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Open The Underlegend


OOC Thread

Three clans. Three territories.

A war is raging, with three sides. Each side fighting for the right to own the entire territory. Their clans are expanding, and they need more room, so they will need to drive the other clans away to take their land. Each clan, though the same species, is perfectly willing to slay the others, and their draclings.

This is the Basic look of the ‘Kleiner Drache’, as they are called. Each clan, however, will have minor differences in colours and body shape than the others. They are a foot tall at the shoulder when on all fours, and their wings are tiny, making them incapable of flight. They usually live in burrows, but depending on the environment, they may have other homes. They feed on insects and small mammals. If two from different clans breed, the offspring will be sterile and have many defects, such as stunted growth, deformities, and decreased intelligence. The average lifespan is 50 years. They bear live young, unlike most dragon kinds.

The Redtail clan dwells in the desertland, and are small and swift. Their tails are red-scaled, and their back-spines are long and a deep brown, while the rest of their scales are sand coloured. Their wings are large, and usually beat to cool them down in their desert homeland. They have a red patch under their eyes, on each side. Their leader is Blood.

The Undergold clan dwells in the Junglelands. They’re smaller, thinner, lighter, and faster and more agile than the "average" dragon, for the build, although they're quite strong and wiry under their scales. They have larger ears and eyes, and smaller-than-usual wings. Their mane looks like grass even up close, and their scales are splotches of greenish and brownish tones not too different from army camouflage uniforms. their bellies are deep yellow.
They have a yellow patch under their eyes, on each side. Their leader is Lakua.

The Nightstalker clan dwells in the Mountainlands. These dragons are usually black, with few silver markings on their bodies. The more markings, the higher the status they are. The young Nightstalkers are grey rather than Black. The females of the race are larger than the males and prove to be the hunters of the clan. Men stay near the nesting grounds as a last defence against enemies. Nightstalkers hunt under the fall of night, blending into the shadows with ease. They are swift and intelligent hunters, scouting their land for predators and invasion parties. They have a Blue patch under their eyes, on each side. Their leader is Chandra.

-Usual RP rules, yo~
-Not too too much blood, please..? Some is ok.
-Put ‘shrimps’ in your post if you’ve read this.
-Mary-Sue = Death



Name: Blood
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Clan: Redtail
Appearance: Blood is a large specimen of her kind, standing at just over a foot at the shoulder. Her eyes are gold, with slitted black pupils. Her tail is long and a deep russet red, and as long as her body. Her body is riddled with scars, and her wings are tattered and a chunk is taken out of her ear. At this moment, she’s heavy with draclings, so her belly is large, and she moves slower than she usually does.
Personality: Fierce and brave, Blood is an excellent leader. She can be relied on to make good decisions, and has no problem getting over losses and pushing forward. She does not take well to when her clan members do not agree, since she thinks conflicts in the ranks make them weak.
Bio.: Born to the old clan leader, Blood is the eldest of her siblings. She fought her way to the top shortly after her parents died, at the age of 20. She has remained Clan Leader since then, and has finally been able to have her first litter of draclings, which she is currently pregnant with.
Relationships: Open to mate apps.
Other: cheese~

Blood – FMC - Redtail
Lakua – Kusari - Undergold
Chandra - moon-panther - Nightstalker
Sapphire - Darksong - Need form - Nightstalker
Ayald - Minnow - Redtail
Drakoa - Blastoise428 - Undergold
Kage-kurou - Cryptica - Nighstalker
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Name: Chandra
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Clan: Nightstalker
Appearance: a Black scaled Dragon with a crescent moon scar on her chest and pale blue eyes. Her body is covered in the strange silver markings of her kind, showing that she is the highest in her clan. Her claws are larger than the norm and a single spike on her head looks like a curled lock of hair. The spikes running down her back are curved to look like fringe of waving fur.
Personality: She is calm and calculating, ruling over her clan with a silent pride. She scouts her land personally, climb high into the mountains the scan the slopes. When in battle, she uses the shadows around her and strikes swiftly, ripping her opponent's throat out. When back in the nesting grounds of her clans, she sits with the children and tells the stories of adventure and daring escapes, allowing the to climb over her and make wild flower necklaces.
Bio.: Born and raised in the family of the previous leaders, she was groomed to be the leader since she could walk. She carries weight of leader on her shoulder with practiced elegance, protecting her clan from harm and danger.
Relationships: None so far.
Other: Shrimps are yummy
Girls are the hunters? HECK YEAH!

