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Search results

  1. Thunderfox

    Open Legend of the Stone Tablet (LST)

    Name: Anna-Maria Johnson Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: Brown, wavy, long hair down to her waist, and short, wavy bangs. She wears a pink shirt tank-top with random colored balloons and confetti, and in the middle, says 'PARTY' in black glittery letters. She wears dark blue jeans that she...
  2. Thunderfox

    Open Back In Action, Freedom Fighters!

    Name: Miles 'Tails' Prower Gender: Male Age: 12 Appearence: Anti or Freedom Fighter?: Freedom Fighter~ Personality: Really nice, and very loyal to his friend, Sonic the Hedgehog. He's very good with machines and anything tenchnial. Power/Ability/Weapon: X-Tornado, and the ability to fly with...
  3. Thunderfox

    Nice to meet you, too~ I'm gonna take a random guess and say you're a Sonic fan? Either way...

    Nice to meet you, too~ I'm gonna take a random guess and say you're a Sonic fan? Either way, wanna be friends?
  4. Thunderfox

    Closed Crossing the Void

    Name: Mari Gender: Female Age: 15 Appearence: Personality: Sweet, wild, random, and tomboyish. For some reason, she always has a candy stick in her mouth. Planet you land on: Disicus Power?: None-her pet does all the work~ Other: Has a transforming pet- Ryu that looks like this~ When transformed:
  5. Thunderfox

    Open Warriors: Dark and Light

    Name: Rosepaw Gender: Female Clan: WindClan Rank: Apprentice (Mentor: Yellowscar) Appearence: She has short reddish-orange fur and tail with blue eyes. She strangely has a small patch of red fur in the shape of a rose on her white stomach. Her paws are also white. Personality: She's very smart...
  6. Thunderfox


    Re: Tigerstar's Plot Name: Moonlight Age: Sixteen moons Gender: Female Clan: LightClan Rank: Apprentice Appearence: Black cat with a white patch of fur in the shape of a cresent moon on her back, and blue eyes~ Her tail is a normal length with a small bit of white at the tip. Personality...
  7. Thunderfox

    Open Dry Bowser's Reign

    Charecter: Princess Daisy Gender: Female Apperance: She wears a yellow dress with an orange hem and orange middle. She has short, white gloves that are frilly around the wrist, frilly ends of her short sleeves and neck area. and she has a white flower with a turquoise middle on the chest of her...
  8. Thunderfox

    So, this is the place where Introductions go...

    ^ What he said. ^^
  9. Thunderfox

    You may abuse the hedgehog, but no abusing the fox...GOT THAT?! Kidding~ And Sonic is very well...

    You may abuse the hedgehog, but no abusing the fox...GOT THAT?! Kidding~ And Sonic is very well a hamster, and all that over stuff...xD
  10. Thunderfox

    What is your favorite starter (final evolution)?

    Charizard, because my Charmander named Campfire (I was young...) was the first Pokemon I evolved, plus it can fly, and that reminds me of Tails~ It's just cool all togther~
  11. Thunderfox

    Open Curse of the Animal~

    Dragons are totally okay, spot reserved for turbler, and I just browse Photobucket for the pictures until I find the one I'm lookin' for. Oh, and ACCEPTED~
  12. Thunderfox

    What's your birthday on the the tCoD Zodiac?

    Nothin' to say...It's not like they're bad or anything. (Why can't you be a fox Pokemon, March 17?!) Thunderfox~
  13. Thunderfox

    Open Curse of the Animal~

    Everyone doesn't know each other at the beginning unless they're related, or friends. You start to get to know each other as time progresses. The crushes are just something I add for fun~ All ACCEPTED!
  14. Thunderfox

    Open Curse of the Animal~

    You're just living a normal life, hanging out, having fun, being a normal person. One particular day, though, you see a strange girl dressed as a witch. You think it's very cute, and she's pretty sweet. She mumbles something about "animals" and "you'll become one". You think she's a bit psycho...
  15. Thunderfox

    Childhood Question-Which pokemon would you have as a pet?

    Re: The Ultimate Pokemon Question- Which pokemon do you want as a pet? Vulpix, Ninetales, Eevee or any of the evolutions, Pikachu, or Houndour. maybe even Mew or Lugia....*thinks of all the Pokemon being her pets* Yes...MAGIKARP?! NO?! But in all seriousness, the ones I said above are fine...
  16. Thunderfox

    The Great Pokémon War: After the End.

    Re: The Great Pokémon War: After the End. Human Name: Liza Human Age: 16 Pokemon: Mew Apperance: Long white hair with pink streaks, a white midriff with a Mew inside a pink bubble, a jean skirt, pink tights, and white gym shoes. She also has pink and silver bangles, as well as silver earrings...
  17. Thunderfox

    Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

    Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity (Sprite Comic) "How many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?" "...if you strangle a smurf, what color will it turn?" Wow. Very good use of limited questions, man. Very good... So funny! I love it!
  18. Thunderfox

    Tails is awsome, ya' know? Now that we agree, wanna be friends?

    Tails is awsome, ya' know? Now that we agree, wanna be friends?
  19. Thunderfox

    So, this is the place where Introductions go...

    You guessed! Yayz~ I shall feel honoured now. *feels honoured* I shall enjoy! Tails is the awsomest! Thunderfox~
  20. Thunderfox

    So, this is the place where Introductions go...

    ...I never woulda' guessed! :dead: Anyway, the name's Thunderfox, and I like Sonic. Sonic, Pokemon, among other stuff. I often make Sonic or Pokemon RP's, and join 'em, too. But you won't see me stuck in the RP threads forever. I'll move around, trust me. I'm gonna try as hard as I can to stay...
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