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Rate The Video Game Song Above!

5/10 It didn't really sound that, great, to be quite honest. Just didn't really appeal to me that much.

I hate it when boss battles end because this music ends too. But, is it just me, or is FF7's Boss theme similar to this?
7/10, I prefer the Boss Battle 2. I guess FFVII boss theme sounds a bit like it, but really not that much.

We need more obscure games.

Saturos & Menardi Battle - Golden Sun: The Broken Seal

Best. Handheld. RPG. Duology. Ever. People tend to find me odd that I prefer Felix as a main character over Isaac though, as well as his party... I just think they should switch Water Adepts (Although, Piers is fucking awesome...). C'mon Camelot, make a third one already! You said you guys want to do it, and you know your fans want it, so what's the hold up?!

Anyways, this theme plays in the first game during the battle with both Saturos & Menardi at the top of Venus Lighthouse, and during the boss fight with extra dungeon boss Deadbeard. This song also plays in Golden Sun: The Lost Age, when fighting the optional boss Valukar, who resides in the Yampi Desert.
7/10, I prefer other relaxing themes.

Battle With Geetz - Rockman DASH 2

Jesus christ Crapcom, make a Legends 3 already! The cliffhanger ending from this has been killing everyone for the last 8 years! This plays during the boss fight with, well... Geetz. Whodathunkit? It's the 2nd to last boss fight, not counting the ones you have re-fight in the final dungeon.

Also, a message to anyone who posts the Mega Man Juno themes from the first Legends; I'm going to find you, and reinitialize you.

Yes. I just said that.
Can't think of much to say, it's fast, and cool.

Strong One(Masked Man) - MOTHER 3
'nother one from MOTHER 3, and another song being famous for being ass to combo to. It fits the boss battle at least, because the Masked Man is a hell of a strong boss, compared to most the others, I hate when he uses the Shield Killer and then uses PK Love Delta to kill your entire team. >_>
Can't think of much to say, it's fast, and cool.

Strong One(Masked Man) - MOTHER 3
'nother one from MOTHER 3, and another song being famous for being ass to combo to. It fits the boss battle at least, because the Masked Man is a hell of a strong boss, compared to most the others, I hate when he uses the Shield Killer and then uses PK Love Delta to kill your entire team. >_>

Hmm... 7.5 IMO.

How about..... the Holoska Nighttime theme in Sonic Unleashed?
I couldn't find any, next time link it instead.

memory Of Life - MOTHER 3
The song that plays after Claus' death and the last needle being pulled, and you see the world beginning to rip apart as the first part of it's rebirth. They couldn't possible have chosen a better song.
Sorry for posting early, but I didn't want to get ninja'd, and I have to comment on this song.

YES. YES YES YES. This song, after all that had happened in Mother 3, completely BLEW ME AWAY. Like I said before on my Midna's Lament comment, I'm a complete sucker for piano pieces, and they don't get any prettier than this. This was THE perfect song to end the series on, bittersweet, yet still undeniably optimistic. 10/10.

Hmm...now what to post as a response...I know! "It's Good If It Ends Happily, Isn't It?" from Dynamite Headdy.

A surprisingly beautiful ending theme from a goofy game about puppets. This song has stuck with me for a long time, though I've only beaten the game a few times, and I'm glad I was able to find it again on Youtube. :D
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WTF? I think you may have linked the wrong song.

I found the song anyway though, but you might want to fix that. 7/10 Doesn't really sound that great to me.

What's with the Final Fantasy hate though? I know it started sucking as of FFIX, but seriously... Eh, whatever. I'm all about Tales, and Shin Megami Tensei.

Speaking of MegaTen...

Normal Battle - Shin Megami Tensei II

The author of this video speaks the truth.
Woah man, IX was great. Watchu talkin about?

It's... good? Meh, what can I say about it? A little boring, but still pretty good. 8/10 You also linked me to a chick playin the guitar. <3

Destiny Awaits No One
Music. Soul Caliber II. Dig it.
6.5/10 It's pretty good, but it seems to be repetetive.

Wow, so much FF hate. Personally, I don't really think it's started sucking that much. FFXII had really fun gameplay, just the plot was really good, but so damn confusing. @_@

Anyways, speaking of FFXII, how about the Final Boss theme from it? You really need to listen to it through and through, but it eventually grows to be quite awesome. It plays during the cutscene before the final boss and during the final boss.
5/10 This is coming from my intense hatred for Kingdom Hearts.

I honestly do miss the 90's. It was a time with the words "Square" and "Soft" used together in one word would command ones full undivided attention, and their utmost respect. And when Square could literally throw out 5 games in one year, and still all have them be fucking amazing. Threads of Fate, Chrono Cross, Secret of Evermore, FF Tactics, Bahamut Lagoon, Seiken Densetsu 3, Xenogears, and Brave Fencer: Musashi come to mind when thinking of this.

Now they're really all just a bunch of Squares who really only publish good games (Grandia III! Star Ocean!). Although I loved Drakengard, and Dawn of Mana.

Incarnation of Devil - Star Ocean Till the End of Time version

Used in nearly every tri-Ace game made. This track is typically used in the fight with the bonus boss Gabrie Celeste in the bonus dungeon of each games, but it was also used during the fight with the Ethereal Queen in Star Ocean 3. Just because I feel like it, I'll post the versions used in SO2, Valkyrie Profile, and SO4;

Incarnation of Devil - Star Ocean the Second Story, Valkyrie Profile version

Incarnation of Devil (Next-Gen Remix) - Star Ocean the Last Hope version
5/10 This is coming from my intense hatred for Kingdom Hearts.

I honestly do miss the 90's.
O, you mean when I was still in my mother's fetus? KH is still a awesome game.

8/10. Valkyrie Profile's was the coolest. Which reminds me, I really need to get my hands on this game. I've wanted it for a really long time now They mad a remake, but of course, it's for the PSP. Then I found out my brother got for his PSP, but he won't let me play it. I'm gonna have to get my own PSP (which wouldn't be a waste, cause there are a lot of games I want on there), or buy the ridiculously expensive PSX version. I want Silmeria and Convent of the Plume too, but not as much as the first. Gawd.

Okikurmi The Hero
Another Okami song. I really liked this song for some reason, even though it’s not that good.
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