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Search results

  1. Will_Absol

    Nice did you draw that eevee yourself?

    Nice did you draw that eevee yourself?
  2. Will_Absol

    Need a couple of proficient coders.

    I am looking for a couple of proficient coders for my site, Shadow Pokes. I would prefer PHP coders, and yes I know Python is "better", it's just that this way I can help as well since I know my share myself. It includes making a registration/login script integrated with a cbox, "member only"...
  3. Will_Absol

    MysticWish.net needs your feedback!

    Ah, Mystic Wish is a awesome site, and so is the forum. I was gonna Affiliate request once but I forgot.. Btw nice Internet jargon guide ;)
  4. Will_Absol

    On Cutenews...

    Well then learn it
  5. Will_Absol

    On Cutenews...

    You can code your own comment box using PHP if you know it
  6. Will_Absol

    Messed up Fonts

    Umm the Pikachu and Palkia are sooo bad. 1. to much images. (THINK ABOUT THE DIAL UP PEOPLES) 2. You can hardly tell the links on both. I have one question. What is that font you use for your avatar?
  7. Will_Absol

    Mhm I see :D Maybe we can affie if I read the rules.. hmm

    Mhm I see :D Maybe we can affie if I read the rules.. hmm
  8. Will_Absol

    Woah, awesome. POGEYNOVAAA! I do. I'll add ya on MSN. wilfredlan888@hotmail.com and my skype is...

    Woah, awesome. POGEYNOVAAA! I do. I'll add ya on MSN. wilfredlan888@hotmail.com and my skype is elegantwill888 :D
  9. Will_Absol

    The Nightmare Gaming Forums

    Mhm, I'll see to it then. Btw, the site link has been dead, forgot to change it, Although I thought I did
  10. Will_Absol

    My site

    My site or yours?
  11. Will_Absol

    Woah, scared me thought I had another warning o.o;; Hai.

    Woah, scared me thought I had another warning o.o;; Hai.
  12. Will_Absol

    My site

    Seen my site? It's in my siggy :D Tell me when your done :P
  13. Will_Absol

    My site

    I like it :D Maybe we can affiliate?
  14. Will_Absol

    Rayquaza Forum

    Okay then, The only thing I suggest is maybe put the Dizzler at the bottom?
  15. Will_Absol

    May I ask something?

    XD You read my mind Watershed.
  16. Will_Absol

    On Cutenews...

    I.. don't.. know actually, But I use it so my staff can post news without direct access to my files
  17. Will_Absol

    Affiliate Classes

    Meh, Maybe friends, but apart from normal affiliates and that, no.
  18. Will_Absol

    The Nightmare Gaming Forums

    Just here to advertise my forums, With over 90 users I think, relatively active. http://www.theshadowreaperclan.ipbfree.com/ Conctructive crit accepted.
  19. Will_Absol

    On Cutenews...

    Mhm, Fusion news is now commonly used on Pokemon sites, Cutenews sucks nowadays. Plus, Cutenews has ads.
  20. Will_Absol

    Styleswitcher help..

    Oh well I could do a a Javascript one but I'm trying to do a PHP one first. Oh yeah, well there's a link in the sig. Well my problem is, that when you try change the style, it doesn't work.
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