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Rate The Video Game Song Above!

Bah, you can't shed manly tears until you've ascended into the godlike manhood. If you want manly tears, go watch John Woo's The Killer, or Bullet in the Head.

Anyways, 8/10. I prefer the version that was played in Melee though.

This is my last X series track I'm adding for now. Promise.
Final Battle - Megaman X Command Mission

The main boss theme for the first five chapters of the game. The only reason it's called 'Final Battle' is because it plays during the final battle of a chapter.

This game was a nice solid entry into the series, and had some cool characters (Marino = Fuggin' awesome), but it gets almost as much hate as X7 (Which I'm sure I'm the only one in this world that likes it. And not just because Red Alert has Barry Burton's voice actor from the original Resident Evil)
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Again, not my thing. I has a repetitive melody that get's on my nerves. 3/10.

The Almighty
A song from the Persona 4 soundtrack. I wanna say that it's from one of the later bosses, but I can't exactly remember.
It is good, very good to be honest, but it doesn't sound like a song I'd call "The Almighty" I simply don't get something "Mighty" in mind when listening to it. 8/10

Etude For Ghosts - MOTHER 3
The song is entirely played on Piano, and I'm pretty weak to that.
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Again, not my thing. I has a repetitive melody that get's on my nerves. 3/10.

The Almighty
A song from the Persona 4 soundtrack. I wanna say that it's from one of the later bosses, but I can't exactly remember.

It's plays during the final battle with Izanami no Ookami if you get the true ending path. Nowhere near as good as other battle themes though. It's easily overshadowed by Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga music.

Male Gardevoir: 7/10, it's good. Not much else I can say about it.

Battle Hymn of the Soul - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3

Really sets the mood for a truly epic final boss battle. Plus, I really like any form of The Poem for Everyone's Soul. It plays during the final battle with the Nyx Avatar... I don't consider Nyx itself to be a battle, since it's scripted, therefore impossible to lose. This is a battle that, if you're playing through the game normally, will take at least 2 hours to finish. If you take the time to max your level to 99 though, have all of the best Personas, and Lucifer's Sword (Like me >.>), it'll only take around 45 minutes to an hour.
It's good, most likely fitting if you do what the song is called, Spirit Extermination that is.

Skull Man - Megaman 3
I never ever tire of this track, my absolute favourite in the entire series.

Also, quick question Blazing Hearts, what would you have rated Shadow Devil's theme?
Also: I thought this was the final boss battle theme?

Oh yeah... My bad, I tend to get them mixed up somehow.

Also, quick question Blazing Hearts, what would you have rated Shadow Devil's theme?

Probably a 6/10, mainly because of my pure hatred for that boss. I hated it in the original Megaman, I'll hate it in Mega Man X5. You'd think they'd revive a better boss, like Gamma from Mega Man 3.

@Male Gardevoir's song; 8/10. I prefer the Rockman 4 Complete Works version though.

VS Gospel - Megaman Battle Network 2/Rockman EXE 2

Final battle theme of my favorite game in the EXE series. It's also probably one of the harder ones. It plays during the last fight with Trebl-- err... Gospel.

Getting through the WWW area for the Napalm Man Navi chip, Wood,Fire,Aqua, and ElecGspl chips was soooo worth it.
Nice. Very atmospheric, and the way the notes run together give it a very scrapyard-like feel. The Complete Works version was awesome as well. I I had to find a complaint, it does kind of get a little jumbled at parts with so much going on, but not that big a deal. 9/10.

God dammit, I have to do another Mega Man song... it's Whistle Concert (Proto Man's Theme) from Mega Man 3.

Let me just say that I can NOT STOP WHISTLING THIS SONG IN REAL LIFE. It was also the push that made me finally buy a professionally-made ocarina.
Dust Man Stage AKA Robot Scrapyard and the Complete Works version.
This theme is just so underrated, so so underrated.

Dustman, and several other Megaman bosses were designed by one of my favorite manga artists =O (Cause whenever a new Rockman game comes out, Capcom always has these sweepstakes to see who can design robot masters, and the best ones are picked out of those.)

@Skymin; 7/10. Hate to say it, but I'm more of Forte fan myself. Though in overall Megaman, I'm all about Zero and Colonel.

Trap Fanatics - Rockman ZX Advent

And the ZXA Tunes remix

And just because I can, the ZX Gigamix remix, Trap Fanatics
I was gonna do them all separately, but fuck it, there all cool. The original was my least favorite, and the "gigamix" was my favorite. 9/10.

Red Moon
Disgeaa. So sad. D;

I love this song, really. The wind in the beggining may sound wierd, but I can't get over the horns in the middle. Not to mention that (evil) laughter. This song is absolute win to me. XD

EDIT: Darn you and your post ninjaness Blaziking! XP

Ehhh... Can't link sooo... rate Midna's Lament. It's both a song in Twilight Princess and it's unlockable in SSBB.
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