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Open Green Hills and Blue Skies


"Umm, actually the whole advertising thing doesn't last longer than a week for them, then their usually selected by an employee, or manager, or whatever, to be a companion to them, like any other Pokemon. It's jus that their breeding is specific for appearance and moves so that the short advertising stint works out quite well." Alex defended, not appreciating that any sort of inhumane thing would be asumed of his father.
Dink stared at Fletcher for one second. Then two. Then three. After he got to ten, he blinked. "I'd say well enough. I had an issue around midnight with a family from the Starly line who thought I was being invasive. So I moved their nest to a different tree. It didn't help." He plucked a bit of balled lint from Fletcher's shoulder, and his tongue shot out of his head, tasting it. He spat onto the ground. Whatever blanket or bag Fletcher slept in tasted filthy.

"You might want to have some spring cleaning." He commented. "Anyway, I think I prefer Aspens. They're so clustered you can sleep in two at once. Most of all, I prefer burrows, but I hardly have time to make one of those that fits me. Small as I am, Bidoof are far smaller."
Ogio kept lying in his tent, listening to the conversation outside. He picked up his Swinub and woke up the rest of his Pokemon. He walked out and looked at Alex, who was making pancakes. He wished he'd thought of a little kitchen. He collapsed and packed the tent. Inside of his messanger bag, he pulled out his Pokemon food and a water bottle. He walked over to his Mantine first, making sure it was awake.

"How did you all sleep?" He looks around seeing that not all of them were awake. "I heard some moving in the trees, did one of you all do that?" He feeds his Pokemon and sits by, sipping water, waiting for Alex to finish and everyone else to wake up. "And if there are any hard feelings about yesterday, involving me, I'm sorry." He took an asprin out and swallowed it, he had a headache after his night.
"Never been in a burrow myself. Doubt it's for me. The whole 'buried alive' thing, you know. Hard to shake the connection."

He spent the next couple of minutes trying to right himself in the trees to a comfortable position, but every limb had a bunch of shoots sticking out of it, making comfortable sitting impossible. Eventually, he just took out a small hunting knife and carved away them away. Eventually, he had a nice, comfortable limb to sit on. After positioning himself in it, he turned back to Dink.

"So, the city with all the coal mining's up ahead. Never fond of mines. What with the coal dust and all. You going to be going to the gym? If your Croagunk knows any fighting type moves, it should be easy enough. My Cherubi will have to be the brunt of my attack-a doubly effective type advantage over some of them. Should be a piece of cake."

"Oh, good morning, Ogio." Alex replies in acknowledgement, "I slept fine, several warm Pokemon always makes sleeping a fine thing. The tree thing was Duncan, he had been sleeping in it through the night, and as far as I;ve gathered, it wasn't too terribly comfortable for him."

Alex noticed that all of the girls were still asleep and frowned for a second. He then turned back to the pancakes, which were nearing completetion, a stack of about three dozen were sitting on the plate on the table next to his burner.

"I hope those three wake up soon, I don't their breakfast to get cold." Alex remarked. Gallahad hopped down from Alex's shoulder, seeing that he no longer needed to help, and soon began to play with Arcade, who had been skittering around a tree as fast as he could for the past while.
"I suppose that makes sense. It's easier to fit in a hole when you're my size, though. Almost like a little elf or a halfling." Dink observed Fletcher's behavior with the tree. That was odd.

"I've never been competitive enough to care for Gyms or tournaments and the like. That Austin man did manage to get me thinking of mythology. Either way, I think I'll go to the coal mines, maybe the museum. Go to the Gym so I can observe everyone, but probably no real competition in store for me." He picked at his teeth. He'd had a kernel of popcorn stuck in his mouth since before he left home. He looked at the sun as it climbed ever higher into the sky.

He wasn't sure how he was going to spend the day. Walking, obviously. But he needed something else, or he'd get fat from constant munching on bark, grass, berries, and whatever else he found around. "So, Fletcher, I don't suppose you know a few riddles?" A wry smile curled over his teeth.
"Riddles? Hell yes, I had a tutor once who was obsessed with riddles. And Shakespeare. If he'd written many riddles, she probably would have died of happiness. Instead of, you know, just dying like regular people do."

He put his hands to his hair and shook it wildly, trying to remember a few. It was so long ago. He knew she'd had some excellent ones, but only one sprang to mind, and it was pretty terrible. He ran it through his head three or four times, to make sure it was as coherent as he thought, and then began.

"Short, squat and twisted.
So bland you wouldn't care.
But once a year
You shrink in fear
At the face I wear.

"You should probably be aware that 'you' at this point is not referring, actually, to you, but to more common people. And after this, I'm heading down, because unless I am hallucinating wildly-and that's a dangerous thing to do this high up-I can smell Alex's pancakes, which are my absolute favourite meal. Pancakes in general, not just Alex's, you understand."

He leaned back into the trees, and waited expectantly for an answer whilst his stomach violently attacked him.
After waking up and having a nice breakfast, Kiara heard the word "Riddles", and she decided to jump in on the conversation.

"Hey, I like riddles too!" she said. Kiara thought about the little rhyming riddle. You shrink in fear at the face I wear... Fear reminded Kiara of Halloween, so could it have been something to do with Halloween masks? She couldn't make anymore sense of it. She was better at logic riddles than "What am I" riddles.

Kiara chuckled nervously, saying, "Uhh, I'll let Dink answer this... But I have my own riddle. I'll say it when Dink solves yours."
Atem had been awake for some time, but reasoned against eating with the others; she wanted a few scarce seconds alone with her Pokémon. After letting them wake up soon after, she grabbed a few Pokéblocks from her pack and fed them. She briefly thought of fetching a few of Alex's pancakes, but shook her head. She wasn't particularly hungry anymore.

