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Crazy Linoone vs Mike The Foxhog vs L'il Dwagie

Dave Strider

the best coolkid
Crazy Linoone said:
2vs2vs2 three-way battle, one pokemon per trainer at a time
Style: Switch
DQ: 12 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves:
Arena: A Hearty Bowl of Offal Soup

It’s not just hearty either, but livery and brainy as well.

Bad puns aside, the Offal Soup is, like all Linoone arenas, contained in a very large bowl with a diameter of two Wailords and a depth of one and a half, so a Wailord can actually battle in it, just not very easily. Three platforms, shaped like a liver, brain, and a heart, float nearby for the trainers to stand on, while a fourth platform in the shape of an offal of the referee’s choice floats in an area of the referee’s choice.

Now, let’s move on to the actual arena. The Offal Soup is a delicious grayish brown color, not comparable to poop because poop is browner and (probably) not as delicious. Small specks of grayish brown meat bits and protein condensations float in the soup, making the clear, light brown soup look foggy. The soup had been cooked for eight hours straight so the strong flavor of meat could fully diffuse into the soup, and it is made from three main ingredients: the lighter colored, melt-in-your-mouth soft brain, the darker colored, soft and squishy livers, and the even darker colored, chewy and hearts. Those three ingredients make up the heart of the arena, taking up most of the space and making the arena appear slightly solid. Due to this, water-only pokemon are not encouraged, since they won’t be able to see very well swimming in the arena. A meaty aroma wafts up from the arena, deliciously sweet for meat-lovers and horrible to vegetarians.

As with all Linoone arenas, the soup is edible. Although this bowl of soup may look disgusting to the untrained eye, it’s actually quite nutritious and full of protein as well as other kinds of goodies. As all EV trainers know, Protein in the pokemon world, for some reason, boosts attack, and the soup does exactly that. One bite of the deliciously chewy and protein-full heart will boost the Attack of the pokemon by 1. While the brain doesn’t contain much calcium, Special Attack has long been associated with smartness, and eating some of the wonderfully smooth brains will boost Special Attack by 1. The liver is just healthy and restores 5% HP to all pokemon that eats it, while the soup itself, full of nutrients from the ingredients, can boost a random stat of the pokemon by 1. All foods restore 5% energy in addition to other special effects when eaten. Any pokemon may take an action to eat the ingredients, although it might be hard for a pokemon to distinguish one type of offal from another when their trainers are not being very specific. After all, everything is brown.

Linoone finally had the courtesy of cooling down the soup enough so pokemon don’t get burnt battling on top. The soup is just a comfortable warmness, and will continue to cool down as the battle progresses.

Since the brain, the most prominent part of the soup, is a non-Newtonian fluid, one will find him/her/itself slowly sinking through the soup if he/she/it is stepping on the brainy part of the soup, but if one crashes into the brainy part with a lot of force, it will hurt. The livers and heart normally solid, although the livers break under pressure and the hearts are more bouncy. Remember, all these can be used to the battlers’ advantage, so watch your step.