Name: Silvercrest(Silver for short)
Age: 58
Gender: Female
Clan: Nightstalker
Appearance: this Black with a few silver markings, as she isn't very high in ranks yet. Otherwise, whatever they look like.
Personality: Ummm... PO?
Bio.: She is Chandra's sister(if that's allright) but isn't getting to be the leader. She still works hard, and gets part of the pay.
Relationships: Chandra's Sister(again, if that's allright)
Other: She llloooovvveeesss her shrimps.
Name: Ayald
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Clan: Redtail

Appearance: Ayald is even smaller than usual for his clan, although this gives him extra speed. His wings are also a little larger than most and he can, with a running start, glide a foot or two. However amazing this may be, it's hardly ever useful. Ayald's general structure is rather weaker than average, with less muscle than usually seen on Redtails. His muted blue eyes contrast brightly with his trademark red patches.

Personality: Somewhat shy, Ayald usually prefers to listen rather than speak. This is partially because he is afraid of sounding wrong or naive, but when he knows - or at least thinks he knows - that he's right he can become a little stubborn and argumentative. Ayald knows and understands the motives and reasons for the war but thinks that there must be a better way to resolve the conflict than by all-out fighting. He is generally peaceful, but can lash out when angered or frustrated. He often, because of his youth and shyness, comes off as inexperienced, which can sometimes lead to one of the things he hates most, patronization.

Bio.: Ayald's family was very pro-war, and they had various beliefs about the Redtails being the 'true' Kleiner Drache. His older siblings had all been caught up in the war for a while when his parents confronted him about following in their footsteps. Disgusted, Ayald soon left his family behind to go try to spread a message of peace. These attempts were laughed at by nearly everyone he came across and soon gave up, thinking he could never change anyone's mind. He soon realized that the only way to get the clan leaders to listen would be to climb to a high-ranking position and speak his mind when he had more credibility. Ayald is currently attempting to rise through the ranks, and failing miserably, as he was never a good fighter.

Relationships: No relationships yet.

Other: Shrimp kebabs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo, pan fried, deep fried, stir fried, pineapple shrimp and lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich...

About the age, I figured that if their average lifespan is 50 years, then halfway, 25, would be about 40 if they were human.
So I mathemagically figured that 16 would be about 24. Is my ratio correct? 75/50=1.5, so 16*1.5=24? Or are we just going by human years, and they only live to 50? Because if so, then I'll change Ayald's age.

Oh, wow. I wrote much more than I had meant to. I guess I was worried about writing too little.
Name: Leruan
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Clan: Undergold
Appearance: Was actually a Nightstalker, but defected due to his leadership abilities. He is special because he is almost all silver, and only a few Black splotches. He is stocky and strong and has extra-thick scales. he has very strong teeth that can rip through almost anything.
Personality: Easily angered, but only if he is being pestered. He is a good leader and a strong warrior.
Bio.: Like I said, defected from the Nightstalker clan when he was about 15. He trained for 5 years on his own with one or two others. When the others died in a battle he decided that with his great fighting skills and leadership skills that he could really help one of the clans, but he knew he could never go back to the Nightstalker clan, and he had a personal bone to pick with the Redtail clan, the ones who killed his two comrades. When he joined Nightstalker his abilities brought him up to second in command.
Relationships: Despises Blood for killing his comrades. Also hates Chandra for banishing him.
Other: He hates to eat shrimps. Is that OK?

