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Open Warriors: Dark and Light

I'll be a Medicine cat...

Name: Troutfeather
Gender: Female
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: Medicine cat
Appearance: White with black speckles fading to gray around the belly, like a trout's markings. Teal eyes.
Personality: Hm... PO, I guess?
History: Never knew who her mother was, whether she was a warrior cat, or even if she was alive. Her father died when she was a relatively new apprentice, and she became a medicine cat apprentice after she was injured and had to spend a lot of time in the medicine cat den, and picked up some skills for it.
Other: Iunno?

And another character!

Name: Echopaw
Gender: Female
Clan: Shadowclan
Rank: Apprentice (Either of the warriors want to be my mentor?)
Appearance: Smoky black fur with a light gray raccoon mask, rings of light gray on tail and bottom third of legs, torn right ear. Light gray eyes (unless that's not possible for a cat, in which case yellow eyes).
Personality: An outcast and a loner, doesn't like crowds, good at stealth but doesn't like blood/guts/etc. Very quiet and rather invisible. Very alert to pain, and in general. Likes the dark/night sky/stargazing.
History: She was brought to the forest at about one month by her rouge mother, who left her in the forest alone. She was found by Shadowclan and taken in. She still harbors bad feelings for her mother, who abandoned her to fend for herself (for good reason, but Echopaw doesn't know that).
Other: Iunno?
It looks like you didn't read the rules, I'm afraid, so I can't accept you until you do.
*Hint: Read them thoroughly. Don't just pay attention to the underlined parts.
Before any of you ask, here are the members we need to start:

ThunderClan: Leader, Deputy, at least one Warrior

ShadowClan: Deputy, Medicine Cat

RiverClan: Deputy, Medicine Cat

WindClan: Medicine Cat
For some odd reason, I at first thought you were talking about Yellowscar+Goldenclaw o.o

My guess at reply:

...Well, don't make that obvious either.


Hehe.. Yellowscar won't make it too obvious that he likes her, but she should know his feelings for her now.
Name: Lightstar
Gender: Female
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: Leader
Appearance: Pure white pelt, Short-haired, One blue eye and one green eye, Star shaped scar on her left ear.
Personality: PO
History: She has no memories before coming to thunderclan as a kit. And even now she has trouble recalling anything before the death of *Insert previous leader's name here* The medicine cat said it was because she was so closely attached to him that her memories of him were forgotten so she wouldn't have to feel the pain of his loss.
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Name: Sandshadow
Gender: Male
Clan: Shadowclan
Rank: Deputy
Appearance: A tom cat with black and tan stripes, and green eyes.
Personality: PO
History: Born in the harsh time of leafbare, he had trouble surviving through to become an appentice. He began praying to Starclan to be better, and he survived.
Other: nothing.
Okay, Shiny Spoink, accepted! :D


ThunderClan: Deputy, at least one Warrior

ShadowClan: Medicine Cat

RiverClan: Deputy, Medicine Cat

WindClan: Medicine Cat
Name: Rosepaw
Gender: Female
Clan: WindClan
Rank: Apprentice (Mentor: Yellowscar)
Appearence: She has short reddish-orange fur and tail with blue eyes. She strangely has a small patch of red fur in the shape of a rose on her white stomach. Her paws are also white.
Personality: She's very smart, yet still has a lot to learn about a lot of things. She's very friendly and very shy, too. She'll eventually grow to like someone if she trusts them enough, which is hard for her to do. She's also very cautious.
History: She and her mother were out stargazing one night, and her mother came to a desicion to leave Rosepaw somewhere away from where Rosepaw was currently living, as predators roamed the area. Her mother left her alone, and Rosepaw understood slightly why, although she was wishing it didn't have to do so. She still likes to stargaze.
Other: Nothing that I know of...

Name: Dawnleaf
Gender: Female
Clan: RiverClan
Rank: Medicine Cat
Apperance: Gray fur with black paws and a black tip on her tail. The tips of her ears are also black. She has green eyes.
Personality: Kind, sweet, and caring, Dawnleaf will do anything to help.
History: Her parents passed away immidiatley after she became an apprentice. She became a medicine cat because since she had been spending plenty of time in the medicine cabin after she was injured, and also stayed there to watch, she became an expert, and in turn, became a medicine cat as well.
Other: She likes to watch the stars if she has nothing to do, as they're calm and peaceful.
Accepted, Thunderfox.


ThunderClan: Deputy, at least one Warrior

ShadowClan: Medicine Cat

RiverClan: Deputy

WindClan: Medicine Cat
Needs ThunderClan warrior?

Name: Swiftfoot
Gender: Male
Clan: ThunderClan
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: Black and white, with pale eyes (looks like Swiftpaw).
Personality: Swiftfoot is rather reckless. He tends to make rather rude remarks.
History: So named in honor of Swiftpaw (if the dogs didn't come, I'll pretend he died some other way), Swiftfoot was born soon after he died. It is rather suspiscious that he looks and acts the same as Swiftpaw, and several believe that StarClan reincarnated him for his tragic, untimely death.
Other: :D
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