Dwagie's Party

Amaturasu [F]
Ability: Inner Focus
Item: Soothe Bell

Alya [F]
Ability: Levitate
Item: Reaper Cloth

Aysu [F]
Ability: Volt Absorb

Twitch [F]
Ability: Insomnia
Item: Brightpowder
Sig Attribute
Caffeine Addiction
Being a Zubat isn't easy - Between irritating adventurers to no end, hanging upside down wishing you could flip off the Clefairy on the ground back, and producing gratuitous amounts of guano - There's barely even time for a coffee break! Well, that is to say, noone in their right mind would give a Zubat coffee - and this is why.
Twitch is an industrial Zubat - meaning she hails from a cave near a newly developed area. The wildlife haven't quite adapted to the invasion of humans, nor their resources. Being a populated area, the infamous chain Staryubucks had the need to put no less than 3 stores per block into commission. One might guess there is an excess of coffee grounds, leftover coffee, and lazy stuck up businessmen. Naturally it's far too difficult to walk across the street to the bin when disposing of caffeine irradiated rubbish which flows off chain stores like this - But a cave in the back lot seems perfect does it not?
Now most Pokemon are rather put off by this foul beverage humans seem to consume en mass - but not Twitch. No indeed she was rather fond of it, raiding the trash piles which amassed for scraps of food, and of course, coffee~
Of course as with most natural formations which humans get their grubby mits on, the cave was eventually overfilled to the point no Pokemon could inhabit it any more. Twitch was forced out much against her will - and subsequently shooed far away as she attempted to roost into the Staryubucks building itself. (Not before corporate sales tried to market Guano Coffee Mugs, however - which didn't go over as well as planned.) Going into major caffeine withdrawal, she was eventually found bashing her head against a tree in response to a major migraine developed in the morning sunlight. Easily captured - she was also quickly put up for adoption for a certain kind-hearted and similarly caffeine addicted individual to take into their arms.
Naturally, Twitch is one hyper batty. As opposed to the normal, fairly calm and collected nature of a Zubat - Twitch is erratic and sleepless. Instead of the normal focus presented, she is a hopeless insomniac. Sleep inducing techniques are essentially completely useless as she flies around in confounding patterns and speeds. This also grants her a certain manner of unpredictability - she will sometimes catch her opponents very off guard, making her slightly harder to hit and occasionally granting surprise attacks. Of course, being hyped up and extra-reactionary as she is, she is not only vulnerable, but in fact more prone to the flinching effect.
Inner Focus ability replaced with Insomnia ability. Permanent 5% boost to Accuracy and Evasion. Attacks with the "Flinch" added effect have a 10% added chance of causing the Flinch effect on use.

Sig Move: Coffee Break
Type: Dark / Stat: Supportive / Base Damage: N/A / Accuracy: 100% / Target: Self / Energy: Varies / Duration: Varies
Just as the name may suggest, Twitch takes a turn for a breather and a nice cup o' joe. She simply flies back to her trainer for access to the thermos she will undoubtedly have on hand for a shot of whatever delicious treat may be inside. Depending on what she receives (The choice is random, with an equal chance of any one type of coffee being selected) she will receive one of various effects. Unfortunately, it's impossible to carry more than one serving at a time, thus she may only access this move once per battle.
Strong Brew: A nice, basic cup of strong, black coffee; unimpeded by fillers and wonderfully energising. Restores Energy (Approximately 5% more than a Chill).
Ice Mocha: A cold, creamy, refreshing chocolatey blend sure to melt the worries of the world away. Restores 30% Health. (May not be used in matches with Direct Healing banned; counts for limited direct healing counter) It still costs energy to relax the body into accelerated healing, but is assisted by the caffeine. Costs 10% energy.
Espresso: A sharp and super-strong shot of condensed caffeine; even the most attuned individual will get a jolt from this stuff. Gives an immediate +4 Speed; This speed will fade by one point every round (3 actions) until it vanishes, or is dispelled. It costs 5% energy to use this move due to the fatiguing amount of activity this blend sends drinkers into.
Espresso Latte: A slightly toned down and slower effect double-shot of Espresso; still packs a major punch, but not all at once. Grants the Speed Boost ability in addition to all other abilities for the duration of the match, causing Twitch to slowly speed up over time up to the normal cap. (Ability remains through switches; meaning Twitch will have to gain the speed back +1 at a time after switching out and back in) However, Sleep-Inducing moves have the ability to cancel the Speed Boost ability at their normal success rate. (They will still not put Twitch to sleep) Twitch will lose acquired boosts in this case. All moves used while under the effect of this move will cost an extra 1% energy after all other calculations. In addition, it takes 3% energy to activate this move, and 3% more each time if Twitch is ever sent back out from being recalled after usage.
Vanilla Latte: A hot, yet refreshing and creamy blend sure to make one feel ready to take on the world with it's comforting vibes. Grants +3 Defence and Special Defence at the cost of -4 Attack and Special Attack. Costs 5% energy to consume.
Exotic Brew: A bracing, strong brewed blend hailing from a remote region. It has a rare flavour and texture, and a balance of caffeine that has the strange tendency to make one feel confident and aggressive; traditionally consumed by native warriors in it's home land. Grants +3 Attack and Special Attack at the cost of -4 Defence and Special Defence. Costs 5% energy to consume.