Will Lakua be a boy or girl?
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Name: Ambros (am-BROEZ)
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Clan: Undergold
Appearance: He has large ears, even for an Undergold, and has keen eyes, one yellow like a cat's and the other blue. His mane (that thing on his back, right?) is short and bristly, except for the part on the top of his head, which is quite long. He keeps his wings held close to his back, mostly because he thinks that they look silly. He's a bit of a shrimp comparatively, and has a habit of scratching his head with his tail.
Personality: Cynical and yet fun to be around, if you don't mind being annoyed. Other than that, PO.
Bio.: Ambrosio was born with a twin named Nectar, who died a few weeks after the birth. He was always teased for his large ears, became quite bitter towards most of the other Undergolds. He made a few friends, though, and that allowed him to not develop some sort of lonliness-based mental trauma.
Relationships: Umm, I can never fill these in... so, none yet.
Other: Ambrosio, from the day he was born, loved trees. He crawls on them, swings on them, and sleeps in them.
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Name: Shadow
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Clan: Nightstalker
Appearance: Dark gray, with a single small silver patch on her left leg. She's about to become an adult, so is not yet fully black. Shadow has black wings, and the regular blue patches under her eyes. Her actual eyes are amber, with black slitted pupils.
Personality: Shadow is sociable, and tries to be the best. She is energetic, but knows when to stop. She causes trouble, but never on purpose. Shadow isn't afraid to speak up, and tries to fit in with the older dragons. Likes to makes fun of younger dragons, and generally be the center of attention. She's generally ignored by the older dragons, and some of the dragons around her age.
Bio.:Shadow was born in the Nightstalker clan, and lived a relatively normal life.
Relationships: None.
Other: Shadow has never eaten shrimp, salmon, tuna, lobster or crab, but she likes birds.
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Name: Lakua
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Clan: Undergold

Like her father and mother before her, Lakua is larger than most Undergolds, and even slightly larger than the average Kleiner Drache. She does, however, retain mostly the same build, and is thin and light like the others. Her large ears and sharp blue eyes help her catch signs of danger and give her full awareness of what is going on around her. Her wings are longer and narrower than usual, looking almost like blades sticking from her shoulders, and when added to her darker, murkier hide and long, shaggy mane, she can look fearsome to those who don't know her.

As the leader, she is one of the fastest and strongest of the Undergolds, but by no means the absolute best. Rather, it is the loyalty most of the Undergolds (especially the well-trained warriors) hold for her, and her ability to appear caring or imposing, that allow her to remain the leader. It can only help that her father was leader before her, so she received the training and leadership experience as his successor. Her calm, confident demeanor help gain the trust of some, while her achievements might sway others.

Lakua is every bit as serene and confident as she appears, rarely showing fear. She doesn't completely repress joy, sadness, or any other emotion, but her expressions of her emotions are muted down to a respectable level. She changes a bit depending on the situation, however. In battle, she hides all emotions except for confidence and determination, for example, while she'll be comforting when dealing with the sick or injured.

Lakua believes that anything goes between enemy clans, except for torture, but with allied clans or within a clan, honour is very important. Dishonour between clans, to her, is as good as ending the alliance, unless an official apology and perhaps a banishment follow. She will exile any Undergold that would break the alliance in this way, or simply kill them if it will help repair the alliance. Within her own clan, however, things are slightly different; she'll challenge the Undergold to a duel in a clearing. Should the Undergold lose, it would also be exiled, although if it surrenders instead and makes penance with the wronged party, it will be forgiven. If no penance is made, the Undergold can leave peacefully, but it cannot remain.

Exiled Undergolds need not lose all hope, however; Lakua's brother, Noor, is the leader of the Pyrite clan, which partially consists of exiled Undergolds. Ultimately they still report to Lakua, simply because Noor does, but they are mostly independent. If Noor and Lakua agree that an Undergold in the Pyrite clan has repented, the Undergold can rejoin her clan if it so wishes.

As one of the oldest three dragons born to her father, Lakua was trained from near-birth to lead the Undergold clan, being taught how to control herself in any situation and the Undergold's values as they have stood for generations. When it came to learning the practical, physical skills, though, the children all learned with the rest of the clan.

She grew up under her parents' tutelage, until all three had matured; it was then that they were taken to a special clearing. She noticed that the grass was red, reminding her of fire and blood, and listened as it was explained to her: executions and exiles typically were performed in this clearing of bloodgrass. However, there was another, less dark tradition that occured here: the candidates for the leader-to-be would fight (but not to the death) to prove their superiority, and the rest of the clan would express whom they wanted to lead them. It was her father and mother, though, that would decide who the leader would be.

Ultimately she and her brother Noor lost in battle and popularity to their sister Harall, although Lakua was second should Harall be proven unfit as leader. It was soon after that she found a mate, Sakaul.

As was to be expected, their parents passed away, and Harall was given full power over the clan. However, after a few bad decisions, Noor challenged Harall for leadership of the clan. She accepted, and won, exiling Noor; to her surprise, though, a sizeable amount of dragons left with him. Furiously, Harall declared war on his "Pyrites", with Lakua reluctantly taking position as the captain of the largest Gold Leaf divisions.

