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Search results

  1. Coloursfall

    Open The Underlegend

    Redtails Blood poked her head from the clan burrow after finishing her meal. Where had her clanmates gone to? She crept out of the hole and looked at the sky. The sickle-shaped shadows that meant Horrors From Above where gone, so she was more relaxed. She trotted to the oasis near the...
  2. Coloursfall

    Open The Underlegend

    I think we'll start now - I'll make an OOC thread for late signups. Also, Feel free to make another char, guys, we need to fill up spots~! --- Blood lowered her head, peeking around the base of a large cactus. Her eyes were locked on a small mouse, which was puttering around a few seeds...
  3. Coloursfall

    Open The Underlegend

    They're like very, very tiny towns, and the numbers can vary quite a bit. The Redtails, since they live in a harsher environment, will have a smaller clan, for example. So on average between 15 - 100 members.
  4. Coloursfall

    Open The Underlegend

    oh, and because I forgot - Cryptica is in
  5. Coloursfall

    Open The Underlegend

    yeaaah. I'd kinda prefer it if you guys didn't argue with myself, Kusa, or moony's decisions, since I'm the creator of the RP, and they're pretty much the co-runners. Some things can't really be argued against, sorry.
  6. Coloursfall

    Open The Underlegend

    it's sort of obvious that he's from another clan...
  7. Coloursfall

    Open The Underlegend

    Holy crap Kusa. In! XDragonFireX, remove the feathers and you'll be good.
  8. Coloursfall

    Open The Underlegend

    Mewtwo + iphillip1 - expand the forms some more please. Everyone else is in.
  9. Coloursfall

    Open The Underlegend

  10. Coloursfall

    Open The Underlegend

    you got it. *nod*
  11. Coloursfall

    Open The Underlegend

    OOC Thread Three clans. Three territories. A war is raging, with three sides. Each side fighting for the right to own the entire territory. Their clans are expanding, and they need more room, so they will need to drive the other clans away to take their land. Each clan, though the same...
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