Usage Gap: Once per battle

Koray [m]
Ability: Levitate

Pal [M]
Ability: Insomnia

Evil Mothra [F]
Ability: Tinted Lens

Diana [F]
Ability: Rock Head

Roomba [F]
Ability: Snow Cloak

Yoshimitsu [F]
Ability: Compound Eyes

Mikeh's Party

Ansem [M]
Ability: Synchronize
It is well known that Kadabra have incredible psychic powers. Many have reported strange phenomena happening just as a result of Kadabra being nearby- clocks running backwards, eerie shadows on television screens, people experiencing headaches and so on. Ordinarily these are just useless side-effects. However, this particular Kadabra accidentally exploded a toaster in the middle of using an innocent Kinesis attack and had a brainwave; maybe these accidental psychic powers could be used to his advantage in battle! He trained to amplify these inherent psychic waves until they affected artificial and technology-related Pokémon, sending them berserk and making them weaker merely from being in battle with Ramuh. Of course the effort of putting out these powerful waves is a great strain on the Kadabra's other, intentional psychic abilities.

Effects: When battling Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone, Porygon, Porygon2, PorygonZ, Beldum, Metang, Metagross, Bronzor, Bronzong, or any appliance-form Rotom, there is a 10% chance that the Pokémon will be afflicted with Confuse at the start of each round. The waves also have an ability to weakly control electrical currents, meaning that every Electric-type attack aimed at Ramuh has its accuracy reduced by 5%. However the effort of boosting its paranormal PSI-waves causes it to use up 1% extra energy each action (even if idle, sleeping, frozen, flinching, paralysed, or using Chill). On top of this, as the waves are inherently released by all Kadabra they cannot be "switched off", even when they serve no purpose. The waves are also indiscriminate, so any friendly Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone, Porygon, Porygon2, PorygonZ, Beldum, Metang, Metagross, Bronzor, Bronzong or Rotom will stand a chance of being confused also.

Kitaniji [M]
Ability: Inner Focus

Aeris [F]
Ability: Static

Freya [F]

Hindenburg [M]
Ability: Aftermath

Exabyte (X)
Ability: Download
Held Item: Up-Grade

Faris [F]
Ability: Pickup
Sig attribute: Gender Cloak
Piracy is a notoriously male-oriented business. Historically, human pirates were loath to allow women in their crews, a practice that has not been ignored by Pokémon. This discrimination was a big blow to Faris, who since her childhood had dreamed of sailing with a crew of famous Cappun pirates, seeing far-off lands, finding treasure and having amazing adventures. Her disappointment ate away at her until one day, she decided to disguise herself as a male Cappun, run away from home, and join a Cappun crew in hopes she wouldn't be uncovered. As luck would have it, she disguised herself well enough to blend in and was accepted into a crew of the most notorious Cappun on the high seas. For years, she lived her dream, sailing to every corner of the world and seeing places she'd only envisioned in her fantasies. After a while, she left the crew, now a famous pirate with a lifetime's worth of tales and memories of her journies, and was eventually captured by Mike for use in the ASB. Though she no longer practices piracy, she still conceals her gender, fiercely protecting her reputation and secretly fearing that one day her deception would be revealed.

Effects: everyone on the field besides Faris and myself will believe her to be male. Attract, Captivate, and any other moves, attributes etc. requiring a Pokémon to be a certain gender will fail as male opponents will believe Faris to be the wrong gender for them to work, and if a female opponent used one it'd fail regardless. The effects of Rivalry will also be reversed; female opponents with Rivalry will receive an attack boost and males will have their attack reduced. However, this obviously means Faris is unable to use such moves as described above either, as doing so would give the game away. Also, if in any way Faris' true gender should be revealed (for instance, being attracted by something not requiring a Pokémon to know she is female, such as Cute Charm or an arena condition), she will become ashamed and reluctant to attack, meaning there will be a 30% chance she will be too embarrassed to act for three actions from the event that reveals it, and Gender Cloak will cease to function for the rest of the battle.

Cloud [M]
Ability: Trace
Item: Dawn Stone
Sig Attribute: Buster Sword

For several generations, all of Cloud's male ancestors have been Gallades. This has resulted in a freak birth mutation that gave Cloud a considerably large blade in place of his right forearm. Because of his size and physical frailty, the blade is very hard to lift and makes moving about very difficult, as well as making it impossible to use several of his natural techniques. However it also opens up the possibility to use several other moves, and when he is able to wield it gainfully, it packs a painful punch.

