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Search results

  1. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Fletcher was stuffing a pancake into his mouth at the exact time the question was asked, and it took a bit of manoeuvring before he could swallow and answer. "I was just going to head to the gym, like I'm sure plenty of us are. I'd probably tag along to the mines or museum as well, they look...
  2. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    "Bluh, Breath. Obvious obvious obvious. Only riddles are obnoxious enough to make me feel like an idiot and like it at the same time. And yeah, Pumpkins are indeed the answer." Fletcher grinned, enjoying this friendly téte-a-téte. Or was that right at all? His German French tutor had learned...
  3. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    "Nope, not a Halloween mask, though that is on the right track." said Fletcher. "Hmm. No man can hold it for long. I'm guessing 'hold' is some sort of metaphorical thing, like 'hold your ground', only ground isn't very light, now is it. You can hold on to memories, I guess, so I'm going to go...
  4. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    "Riddles? Hell yes, I had a tutor once who was obsessed with riddles. And Shakespeare. If he'd written many riddles, she probably would have died of happiness. Instead of, you know, just dying like regular people do." He put his hands to his hair and shook it wildly, trying to remember a few...
  5. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    "Never been in a burrow myself. Doubt it's for me. The whole 'buried alive' thing, you know. Hard to shake the connection." He spent the next couple of minutes trying to right himself in the trees to a comfortable position, but every limb had a bunch of shoots sticking out of it, making...
  6. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Alex talked a little. And then some more. Really, for such an offhand comment, the kid did go on a lot. "Mascots and addvertisements? Bluh. That's just...they're Pokémon. They have minds, too. Breeding them just for some promotion is sick and wrong." He stalked away to the tree, because he...
  7. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    ((Yes. Kerfuffle. A perfectly cromulent word.)) "Blufghugh!" Fletcher choked out, waking. He'd just had the strangest dream. Something about a whale with a stick in it and a black Rapidash on a hill. And laughing. Little children, laughing, laughter thick like some terrible- "Lllllllts!" Flick...
  8. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    "Wait...they left you, and their stuff? Strange people you were with, Ogio," Fletcher called out as he unpacked his ridiculously expensive tent. There were more functional models, but Dad had had the money to splash, so here he was. A tiny thing, he would probably feel cramped and constricted...
  9. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    "I have a Cherubi, I'm good, thanks," Fletcher mumbled absent mindedly. True, he could catch it, but he'd prefer to save his sixth and final battle slot for a truly special Pokémon, of which very few people could count Budew. Other beginner trainers would benefit from the creature's company more...
  10. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    "In-intrusive? But-" Part of every conversation was, of course, listening and responding to the other person's words, or otherwise the excursion was more similar to a series of monologues. It could never be said that Fletcher dismissed and ignored other people's opinions outright. So when...
  11. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Fletcher smirked both inwardly and outwardly at Atem's silence. Perhaps is words had hit home. Or perhaps she was too tired with him to bother speaking to him any more. He would consider either one a victory. He now turned to Cassy; "Uh, no, no Speech or Debate classes, nothing like that. And...
  12. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Fletcher cringed as Alex did as he predicted and invited Ogio along. He was glad their de-facto leader hadn't invited him as a permanent place, but was certain he would soon. Not that Fletcher had anything against the kid, but ugh, every Bidoog, Shinx or Budew was likely to be invited along at...
  13. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Fletcher balked slightly as Dink waved a toenail in front of his face (but, fortunately for his stomach, didn't eat it) and said more things that could roughly be construed as sentences. Fletcher turned to get up, not exactly liking being called stupid, but before he could move away from Dink...
  14. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Ogio muttered something about the Natu hating everything that wasn't a bird, but the Pokémon didn't seem to be attacking any of the others, so Fletcher labelled it harmless and thought no more about it. He felt like saying something, but Kiara and Alex seemed to be doing a nice enough job of...
  15. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Fletcher jumped slightly as a blur shot past him, and twisted around to get a better look at the object in question. A teenager, eyes obscured by glasses caught in sunlight, collided painfully into a tree. Fletcher flinched slightly as he saw the bike crumple and twist in on itself, the teenager...
  16. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    After this display from Dink, Fletcher realised he had no real significant information on the boy. Atem and Alex he had pretty well figured out, and Kiara, too, to a lesser extent. But Dink, however, was a mystery beyond the words "total nutcase". He wondered where this kid had came from. Had he...
  17. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Fletcher was a tad taken aback at Alex's mother's sudden appearance-from the way he'd described it yesterday, he thought the woman was 'out of the picture', so to speak, so that he was sent into a spiral of thoughts about his own mother that by the time he'd came to his senses she was gone. Oh...
  18. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    "Bluh," Fletcher moaned, as conversation erupted around him. Sometimes having so many in the group was rather bothersome. So many opinions to have to take into consideration, and so many things he wanted to argue with flying together that he couldn't possibly argue with them all, and as he tried...
  19. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    "Fairly cool dude?" Fletcher joked, sliding into a sitting position at the table after a little while of observing their conversation. "You're underselling me atrociously, Alex." He knew that this passage of conversation was about a minute old, but it was the best time he felt to make an...
  20. Coroxn

    Open Green Hills and Blue Skies

    Of all the ways to wake up, Fletcher had just learned that air-horns were his least favourite. He'd have to get his Pokémon to 'accidentally' melt it into a viscous goo. Still, he had slept more soundly than he did most nights, and so he performed the morning rituals (two getting dressed, two...
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