Returning Enigma, Aveen, Masque, and Spiritus to their Pokéballs, the Goth put her hair up in the two buns again after combing it, and in turn applied her usual cosmetics. After pressing her lips together, evening out the coal-colored lipstick she wore, she stepped out of her tent, pressing a small button near the flaps. With another exaggerated boom! and smoke, it returned to its original capsule form, and the girl popped it back into her pouch.

She heard some of the others, specifically Fletcher, Dink, and Kiara, converse about riddles. Atem rolled her eyes at this as she reluctantly went to join them, merely giving a curt nod as her greeting.
Kiara noticed Atem had come to join them. Kiara just smiled quickly at Atem, then turned towards Fletcher.

"Is it a Halloween Mask, Fletcher?" She guessed. "Here's a riddle I know of; This is lighter than a feather, yet no man can hold it for long. What is it?"
"Nope, not a Halloween mask, though that is on the right track." said Fletcher.

"Hmm. No man can hold it for long. I'm guessing 'hold' is some sort of metaphorical thing, like 'hold your ground', only ground isn't very light, now is it. You can hold on to memories, I guess, so I'm going to go with that."

With that, he slid unceremoniously out of the tree, having quite miscalculating the height, and collapsed nastily on the floor. He vaulted up and limped over to the tree trunk, shaking his ankle thoroughly as pain took through it. It was all he could do to stop hopping around the place like a mad thing.

Eventually, he limped back to Kiara.

"So, memories?"
Kiara smiled. "No, people can hold on to memories for as long as they can. And memories don't have matter; They're just images simulated by the brain. Memories don't have weight, but the answer to the riddle has weight that's lgihter than a feather. The answer I'm thinking of cannot be held for long."

Her face twisted into uncertainty as she tried to think of the answer to the riddle. She looked to the ground for a second, they put her head back up. Somehow the riddle seemed clear once she thought about it enough. It was so obvious; Short and twisted. So bland that no one would care about it. But, since he said Halloween masks were close, on Halloween, people fear it.

"Pumpkin. That's the answer to yours, isn't it Fletcher?" she said simply.
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Alex just finished up the pancakes and rang a small bell tone on his PokéTech to indicate breakfast was ready. He had heard the two riddles, and as much as he found them confusing, he seemed to put together Kiara's quite well.

"Is it water?" Alex asked Kiara, a fairly hopeful expression on his face.
"No, but good guess. Do you guys want to know the answer, or do you want to keep on guessing?" she asked.
Ogio wanders off to the lake and recalls Mantine. He strolls back to the group and recalls all but his Swinub. He looks through his bag and finds a crossword book. He leans against a tree and begins working.

He swallows another gulp of water, sets down the book, and looks at the girl asking the riddle. "Lemee try." he thinks, "Is it his breath?" The though had just occured to him. After water and memories had failed, that was the one thing that occured to him. He watches her to see if he is right.
Kiara smiled as Ogio, who had just joined the group, had gotten the riddle. "Ogio got the riddle!"
"Cool." He looks at Kiara, "Where'd you come up with that?" While he waited he turned to Alex, "When are we going to head out? There are six of us, counting myself, that are awake. I have already forgotten how many of you all were here when I joined."

He looks back into his crossword and fills out 12 down, 'The Pokemon who gave emotions' with 'Mesprit'.
"Bluh, Breath. Obvious obvious obvious. Only riddles are obnoxious enough to make me feel like an idiot and like it at the same time. And yeah, Pumpkins are indeed the answer."

Fletcher grinned, enjoying this friendly téte-a-téte. Or was that right at all? His German French tutor had learned French through Hungarian, and, speaking no English, taught it to him in Spanish. His understanding of the language was laughable shaky.

"As important as our times of departure are, Ogio, I am rather more interested in the times of eating. Those pancakes are...Alex...can we?"
Dink had thought about the riddle Fletcher gave. Ignored the others in the process. Thought about it more. Thought about how many kinds of cheeses he'd had before very briefly, then thought more about the riddle. After a few guesses, it was announced to be a pumpkin. Dink coughed into his wrist.

"Pumpkin." He muttered, dissatisfied. It had been his first thought at the word "squat," and the mention of once a year, and the element of fright. But he had been hoping it had been something larger. Larger in the metaphorical sense, anyway. Very disappointing. "Pumpkin... Small riddles make small fun." He picked at his teeth. "But it can't be helped." He sighed. "Kiara, how about another before you all eat? What falls but never breaks and breaks but never falls?" He scratched his ribs. "I'll give you a hint. There's two answers, and you need both for it to count."

These were the riddles he was more suited to, ones with larger subject matter with a bit more effect on the world. He told a few more like Fletcher's, but these were his favorite.
Cassy tilted her head up from her pillow. The open air felt so cold on her face that she immediately buried it back in her pillow. She didn't want to get up. It was easy enough to wake up when she was waiting in a warm comfy bed for someone interesting to show up. But she hadn't slept well last night. Clu was effectively a heating pad to whatever he touched, so her whole left side had been burning all night. Meanwhile, Dink was in the trees before the butt crack of dawn, picking at stuff. What a wierdo.

She pulled herself up with a grunt, finding she seemed to be the last one. Slightly embarassed, she quickly tied up her hair, wished she had a shower, collapsed her tent, fished her hat out of her pack, and then slumped down to sit beneath a tree close to the pancakes. She rubbed her eyes. "I don't suppose you have any peanut butter in that little kitchen of magic, do you?"
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