Effects: Cloud has a constant 1-level speed decrease due to the heaviness of his arm, and is unable to use most high-priority or hand-based moves. Any command requiring him to lift his right arm require an extra 2% energy to execute. However, all moves based on cutting, stabbing or slashing get a STAB regardless of their type, at the expense of a 10% drop in accuracy.

Movepool changes:
- Shadow Sneak, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunderpunch, Helping Hand, Fling, Snatch, Double Team
+ Swords Dance, Cut, Psycho Cut, Slash, Night Slash, Leaf Blade, Fury Cutter, Poison Jab

Fenrir [M]
Ability: Intimidate

Crazy Linoone's Party

Crunch [M]
Ability: Torrent

Zigzag [F]
Ability: Pickup

Riley [M]
Ability: Steadfast
Item: Expert Belt

Death Cannon [X]
Ability: Download
Item : Upgrade
Sig Attribute
Broadband High-Speed Internet Connection

Porygon are known as the virtual pokemon -- besides being the first pokemon created by humans, they basically live their lives in electronic equipment and can even turn themselves into data. Because of their special ability to work in cyberspace, porygons are widely used to help write programs, fight viruses, and even hack into other computers. However, the most common usage for porygon is actually as a browser for the internet. A porygon can connect itself (provided that it has the permission to) to the internet and access the numerous data in many different servers around the world, obtaining information otherwise inaccessible, chat with people in the other side of the globe, or perhaps just play online flash games. However the cheaper or free connections are usually flooded with porygon, all trying to get to the internet without paying. This cause the information flow to slow down, causing most porygon to be extremely sluggish and slow.

However, Death Cannon's owner had decided to spend some cash and bought some broad band high-speed internet connection for its porygon. Death Cannon can now access the internet faster than ever, giving it an edge in battle as well as the ability to load The Cave of Dragonflies Forums in under a second. Death Cannon's owner isn't the only one who decided to buy broad band connection though; sometimes, too many people will decide to go on the internet at once and cause clogging, thus lowering Death Cannon's speed.

Effects: Death Cannon gains +2 Speed at the beginning of a battle, although, every round, there is a 15% chance of that its speed will go down by 1. The speed boost is not permanent, meaning that attacks such as Scary Face can lower it, although it still cannot reach past the +- 6 limit.

Heinkel [F]
Ability: Sand Veil

Kwak'wala [F]
Ability: Synchronize

[Death Canon] (X)
Ability: Download

[Death Canyon] (X)
Ability: Download

[Gatito] (F)
Ability: Pressure

[Spaekle] (M)
Ability: Anticipation

Linnone Sends Out
Mikeh Sends Out
Dwagie sends out and Attacks
Linoone Attacks
Mikeh Attacks
I do my first reffing.

Do you want any Banned Moves Linoone? There aren't any at the mo'.
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I LOVE YOU FOREVER PSYMON. *worships* You are officially god. Also, yes, there are no banned moves.

Time to kick some butt! Let's go, Canon~

[Death Canon] (X)
Ability: Download

Also, OH HAI Dwagie everything is in order, yes yes?
WOOP Psymon you're awesome and I will prepare you free brainzzzzz soup for life. <:

SO ANYWAY this is actually kind of stupid technically Evil Mothra is a better selection in this particular case BUT SCREW THAT PIRATES VERSUS NINJRRRRRS versus sentient computer programs ANYWAY.

Go Yoshimitsu~

[Yoshimitsu] Nincada (F)
<Compound Eyes>

Actually now that I think of it they counteract each other cause Bug beats Dark Water beats Ground HUZZAH even match up. (But Ninjrrrrrs evolve and lose that weakness so take that mister piwate KAHAHA)

And so the curse of me ALWAYS attacking last lives on, even in 1v1v1. Oh well!

