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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Open Curse of the Animal~


You're just living a normal life, hanging out, having fun, being a normal person. One particular day, though, you see a strange girl dressed as a witch. You think it's very cute, and she's pretty sweet. She mumbles something about "animals" and "you'll become one". You think she's a bit psycho for a young girl, and walk along. Going about your normal life, you forget about her very quickly.

2 days later, on your way home, you see the same young weirdo you saw before. This time, she chants something and waves a wand of some sort around you. She runs away, and you start to feel weird the night of that day. In the morning, you feel worse, and later on in the day, you faint!

You awaken again on a hill, where you notice a bunch of animals on the same island. You notice nothing wrong with you, until you try to do normal things you would do when you're human. You think about that young witch, thinking she had something to do with it. you want to seek her out, find her, get revenge, something to get back at her for changing you into an animal. the farther you get, you notice some strange things going on, and all because of that young witch you saw days ago...
-Keep this at least PG-15, please!
-Unlimited charecters~
-No god-modding or any of that stuff
-Will always be accepting~

Side: (Good/Bad- Even the little witch needs help!)
Animal: (Only if you're on the good side~)
Human Apperance: (Picture or text'll do fine, thank you~)
Animal Apperance: (Again, only if you're good)
Personality/Bio: (Bio not nessecary)

Name: Jessi Ayora
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Side: Good
Animal: Fox~
Human Apperance:

Animal Apperance:

Personality/Bio: Jessi's a bit loud, and is sometimes lazy. She doesn't like to be proved wrong, and is free-spirited. She has an after-school job as a waitress. She loves her job, but she's also into fashion, so she changed her waitress outfit into an everyday dress.
Crush: Kavik, even though she's a bit younger than him.

Name: Max (Maxine) Kenson
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Side: Good
Animal: Cat
Human Apperance:

Animal Apperance:

Personality/Bio: Smart, yet tomboyish, but also funny. She makes a great friend, and hates cute, girlish things. She comes from a family where she has all brothers, and her mother died years ago, so she was surrounded by sport fanatics.
Crush: No one yet.

Mysti-Cole~ Mewtwo
Sapphire~ Darksong
Jackson (Pheonix) Allam~ Cryptica
Nova Hawley~ Evoli
Miley~ Dark Flamez
Kavik~ DarkMaru
Eric~ Celestial Blade
Angelo Silver~ Midnight
Likoria Blackwell/Richard Blackwell~ MewXCharmeleonXEevee
~Spot reserved for turbler~

(I decided to try a non-Pokemon or Sonic RP and see how it goes, so...)

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Name: Mysti
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Side: Good
Animal: Cat
Human Apperance: Curly, blonde hair, weard random things that do not match
Animal Apperance: Black with green eyes and a white blaze in the shape of a cross on her chest. She also has a white front-right paw, and her nose is black with a fleck of white in the middle.
Personality/Bio: PO fopr personality, and I don't feel like doing the bio~ *goes to draw picture of Mysti*
Crush: You know what? I'll have to edit this when there are OTHER MEMBERS!!
Name: Sapphire
Gender: Female
Side: Good, because I don't know how to be evil.
Animal: Bat
Human Appearance: She has shaggy, brown hair, and brown eyes about the same color. Her shirt is light green, with a few blue clouds on it. She wears blue jeans, and white running shoes.
Animal Appearance: Her ears are round and elegant, and so is her nose. She has bright, black eyes, and her fur is a silver color. I might get a picture at one point.
Personality/Bio: Outgoing and flexible, and doesn't really mind being a bat, but would like being human again... Bio not included...
Crush: Ditto on Mewtwo: WILL ADD!
Name: Jackson (Phoenix) Allam
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Side: Good
Animal: Great Horned Owl
Human Appearance: Jackson has straight brown hair and blue eyes, with black glasses perched atop his nose. He wears just about anything, but usually a plain ocean-blue shirt and khaki jeans.
Animal Appearance: Phoenix, or as everybody calls him, is a mystical owl with large "horns" and feathers the color of fire. His chest feathers, however, are a dull gray. His eyes are a white-blue-greenish color, but nobody knows why. Some sort of spirit must be inside him... Jackson.
Personality/Bio: Phoenix is determined and brave. He doesn't let anyone do anything that he believes is wrong. He has a short temper, and can get active when the fuse runs out.
Crush: No one.
Name: Nova Hawley
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Side: Good
Animal: Rat
Human Appearance: Nova has short light brown hair and gray eyes. She dresses in plain blue jeans and tee shirts. She just looks plain in general, the only unusual thing about her appearance is her love of wearing crazy colored shoes. Her favorite is a pair of shoes with one tie-dyed and the other army print.
Animal Appearance: Just a normal hooded rat with brown and white fur. (Hooded means the fur on her head and paw are brown, along with a string down her back)
Personality/Bio: Nova's personality is the exact opposite of her appearance. She laughs a lot for no particular reason and hugs people she's talking to randomly. She's very sarcastic and hates puns with a passion, often hitting people on the head with whatever's in her hands at the moment, more than once it's been a sandwich, and once a cat. (Almost)
Crush: Maybe later, when more people join. >>
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Name: Miley Izari
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Side: Good
Animal: Wolf
Human Apperance:

