count.) white - the cult as...
  20. Abufi

    What is your favorite Beatles song?

    probably day tripper, one of the first riffs i learned to play on guitar helter skelter is also pretty cool though, and um i swear there's another one i really like but i can't quite remember what it is. sgt pepper maybe edit: just remembered, revolution is nice as well. love the intro, haha...
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