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Tripping in Brawl. It rarely happens to me, unlike those who exaggerate it would lead you to believe, but it is terribly annoying when it happens, almost always throws me off when it does, and usually I wind up with a sword/hammer/bizzare blunt weapon right in my face and die. Or take a lot of damage. Either way its annoying.

Hmm, other annoying things. Well, EVERY GOD DANG ENEMY IN KIRBY'S DREAMLAND EXTRA MODE. They can hit your weak point to inflict massive damage! And they move like 20 times faster than the normal enemies! That's exaggerating a bit, but still. It's impossible without raising the number of your lives with the option menu.
True. Although I was thinking more along the lines of NIGHTMARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRE

For me personally it's
. With Nightmare I have enough energy by that point to basically be able to mash the b button (holding R of course) for the whole fight. I can't aim at all though.
Those yellow dudes in Henry Hatsworth that spit out the little blue dudes.

Fuck these guys so hard. Out of all the brutally difficult elements that appear in the second half of the game, these are the worst. Even after you kill them they're a pain! Their heads explode and you're assaulted by four of the little blue dudes, who you can only kill while you're crouching because they're so tiny.
anytime I am playing Halo: Reach.

anyone with a jetpack is instantly and forever labeled "the douchebag with the jetpack" and pretty much anything will send me spiraling into GOD DAMN IT WHAT THE FUCK THAT FUCKER HAD A SHOTGUN I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE GOD DAMN IT GOD DAMN IT
Armor Lock is 1000000 times worse dude. It's pretty easy to kill people when they're using the jetpack, but armor lock is a different story altogether. You're always about to kill them, and then they go into armor lock, leaving you waiting around like an idiot. Then, one of their teammates comes in, starts shooting at you, upon which they pop out of armor lock and now it's two against one and you're fucked. Or when you stick them, they go into armor lock, and the grenade kills you instead of them. I have probably screamed "I FUCKING HATE ARMOR LOCK" into the mic about twenty times. grrr
I love using armor lock though. hahaha. it is fantastic for denial. the feeling of using armor lock right before someone tries to splatter you ... glorious.
Those yellow dudes in Henry Hatsworth that spit out the little blue dudes.

Fuck these guys so hard. Out of all the brutally difficult elements that appear in the second half of the game, these are the worst. Even after you kill them they're a pain! Their heads explode and you're assaulted by four of the little blue dudes, who you can only kill while you're crouching because they're so tiny.


FUCK those those guys they only serve to make your life a pain. Especially when they're placed to hinder you on the more platform-oriented parts of the game. And they're not a lot better when they become puzzle blocks either.
My goddamn reflexes when playing Punch-Out!!. Either I react far too quickly and get hit with a punch I dodged too early or don't react at all and get smacked with a punch I could have dodged easily. And the frustrating thing is the more I tell myself to watch what the fuck my opponent's doing the more I screw up.

tl;dr I suck at Punch-Out!!.
That one fucking puzzle just before the Sacred Grove in TP.

No, I don't mean the Skull Kid one, I mean the stupid, annoying puzzle with the retarded statues who will literally trap you in a corner or step on you and restart the entire fucking puzzle if you screw up once. I have never been able to get past this puzzle without using the Internet to get the answer, even though I've probably spent about 5 hours trying to figure it out on my own.

Also, I can't believe no one has mentioned running legendaries. They have catch rates so low that it can take you months and months of stalking just to freaking catch one, they will run away on the first turn unless you use Crobat or Wobbuffet or something, and, in the earlier games, you actually have to encounter them in the wild before you can track them, and tracking them through the Pokedex is much more of a hassle.
Also, I can't believe no one has mentioned running legendaries. They have catch rates so low that it can take you months and months of stalking just to freaking catch one, they will run away on the first turn unless you use Crobat or Wobbuffet or something, and, in the earlier games, you actually have to encounter them in the wild before you can track them, and tracking them through the Pokedex is much more of a hassle.

