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I feel compelled to say this for my friend (A humongous Zelda fan):

water temple fffffffffffffffffff–

That is all. (Also am I the only one to have a problem with that one double battle near the Johto Safari Zone with the Magmortar and Electivire?)
I suck so bad that I can't even get past the forest temple on OOT.


I couldn't even find that temple for aaages. \o/

That one fucking puzzle just before the Sacred Grove in TP.

No, I don't mean the Skull Kid one, I mean the stupid, annoying puzzle with the retarded statues who will literally trap you in a corner or step on you and restart the entire fucking puzzle if you screw up once. I have never been able to get past this puzzle without using the Internet to get the answer, even though I've probably spent about 5 hours trying to figure it out on my own.

Fucking this D<

Also, I can't believe no one has mentioned running legendaries. They have catch rates so low that it can take you months and months of stalking just to freaking catch one, they will run away on the first turn unless you use Crobat or Wobbuffet or something, and, in the earlier games, you actually have to encounter them in the wild before you can track them, and tracking them through the Pokedex is much more of a hassle.

Or rather most legendaries. Lots of them don't seem to care whether they're paralysed and have HP so low you can't even see the bar any more, they are not staying in those goddamn Pokéballs for love nor money. Then if they're feeling merciful they switch from "BURST-OUT-INSTANTLY MODE" to "oh okay have me actually nudge nudge nudge click" on the last Ultra Ball. Which is still cruel.

Except Articuno which I caught on my first ball, he's alright.

Aaaargh, flame wheels and ice wheels and lightning wheels and kitsune swordswomen.


...I hate Devil Gate Trials.
The third battle with Barbatos in Tales of Destiny 2.

It's honestly already one thing that he punishes you in Destiny 2 with an instant spell that gives you no time to dodge, or block, for using a recovery item of any kind, but that third time you battle him...

Well, christfuck. Not only does he punish you for using items, he starts punishing you for casting healing spells, and when he's got about 12,000 HP left, he'll start punishing ANYONE who casts even attack spells, rendering pretty much your whole party, aside from Kyle, and maybe Judas completely useless (I don't mention Loni because of his horrid accuracy).

It's almost like they DON'T want you to beat him, because it's impossible to get him to stagger with melee attacks, and he only takes 10~20 damage when not in stagger.

Oh, and did I mention? He starts spamming Genocide Braver at about 10,000 HP, so you'll be doing a lot more running and dodging than fighting.
I really want to play this game. :/

Noob-toobers. Which, as some of you may not no, means people who use grenade launchers in Modern Warefare 2.
fucking creepers

go away and take your goddamn SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS somewhere else

holy shit, this

although the spiders are even worse for me, i haven't had too many terrible experiences with creepers. faster than your character, and sometimes they randomly jump while attacking me which completely throws me off when i thought i had their attack pattern down and has a chance of totally screwing me over. OH YEAH and the skeletons with their goddamn ranged attacks. scare the SHIT out of me whenever i randomly hear the sound of them launching arrows out of nowhere when things had been completely silent beforehand, as well.

from what i've heard, it sounds like ghasts are the most sadistic enemies ever known to man, but i've never been to the nether so i can't say first-hand.

but what seems to kill me the most in minecraft is when i'm mining, and i chop away at the ceiling a bit and then sand or gravel that just happened to be above that stone block comes falling down on me and suffocates me. i lost a shitload of redstone and iron i had been mining thanks to that. only VERY recently did i learn what is actually happening when you die like that and that F5 can help you get out of that; recently enough so that i didn't know about it the last time that happened to me.

oh yeah, and for a non-minecraft example, the reaper conduits in inFAMOUS piss me and my friend off. bastards
Maybe it's because I suck at video games, but I have these moments ridiculously often.

Hotel Dusk:
The puzzle where you had to flick the two light switches at the same time
also bowling
also billiards in Last Window

Goddamn Spies, Snipers and crockets.
also that one scout that camped outside my base in Doublecross. I actually switched from Medic to Pyro for all of thirty seconds just to watch him burn.

Any and all legendaries. Especially Giratina in Platinum, where he was paralysed, 1hp (or thereabouts) and I caught him on my last Ultra Ball.

