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Search results

  1. Crazy Linoone

    Crazy Linoone vs Mike The Foxhog vs L'il Dwagie

    HI JACK I think you deserve a heart. <3 You can eat it if you want. Plan Revenge for Ruined Tea is back in action! Canon, let's get smashin'. Even though she's paralyzed, the pirate should still be faster than both you and Yoshimitsu, which isn't too great for our ninja friend here. We...
  2. Crazy Linoone

    Crazy Linoone vs Mike The Foxhog vs L'il Dwagie

    It's not looking good for our ninja friend here... Let's start of with a Thunderwave at the pirate, then steal its Smokeball with Thief. Finish with a Tri-Attack at the pirate because statuses are awesome and stuff. Thunderwave @ Faris ~ Thief @ Faris~ Tri-Attack @ Faris
  3. Crazy Linoone

    Crazy Linoone vs Mike The Foxhog vs L'il Dwagie

    Mike you tea-cod killing, tea-ruining... something! TIME FOR REVENGE go Cannon go! Durr. Substitute (20%) first, since it might be useful later. If the pirate tries to Snatch, Shock Wave instead. After that, join in the revenge with some Shock Waves at the pirate. Eat some liver if the pirate...
  4. Crazy Linoone

    Crazy Linoone vs Mike The Foxhog vs L'il Dwagie

    Hurr I will now back off HE'S ALL YOURS DWAGIE Ahem. Drink soup and eat liver. Protect against Brick Breaks, but not twice in a row. Magic Coat all status-inducing things aimed at you. Ok? Ok. Good. Eat liver/Protect/Magic Coat ~ Eat liver/Protect/Magic Coat ~ Drink soup/Protect/Magic Coat
  5. Crazy Linoone

    Crazy Linoone vs Mike The Foxhog vs L'il Dwagie

    REVENGE FOR RUINED TEA Y/Y? Let's start by FIRIN SOME LAZRS SHOOP DA WHOOOP uh I mean Charge Beam at the Pirate Thing. If it protects or is going to use Revenge or Payback, use Barrier instead. If the Cappun uses a move that causes status aliments like Toxic, Magic Coat it back. Follow up by...
  6. Crazy Linoone

    Crazy Linoone vs Mike The Foxhog vs L'il Dwagie

    I LOVE YOU FOREVER PSYMON. *worships* You are officially god. Also, yes, there are no banned moves. Time to kick some butt! Let's go, Canon~ Porygon [Death Canon] (X) Ability: Download Item:Up-Grade Also, OH HAI Dwagie everything is in order, yes yes?
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