Possibly because they aren't that hard (at least not in the post-GSC games) if you know what you're doing? Not that they aren't annoying at all--I did end up muttering under my breath about how entei was the most irritating acromegalic flaming pekingese I've ever seen once or twice--but I can usually stuff one in a ball in under an hour once I set aside time to look for them. :/

Aside from the acromegalic flaming pekingese comment, er, not much, not recently. I do remember literally screaming as I fled from from Jabu-Jabu's Belly in Ocarina of Time, which I realize is humiliating but apparently I am terrible at that game and cannot not touch the electric jellyfish even if the only one in the area is all the way across the room. (I haven't played the game since, though that's more due to lack of attention span than actual lasting fear of electric jellyfish. The sheer number of half-finished/unstarted games I own is astonishing.) Oh, and the Woolly AOR noise in TWEWY, which was fucking impossible to kill and I ended up just giving up and returning the game to the person I'd borrowed it from without completing all the reports. I guess there was that.
Oh, and the Woolly AOR noise in TWEWY, which was fucking impossible to kill and I ended up just giving up and returning the game to the person I'd borrowed it from without completing all the reports. I guess there was that.
Heh, yeah, it took me a long time to be able to beat that guy. Too bad you didn't get all the reports, though--IMO they're one of the best parts of the game.

At the moment one of my roommates and I are playing Amnesia: the Dark Descent together, and it's gotten rather old that whenever you complete a major puzzle you're pretty much guaranteed to get attacked by something. It's not even scary or anything, just tiresome, since you know what's coming and that you're in for a sprint through the dark to find a hiding place.
That one fucking puzzle just before the Sacred Grove in TP.

No, I don't mean the Skull Kid one, I mean the stupid, annoying puzzle with the retarded statues who will literally trap you in a corner or step on you and restart the entire fucking puzzle if you screw up once. I have never been able to get past this puzzle without using the Internet to get the answer, even though I've probably spent about 5 hours trying to figure it out on my own.

ARGHHHH. I know what you mean, I hate that too. I usually break down crying after trying it myself for 2 hours, and then go to the internet.
fucking creepers

go away and take your goddamn SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS somewhere else



Creeperfuck one!
I was building a temple thing when night feel, it's underground and it's roof is the top of a mountain, meaning it's a monster spawn haven, and a zombie managed to slip past my torch field, with it's incessant RRRRRGGGGGGG and INTERCOUUURSEEE... wait, what do you mean yours don't say that?.. anyway! I hop topside to shut it up, careful as always, I survey the area 360, it's a fairly open place and I look up and down anyway to be sure, /nothing is there/. So I think... okay, I should be good, and start jousting the zombie as per normal. One poke of my sword later and suddenly SSSSSSSSSS- I panicked and ran, that fucking thing was /not there/ seconds earlier, and unfortunately I ran /right towards the zombie/. So the thing explodes, but I now have forwards momentum. I survive the explosion, only to be flung right into the arms of the zombie, which devours my brains. Also, my temple has a hole blown in the ceiling.

Creeperfuck two!
So I decided it was time to build a monster trap. The build itself was surprisingly uneventful, albeit I did so mostly in the day. When I finished, I decided to test it out, bored of uneventfully drowning sheep. I lure a single creeper into it, hop in, and lo and behold, the trap works! Creeper is pulled under the water and begins to drown, and soon its yummy gunpowder shall flow into my waiting arms- wait what- FFFFFF
It explodes. Under the water without warning. Seriously, no sssssss or anything, just explodes. What's more, even though it's /under water/ and it shouldn't /do/ this, it does block damage, blowing the side right off my trap. So my little pit in the ground is suddenly flooded, and I'm fighting against currents to claw my way out to survey the damage more and make repairs, when a /second creeper/ drops in. The currents wisk it RIGHT into my lap, and I can't run whatsoever because of them, KABLOOIE- dead.

