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Open The Underlegend

What exactly do you mean by clan, in terms of size? Around how big are they intended to be? Dozens? Scores? Hundreds? More? Less?
Oh, no, that's not what I meant to ask. I meant, like, in the world of the Kleiner Drache, not in actual, real, people. Are the fictional clans more like families, countries, or somewhere in between?
Ah. Well...hmm...I'm not sure right now. But someone will answer that soon enough.

It's midnight here, so my brain is fried right now
I think they're more like big families, but I'm not sure. If you've ever read Warriors, you would know what it was like, but since you're asking, I doubt you have.
They're like very, very tiny towns, and the numbers can vary quite a bit. The Redtails, since they live in a harsher environment, will have a smaller clan, for example. So on average between 15 - 100 members.
Ah, okay. Fairly small, then. Like you said, a small town.

I think they're more like big families, but I'm not sure. If you've ever read Warriors, you would know what it was like, but since you're asking, I doubt you have.

No, I haven't, but I've heard they're good and intend on reading them at some point.
We'll start once we have a few other people join the other clans. But it's up to FMC if we are to start before that happens.
I think we'll start now - I'll make an OOC thread for late signups. Also, Feel free to make another char, guys, we need to fill up spots~!


Blood lowered her head, peeking around the base of a large cactus. Her eyes were locked on a small mouse, which was puttering around a few seeds. She licked her lips, and her mouth opened slightly, showing her razor-sharp teeth. Food was scarce lately, and she and her unborn draclings needed all they could get.

She crept around the cactus, tail bobbing behind her. She was trying to be quiet, and was doing a pretty good job of it, if she did say so herself. Her prey hadn't even noticed her, and if all went well, it wouldn't know what hit it. She lunged, front claws extended, and grabbed ahold of her prey, transferring it immediately to her jaws.

Quickly, quickly!

There was a large bird over head - she could hear it calling. It must of spotted her. She ran, diving into the burrow. Safe. She started deeper into the dark burrow, locating her section, and settled down to eat.
Kage-kurou paced impatiently near the den. When would something good happen? What about something bad? When was lunch?

He shook his head to clear it of the thoughts. Sooner or later, there would have to be a predator hungry for dragon meat. He scratched at the ground with his large hind claws. If there was something interesting underground, this was the way to get it.
Ambros stretched, yawning. He blinked, and then quickly slithered out from the hole in his tree. He climbed up onto a branch and looked around. There! A rather large rodent, about the size of a young Undergold, was tramping along the forest floor. Quick as a flash, Ambros lept down, claws in front. With a slash, his claws sank into the jugular of the creature. It fell, bleeding, and Ambros snapped its neck. He grabbed the rodent's head and hauled it to his tree. Ambros pulled it up, and soon arrived at a tall branch. Panting, he started on a haunch.

Crouching low to the ground, Chandra makes her way along the mountain said, stalking a lost mountain goat. The sun beats down on her black scales, the silver reflecting in the light. But, fornate for Chandra, the goat didn't notice her slow descend on the unsuspecting beast.

She flicks her tail and leaps from her perch over the goat and quickly kills the creature. She smiles victoriously, the scent of the mountain flowers in the air. She lifts the dead goat and climbs the mountain to a sizable den where she live with the others. She tosses the goat into the center.

"Eat up, my friends. We never know when our next meal will be"

She stands back and watches her clan feed, silent pride in her eyes.
Sapphire happily jumped, nodding thankfully and respectfully to her leader. She waited a moment before nibbling on the prey, then eating faster until she had had her fill. The black dragon sat back, swishing her tail through the air silently. As her leader had said, she never knew when the next prey would be. Luckily, she hadn't eaten much, so the others could have more.
Shadow scented the air, there was food nearby, maybe someone had brought back some prey? She opened her sleepy eyes, and saw Chandra tossing a goat into the middle of them all. Shadow joined the group of dragons around the prey, and gratefully took a few bites. She wiped her muzzle, and sat back on her haunches.
Ayald, tenderly holding his front left talon off the ground, grimaced. He had thought that his leg might be broken, but he was having doubts. It would hurt much more if it was broken, he reasoned. He had never broken a bone before, though, so he wasn't sure.

Why did others have to be so barbaric? He didn't like putting it that way but that's how they were. Beating another to the point of unconsciousness just because they didn't agree with their beliefs, especially with war, was just, for lack of another word, stupid. For one thing any thoughts about fighting for their clan would be squelched because they wouldn't want to associate with that kind of people. And anyway, it sends the wrong message.

Of course, Ayald had already committed himself to fighting anyway for personal reasons, but that's beside the point.

Ayald shivered. I should probably have this looked at, he thought, Maybe it really is broken. He knew that there were special dens for warriors where they could rest and be tended to, but he wasn't sure if he was a high enough rank yet.

Well, it couldn't hurt, thought Ayald. After thinking for a few seconds he thought, Ok, well, it could. But this really needs attention. I think that there's one of those dens just north of these hills.

Glancing up at the looming, rocky hills he determinedly set off.

~ ~ ~​

OOC: Um, so my grandma's going to be visiting until Thanksgiving so I won't have much chance to use the computer. I'll try to post when I can, though. I'm glad we've started and I hope we get more members!
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Shadow looked around, now that she had eaten a few bites, she was ready to do something. Maybe, she could get another dragon to come hunting with her, and they could try to find a bit extra to eat.
((Anyone want to come?))
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