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Open The Underlegend

Actually, I just edited Sapphire's age, because 19 is really young for a dragon. They don't mature until 20, if I remember correctly. She's 34 instead. :D
umm, albino means almost completely white


Maybe you should consider changing your backstory entirely, instead of just desperately changing each detail in turn and trying to come up with something that just squeezes by.
It means that in Humans. Obviously this is NOT in our universe or dimension therefore a dragon could be silver albino instead of white. AND white is pretty close to silver.
Albinism is a lack of pigment, not that there's a large amount of pale-coloured pigment. But the dragons don't know that, so it's not important.

Since white (and silver) are terrible for camouflage in the forest, generally any albino in the wild has a much lower life expectancy. So even if he got adopted, when he's left to hunt on his own (which would invariably happen), he'd die pretty fast. Also if adoption ever happened your dragon would have to be still a dracling.

Besides, colour isn't the only visible difference between dragons, so the Undergolds won't be fooled.

More importantly, the plants in this forest are particularly dangerous for non-Undergold (by birth) dragons, so he wouldn't survive very long anyway. It's the same for the other terrains - if you're not native to the area, you'll find it much more dangerous.

Also @Darksong, dragons reach sexual maturity at 7-9, so 19 isn't that young. Prime mating age!
Your logic is so perfect it leaves me almost crying. I just have one question. Why are you so adamant about me not being in the clan?
I'm not. It's simply that there's no way a clan would logically accept a dragon from another clan as one of its members. There's no point. The outsider's got a much higher chance of dying and will probably only be a burden, plus it only creates inferior offspring if that dragon managed to mate with one from the clan.
He has no plan of mating with the Undergold clan and is too good a warrior and diplomat to die that easily.
@iphillip1: Whether or not he wishes to mate is irrelevant. It's simply that an outsider could do so. The same applies to being a burden on the clan - there's like a 95% chance that you'll just be a burden. The refusal to accept outsiders means all outsiders, and would be roughly the same argument from all clans.

For day-to-day survival, you'd need to be a hunter before you're a warrior. Your character, even if he was the best hunter in the world, would not have learned how to hunt in this particular habitat, and is not suited for this habitat. It's only worse considering that the plants act semi-sentient and will kill you if you, say, touch a particular vine and you're not biologically an Undergold.

Not only that, but the Undergolds are naturally going to kill you on sight since the Nightstalkers and Undergolds are enemies.

@Darksong: Yes.
Well, I see you are going to be INCREDIBLY difficult, and logical about this sooo, I'll make another form and have you weigh in on it. Just not right now.
yeaaah. I'd kinda prefer it if you guys didn't argue with myself, Kusa, or moony's decisions, since I'm the creator of the RP, and they're pretty much the co-runners. Some things can't really be argued against, sorry.
In all honesty, I was only arguing for 2 reasons. Post count and to see your guys intellect. Oh, and a 3rd reason. I enjoy agruement. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Lessee, so your arguing had nothing to do with the fact that you wanted your character to be accepted into the Nightstalkers?

And yes, I know that. You're just making excuses, right? Yes. I'm clever at figuring these things out.
Well, I did want him to be accepted, but around those last 1 or 2 posts I figured out that wouldn't happen. And now you're just being mean to me. And it seems like your assuming. And you know what happens when you assume. Or do I have to repeat it. Anywho, I reserve a Nightstalker position, if I'm still welcome here.
Wait a minute, what are we talking about?

I'm not trying to be mean, just logical. Sorry if it did sound mean, sometimes logic can turn into serious sanity for me :/

Aaanyways~ I can't wait for dragonstuffs to start~
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