Harall's very simple, forward strategy proved inferior to Noor's guerilla tactics, which Lakua and most captains were also fond of; while most of her Golden Leaves survived, Harall and many dragons perished. Lakua instantly became leader of the Undergold clan, so she sought a truce with her brother. He accepted as long as his Pyrites could remain separate, and she agreed on the terms that they would always be allies of the Undergold clan and that their leader would report to the leader of the Undergolds, unless the Undergold leader truly didn't deserve its position. In turn, the Pyrite leader would become an advisor to the Undergold leader.

Recently she has become aware that her clan is too large for the forest to support, but she refused to limit expansion of the clan... so the only course of action available was to expand their territory. As the Nightstalkers and Redtails were enemy clans, she looked toward their territories, although they weren't very appealing. She knew that the mountains and desert were much less hospitable, but the forest was expanding a bit, too; perhaps, once they took over the other two territories, they could help the forest's growth, as they often did after a disaster struck an area of the forest.

Relationships: Ruler of everyone in the Undergold clan. Six children (four age 11; two age 7). Mate and parents are deceased. The leader of the Pyrite sub-clan is her brother.

Other: Though everyone can fight and hunt, as she demands of her clan, most Undergolds generally have a specific, but unofficial, role they play as part of the clan, such as a sub-leader or hunter. However, she has several divisions of dragons specifically trained to be warriors. The Gold Leaves are the first line of defence against any threat, and the only dragons to attack another territory. Each Gold Leaf division has a leader with two sub-leaders, who choose the division's name.

For the sake of simplicity, all of the Undergolds who sign up and don't specifically want a non-fighter role will be in the same division. You can apply to be one of the sub-leaders of the division; Lakua leads this one herself, so that we can keep the players together. Because I am extremely original, we'll be called the Dancing Shadows. (If you can suggest a better name, go for it!)

That okay with the shrimp?
Name: Sapphire
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Clan: Nightstalker
Appearance: Sapphire is very dark in color, even for a Nightstalker. Her eyes are a piercing green, and her snout is pointed. She has especially large ears, and a rather robust build. Sapphire also has long legs and sharp claws, with a scar on her left shoulder. She has silver markings along her neck, haunches and shoulders.
Personality: Sapphire has a quick temper, easily getting angry. But, she's a generally happy dragon, often swinging her tail in delight. She is not easily discouraged, and is always determined to try her best. Sapphire is rather gullible sometimes, and otherwise quick to act.
Bio.: Sapphire was born on a cold day, and hardly survived, while her brothers died. She's not very strong, since she hatched late, but she's of average size, so others can't see her weakness until she fights. When she was seven years old, her mother disappeared and didn't come back. To this day, Sapphire suspects that she was killed, but still has her hopes up to find her mother someday. Her father is still living. And she loves shrimps; they're her favorite food. She tried her first one when she was nine years old, and has loved them ever since.
Relationships: You're welcome to ask!
Other: Cheese, bread and butter!
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Name: Kage-kurou, also known as "KK."
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Clan: Nightstalker
Appearance: KK has scales that are blacker than the darkest black. His silver markings look as if he was scratched by an animal with small claws repeatedly. The short stripes glitter in the moonlight, but are plain and grey with the sun. His tail is long and thick, and his wings are larger than usual.
Personality: KK is kind and loyal, defensive of his allies. He's calm and hard to arouse, and prefers not to follow dull routines often. He will attack viciously when confronted, but only if the ontaker is an enemy. Otherwise he protects his friends with his life.
Bio.: KK was born to a kind mother but harsh father, who often sneaked out of the area and hunted during the daytime. His father was ruthless and strong, and much of a trickster and troublemaker. After an argument between his parents about how the male should stop doing such things, he killed his wife with many slices to the body.
Then, after an attack on their family, the father was killed protecting his son. At the last moment before he drifted off, his mind seemed to clear and he tried to apologize for what he had done. KK now follows the wishes of his father, whom he believes is still up there, his soul captured in an alignment of the stars...
Relationships: Hates shrimps, his imaginary... cheese...
Other: Nothing.
What if it was only known to Leruan that he was a member of an enemy clan and he assumed the position of an undergold clan member, and is simply considered albino because of his almost all-silverness? Would that be OK?
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