Animal Apperance:

Personality/Bio: Miley is a sweet, yet fiesty girl who loves to play. she's steadfast and has a short fuse at times, though. She comes from an average village with plenty of friends. She's easily irratated, so be careful!
Crush: ? (Will add...)
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Name: Kavik
Age: 18
Gender: male
Side: Good
Animal: Wolverine
Human Appearance: Kavik as black hair with white streaks in it. His eyes are black as coal and often show no emotion. He wears a white hoody that has orange pockets, under arms, and hood. He wears black jeans usually and black all star high tops.
Animal Appearance: Kavik has a black pelt with a white stripe from his head down to the tip of his stubby tail. He has white paws and a white mussel. He has razor sharp claws and flesh taring teeth. Due to his markings he is often mistake for a giant killer skunk.
Personality/Bio: Kavik is cold and heartless, he usually could care less if the people around him die, but when he became an animal that changed. He started to care more about people. He hopes to find someone like him to fall in love with one day.
Crush: no one yet......
Name: Eric
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Side: Good
Animal: Rhinoceros
Human Apperance: Appears to be Punk/Goth/Emo/Gangsta.
Animal Apperance: Appears to be darker than the average rhino, but has a semi-wide head. He has two horns
Personality/Bio: He can be a brute, but he is misunderstood.
Crush: none yet
Oh look two males... but they is too old for me D= Can I create another character? P.S. Mysti now has a crush on this person.

Name: Cole
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Side: Good
Animal: Cat(Oh, the irony~)
Human Apperance: He is about 5' 2", he has brown hair that ends in a rattail, and his face is cute. (Whoah, I need to get the cute guy at my school I based this off of out of my mind!)
Animal Apperance: White with a black lightning bolt on his chest, and the tip of his tail is black.
Personality/Bio: N/A
Crush: Mysti
Name: Angelo Silver ((Does everyone on this forum hate last names? I mean we're humans!))
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Side: Bad
Human Apperance:

Personality/Bio: Fierce and determined, He is a loyal follower of the witch and will do anything to help her. Except one thing~~~
Crush: Sapphire...?
((Does everyone on this forum hate last names? I mean we're humans!))

I do so like the last name Hawley. No, it isn't mine or anything. Zelda Hawley has a nice ring to it. ^^ And that had little to do with anything.
Yeah! Y'know, like "ARROW'D!!". Jeez, what are they teaching you kids these days? *waves around a walking stick and talking like an old person*
((will only accept this new way of thinking if you sig me post so that people will start to use last names)) And why are there no bad people other then me...?
Because people like being turned into animals :D~ And I doubt that someone would change the form for one person's satisfaction. But that's just a doubt.
How does everyone know each other anyway~ And why do we have crushes~ ((Although i must admit i do have good taste in them))
Everyone doesn't know each other at the beginning unless they're related, or friends. You start to get to know each other as time progresses. The crushes are just something I add for fun~ All ACCEPTED!
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