Creeperfuck three!
This one is recent. I was exploring a new dungeon, finding tons of iron once again on a big hoarding run, plus a bit of gold for all that's worth. Iron is /valuable/ as hell and I love hoarding the stuff. Thing is, as I'm finishing up, I hear a skeleton in the walls. Annoying as hell, clickity clackity and etcetera, so I start digging towards the sound, and eventually find the dark cave it's in. I see the bastard, but only barely, so I check around through the hole - there's nothing else in there. Open up another chunk to form a staircase...
Creeper drops from above onto my head. I can't even react, it blows the cavern wide open and takes out my torches making it near pitch black. /two/ skeletons proceed to drop on my head. Now, I manage to barely kill them, and I'm trying to recuperate, a /third/ drops on my head. At the time, I was reaching for my torch pile to relight the area. I didn't hear any other skeletons. So I panicked, and alt-clicked by mistake.
The item I had was the bucket of lava that I had scooped up on my way here to clear a path. I dump lava right on my lap, killing me instantly, and incinerating every item on my person, including all my tools, armour, and recent loots.
(On the plus side, the skeleton died too.)
I went back later to check for a skeleton spawner, but there wasn't one. It was just a freak Skeleton clusterfuck with Creeper garnish. Lovely.

Goddamn creepers.
....Goddamn creepers.

To add to this. I made myself a starter hideout in the base of the nearest recognisable rockface I could find (incase I should die and need to hurry back in the dark). Unfortunately, the rockface I chose had an overhang over it, creating darkness. No problem, throw up some candles, all be cool, right? Wrong.

Creepers spawn in the night and gather outside my door. They know I'm there. They're blocking the only exit. There are skeletons with them. The overhang prevents sunlight from hitting the skeletons and killing them. I've only one option. I craft a sword and approach, trying to kill the beasts but alas - a creeper explodes. My den is exposed and I am viciously beaten down by the monsters that had been awaiting outside for my flesh.

When I return, my den is no more. The craters left leave no imagination as to the fate of my first home in the world of Minecraft...

But it's not all sad. I've made a base atop that same mountain, with candles alight everywhere and a floating, disjointed sort of stairway up - a kind that the AI cannot navigate. From there I watch the monsters at night pass by, unable to reach me <3 Including Creepers. *flips Vs at them*
I do remember literally screaming as I fled from from Jabu-Jabu's Belly in Ocarina of Time, which I realize is humiliating but apparently I am terrible at that game and cannot not touch the electric jellyfish even if the only one in the area is all the way across the room. (I haven't played the game since, though that's more due to lack of attention span than actual lasting fear of electric jellyfish. The sheer number of half-finished/unstarted games I own is astonishing.)

I hate Jabu-Jabu's Belly too. Though it's not exactly the jellyfish, mostly carrying Ruto around. I suck at Zelda.

That one fucking puzzle just before the Sacred Grove in TP.

No, I don't mean the Skull Kid one, I mean the stupid, annoying puzzle with the retarded statues who will literally trap you in a corner or step on you and restart the entire fucking puzzle if you screw up once. I have never been able to get past this puzzle without using the Internet to get the answer, even though I've probably spent about 5 hours trying to figure it out on my own.

Also horrible. But the terrible thing is I've never beaten that one, but mostly because I play Zelda very sporadicly. And not often. Like, every other month. Or two/three.

Even worse is the best I've gotten on my own in TP is Arbiter's Grounds. Seriously.
Did anyone actually beat that puzzle without the internet? I doubt it. I bet 99% of guides got their solution to the puzzle from other guides and the first ever guide to be made for that thing the guy got the solution through an act of divine intervention.
Does this count for outside things affecting games?

Last night I had a chance to plant the winning bomb in MW2... when my cat decided the power cord giving life to my controller was a fun plaything.... >:/
I hate Zubats.

Zubat: I'm the goddamn Bat, man!

However, I do try to catch them, to met my 999 pokemon quota to get Mew in 'Ranch.
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