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Search results

  1. Athasan

    Eon Spirit vs. Athasan

    The thread works perfectly fine for me... At any rate, nice job, Raging. This round, I'd like you to use Heat Wave on the first action and then follow it up with two Dark Pulses. If, for some reason, you have only one clone left or none at all, reuse Double Team. Don't bother using Heat Wave if...
  2. Athasan

    Eon Spirit vs. Athasan

    Go ahead and Snatch that Swords Dance, Raging. Then you can use Double Team. After that, let Zelx go first. If she hits you with Thunderpunch, use Payback; if she doesn't, try a Heat Wave instead. Snatch ~ Double Team ~ Payback/Heat Wave
  3. Athasan

    Eon Spirit vs. Athasan

    It's okay, Kahen. You did your job. Now it's Raging's time to shine. Okay, Raging, I'm going to have you start this round with a Thunder Wave. Follow it up with Featherdance and then go ahead and use Calm Mind. Thunder Wave ~ Featherdance ~ Calm Mind
  4. Athasan

    Eon Spirit vs. Athasan

    Great job, Kahen. I knew I could count on you. And the best part is, you can finally stop using Fury Cutter all the time. Now we're moving on to Leech Seed. After you hit with it, you can start pelting our new friend with Seed Bombs. Leech Seed ~ Leech Seed/Seed Bomb ~ Leech Seed/Seed Bomb
  5. Athasan

    Eon Spirit vs. Athasan

    Back now. It's Fury Cutter again this round, Kahen. Use it for all three actions. However, if you miss with it, start using Natural Gift instead. Fury Cutter ~ Fury Cutter/Natural Gift ~ Fury Cutter/Natural Gift
  6. Athasan

    Eon Spirit vs. Athasan

    We're going to use Fury Cutter in the most creative ways possible! Well, okay, maybe we're not going to use it very creatively, but we are going to use it all round. But if you miss with it on some action or another, start using Razor Leaf after that. Fury Cutter ~ Fury Cutter/Razor Leaf ~ Fury...
  7. Athasan

    Eon Spirit vs. Athasan

    Hmmm... Okay. The plan of attack for this round is one Leech Seed, followed by a Toxic and a Fury Cutter. However, use Natural Gift instead of the previously mentioned moves if Onikami isn't nearby. Leech Seed/Natural Gift ~ Toxic/Natural Gift ~ Fury Cutter/Natural Gift
  8. Athasan

    Eon Spirit vs. Athasan

    Use Safeguard, for it protects us from status conditions and makes us happy. Then use Swords Dance, because we like that one too. Then I would like you to use Fury Cutter, but if Onikami isn't close to you at the beginning of the action use Flash instead. Safeguard ~ Swords Dance ~ Fury...
  9. Athasan

    Eon Spirit vs. Athasan

    Okay, I'm sending out Kahen.
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