Spirit Tracks. Goddamn phantom trains. The ones that can turn around on the spot? Yeah. Them.

aaand that's all I can think of atm.
^ah that reminds me i forgot to say anything related to TF2.

i suck at TF2, so my complaints are to be taken with a grain of salt and most likely do not apply to anyone else, but HEAVIES. GODDAMNED HEAVIES. always the bane of my existence with their miniguns that i always happen to run right smack into as i'm turning around a corner and die after literally about somewhere between a quarter to a third of a second of being in their line of fire. and even if i do survive, holy cow, i swear the bastards don't fucking die, ever. i fire an entire magazine of rockets as fast as you can possibly fire right at them and then they kill me, and as it shows me the killscreen i swear every time their health meter is only down by like half.
bonus points if they're using natascha! few things piss me off as much as natascha heavies, and backburner pyros.
Title Defence Bald Bull from Punch-Out Wii. Bald. Fucking. Bull. He always gets me with that fast uppercut, it does a shitload of damage when it connects. And the fact that he won't go down unless if you Star Punch him is annoying, and any time you get a Star from him, he does that damned fast uppercut, and I almost always get hit thus losing the star. And another thing, the bull charge in Title Defence is fucking near impossible to stop, you have to time the punch EXACTLY Right, or that bald bastard will make you taste the mat. God, I was so happy when I finally beat him (a majority of my losses in my career came from that asshole)! It took all my self control too refrain from doing a victory lap around my neighborhood yelling "BALD BULL IS DOWN!".
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years. There's this one enemy, the Mysterious Girl, who you battle a ton of times throughout the game. The first few times, it is impossible to win and the story progresses is you lose. Then the rest of the battles against her you keep thinking that you don't have to win, only to be greeted by a game over when you lose. And then she's freakishly difficult and time consuming when you are actually trying.

Also in Kingdom Hearts, either of the battles with Ursula made me very irritated. The whole cauldron thing in the first battle confused the shit out of me, and I had an incredibly difficult time avoiding her when you have to kill her face.
Aaaahh, I can't believe no one has mentioned the Wallmasters. And while we're there, the Floormasters. I'm so scared of them. I practically had a heart attack when there's that scripted capture of Makar in Wind Waker.
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years. There's this one enemy, the Mysterious Girl, who you battle a ton of times throughout the game. The first few times, it is impossible to win and the story progresses is you lose. Then the rest of the battles against her you keep thinking that you don't have to win, only to be greeted by a game over when you lose. And then she's freakishly difficult and time consuming when you are actually trying.

Also in Kingdom Hearts, either of the battles with Ursula made me very irritated. The whole cauldron thing in the first battle confused the shit out of me, and I had an incredibly difficult time avoiding her when you have to kill her face.

UGH. URSULA. Actually, I didn't find the giant form all that hard. But the first fight with the cauldron is just... UGH! It took me forever to beat her. The Clock Tower Phantom from the same game is also a real bastard. To this day, I still have no idea how to beat that thing...
The Clock Tower Phantom from the same game is also a real bastard. To this day, I still have no idea how to beat that thing...
The orb inside its cloak changes colours depending on what you should hit it with. Red = Fire, blue = Blizzard, yellow = Thunder, white = hit with Keyblade. Also you can use Stop on the clock tower to delay the countdown over Sora/Peter Pan/Goofy/Donald's head that kills them when it hits 0.
That said it's still a hard boss because I don't remember ever beating it :v
Level 4 in Donkey Kong Country Returns. Yes, pretty much the WHOLE LEVEL.
Look, a few mine-cart levels are fine. But A WHOLE LEVEL, plus boss, devoted to them? Aargh! (Not as much hard as annoying, really. But this level has pretty much made me dislike mine-cart stages.)
The orb inside its cloak changes colours depending on what you should hit it with. Red = Fire, blue = Blizzard, yellow = Thunder, white = hit with Keyblade. Also you can use Stop on the clock tower to delay the countdown over Sora/Peter Pan/Goofy/Donald's head that kills them when it hits 0.
That said it's still a hard boss because I don't remember ever beating it :v

Thanks! I figured out the orb trick, but I had no idea how to stop the clock that inevetably kills all my partners and me, and not being able to revive them seriously terrified me. Gotta find my game and beat him!

Might as well add another: Articuno on Red Rescue Team. I'm a Cubone on the game, so it's Ice attacks flat out murder me. And the fact that I have a Treeko for a partner is NO HELP AT ALL. Grr...
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