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Search results

  1. Blaziking the God General

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    9.8/10 I'd say the only thing that made it not perfect was that intro that I'm not a fan of. But the rest of the song was fabulous. At the Time of Farewell - Tales of the Abyss Played when fighting the Big Bad guy of the game at about the halfway point. Or 2/3 way point. I don't know, I...
  2. Blaziking the God General

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    8/10 It's pretty awesome and intense and instrumental. I like it. Sounds like it would definitely fit in with a hectic battle. Suikoden Tierkreis - The Plain and the Sky It's probably the best track in the game, and it only plays in one wickedly short area, at least from what I've played so far.
  3. Blaziking the God General

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    8/10 That's pretty intense. It kinda gets repetitive after a while though. Final Fantasy XIII - Fighting Fate Played in a few boss battles against the main antagonist. It's kinda frightening.
  4. Blaziking the God General

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    9.5/10 Add this to the list of reasons why these DS games should be released outside of Japan. It sounds like a boss battle theme, except it's a random battle theme!! 8D It comes close to flawless, but it's limited by its DS sound. Final Fantasy VII - Who Are You? I believe this is played...
  5. Blaziking the God General

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    7/10 It's kind of an odd battle theme. It's good, but part of me thinks it doesn't fit as a battle theme. The problem with the Tales series is that I only have a DS, and the only games released for the DS haven't been released to the U.S. I'm trying to see if I can find Tales of Phantasia for...
  6. Blaziking the God General

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    8/10 I like it. I've never played the game, but I can tell it's probably pretty intense just by this theme. It's got an interesting fast pace to it, but it has an underlying happy tone that comes out at certain parts that's really interesting. Tales of Destiny - Rebel Against Destiny (The PS2...
  7. Blaziking the God General

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    9/10 It's mysterious and calming at the same time. I like it. Final Fantasy XIII battle theme Yes yes another Final Fantasy song from me. But it's just so awesome! It's one of the four tracks that have been released from the game. It's now my favorite battle theme.
  8. Blaziking the God General

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    8/10 Overall, I think it's pretty awesome, with the retro beeps and everything, but at the same time the beeps began to irritate me after a period of time. FFVIII, Compression of Time. This music freaks me out so much. Just the other night, I got this stuck in my head, in the middle of the...
  9. Blaziking the God General

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    6.5/10 It's pretty good, but it seems to be repetetive. Wow, so much FF hate. Personally, I don't really think it's started sucking that much. FFXII had really fun gameplay, just the plot was really good, but so damn confusing. @_@ Anyways, speaking of FFXII, how about the Final Boss theme...
  10. Blaziking the God General

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    5/10 It didn't really sound that, great, to be quite honest. Just didn't really appeal to me that much. MORE CHRONO TRIGGER MUSIC BOSS BATTLE(1) I hate it when boss battles end because this music ends too. But, is it just me, or is FF7's Boss theme similar to this?
  11. Blaziking the God General

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    I imagine you're talking about LoD. Yeah, my brother got it for Christmas about 6 or 7 years ago. I didn't start playing it until about 3 years ago. Watching him play it really got me introduced to the RPG genre. I loved how all of the characters' problems are resolved in the last disc...
  12. Blaziking the God General

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    My foot is tapping uncontrolably. 10/10 Hmmm, Legend of Dragoon Boss theme 3. This is the music that plays with all the dramatic / plot-related battles. EDIT: You're making me feel so young Well I'd heard about it from people here so I looked up on it and it looked good and now it's my...
  13. Blaziking the God General

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    Oh my gosh I just faced Magus on my first run-through of Chrono Trigger this morning. Gosh he was a pain in the ass. >< Music was amazing though, 9/10. And yeah I'm going to be slightly redundant. Here's To Far Away Timesp, also from Chrono Trigger.
  14. Blaziking the God General

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    9/10 It definitely sounds like traveling music, which it undoubtedly is. Let's put out a bit more FF music eh? How about the ORIGINAL Clash on the Big Bridge, though the Dissidia remake of it is even more awesome. The song plays during 3 of the 5 fights against one of the villains, who's just...
  15. Blaziking the God General

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    9/10 I love how frantic it it. I can tell, though I've never played the game, that it definitely was a serious and important battle. Love it. Hrrrm, how about Dark Messenger from Final Fantasy IX?
  16. Blaziking the God General

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    6/10 It is good, but I think it's a bit too boring. There are better tracks in D/P, i think. Grovyle's Sacrifice 'Tis music from PMD2. Plays at two points in the game, I believe, maybe more.
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