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Search results

  1. Coloursfall

    What are you reading?

    Just finished Mockingjay~ THE ENDING AAAA <3 /runs off to write fanfic and never post it
  2. Coloursfall

    What are you reading?

    Just finished Catching Fire; starting on Mockingjay. THESE BOOKS THESE BOOKS I LOVE THEM.
  3. Coloursfall

    What are you reading?

    The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks. Ma just bought it for me today~
  4. Coloursfall

    What are you reading?

    Suck it Up by Brian Meehl. I rather enjoy this one~ It's the first vampire novel I've read in a while, too.
  5. Coloursfall

    What are you reading?

    Just finished Hominids by Robert J. Sawyer. was really good; looking for the other two in the series. Started on The Giver by Lois Lowry now. It's creeping me out and I'm not halfway through. :C
  6. Coloursfall

    What are you reading?

    Finally getting around to finishing Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Linsday. :v
  7. Coloursfall

    What are you reading?

    Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Linsday. My mom is awesome and buys me cool books.
  8. Coloursfall

    What are you reading?

    Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal - Christopher Moore This book is hilarious. Go read it~
  9. Coloursfall

    What are you reading?

    I'm attempting to read Through the Looking Glass, Breakfast of Champions, AND The Freedom Writer's Diary at the same time right now, heh. Breakfast of Champions is freaking confusing.
  10. Coloursfall

    What are you reading?

    Just finished 1984. It was... rather frightening. Reading Hamlet for English. Can't choose between The World According to Garp or The Andromeda Strain to read next. :/ any suggestions?
  11. Coloursfall

    What are you reading?

    Raptor Red last time I read it, I was seven |D ah man, I loved it. I just started it again, so let's see how much I remember~
  12. Coloursfall

    What are you reading?

    Lullabies for Little Criminals by Heather O'Neil It's awesome. |D and I just burst out laughing because
  13. Coloursfall

    What are you reading?

    READ IT DO IT NOW *cough* um. For me.... I've been reading FMA too. xD;
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