...SO ANYWAY. The first thing we're going to do is have some lunch. Yoshi find some of that yummy, squishy brain, should be easy to spot. <: Take a big OmNomNom of that~ It shall help.
After that... fling a glob at that dirty Pirate's face, with Sand Attack; henceforth known as Brain Attack, since there is no sand to fling here, I think squishy brains to the face and in ones eyes shall be just as effective. Finally, lets play it safe and go with a Double Team for 5 clones.
Also, if the stoopid wimpy pirate protects against your Brain Attack just redirect it, and if they both protect it then.. uh... om nom more brains. <:

Eat Brainzzz ~ Brain Attack @ Faris / Brain Attack @ Cannon / Eat Moar Brainzzz ~ Double Team (5 Clones)

Let's start by FIRIN SOME LAZRS SHOOP DA WHOOOP uh I mean Charge Beam at the Pirate Thing. If it protects or is going to use Revenge or Payback, use Barrier instead. If the Cappun uses a move that causes status aliments like Toxic, Magic Coat it back.

Follow up by FIRING MORE LAZORS uh Charge Beam at the Cappun. Sweep it out if there's clones. Use Barrier instead if the Cappun is going to use Revenge or Payback. If anyone attacks you with status-inflicting moves, Magic Coat it back.

Finish off by Eating Some Brains, but Magic Coat instead if anyone uses status-inflicting moves. In case you need help finding brains, brains are the lighter brown colored, soft and almost liquidey substances. And of course Porygons can eat brains! What are you talking about! Canon is the newest version!

Charge Beam@Faris/Barrier/Magic Coat ~ Charge Beam@Faris/Barrier/Magic Coat ~ Eat Brainzzzzz/Magic Coat
Stop ganging up on Faris you guys you're mean why are you so mean
Let's show 'em Faris >:C Start off with a nice brainsoupy Surf to teach them both a lesson. Then do a Sword Dance so you can hit that Porygon with a really nasty Brick Break on action three.

Surf @both ~ Swords Dance ~ Brick Break @Death Canon
Crazy Linoone said:
2vs2vs2 three-way battle, one pokemon per trainer at a time
Style: Switch
DQ: 12 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves:
Arena: A Hearty Bowl of Offal Soup

It’s not just hearty either, but livery and brainy as well.

Bad puns aside, the Offal Soup is, like all Linoone arenas, contained in a very large bowl with a diameter of two Wailords and a depth of one and a half, so a Wailord can actually battle in it, just not very easily. Three platforms, shaped like a liver, brain, and a heart, float nearby for the trainers to stand on, while a fourth platform in the shape of an offal of the referee’s choice floats in an area of the referee’s choice.

Now, let’s move on to the actual arena. The Offal Soup is a delicious grayish brown color, not comparable to poop because poop is browner and (probably) not as delicious. Small specks of grayish brown meat bits and protein condensations float in the soup, making the clear, light brown soup look foggy. The soup had been cooked for eight hours straight so the strong flavor of meat could fully diffuse into the soup, and it is made from three main ingredients: the lighter colored, melt-in-your-mouth soft brain, the darker colored, soft and squishy livers, and the even darker colored, chewy and hearts. Those three ingredients make up the heart of the arena, taking up most of the space and making the arena appear slightly solid. Due to this, water-only pokemon are not encouraged, since they won’t be able to see very well swimming in the arena. A meaty aroma wafts up from the arena, deliciously sweet for meat-lovers and horrible to vegetarians.

As with all Linoone arenas, the soup is edible. Although this bowl of soup may look disgusting to the untrained eye, it’s actually quite nutritious and full of protein as well as other kinds of goodies. As all EV trainers know, Protein in the pokemon world, for some reason, boosts attack, and the soup does exactly that. One bite of the deliciously chewy and protein-full heart will boost the Attack of the pokemon by 1. While the brain doesn’t contain much calcium, Special Attack has long been associated with smartness, and eating some of the wonderfully smooth brains will boost Special Attack by 1. The liver is just healthy and restores 5% HP to all pokemon that eats it, while the soup itself, full of nutrients from the ingredients, can boost a random stat of the pokemon by 1. All foods restore 5% energy in addition to other special effects when eaten. Any pokemon may take an action to eat the ingredients, although it might be hard for a pokemon to distinguish one type of offal from another when their trainers are not being very specific. After all, everything is brown.

Linoone finally had the courtesy of cooling down the soup enough so pokemon don’t get burnt battling on top. The soup is just a comfortable warmness, and will continue to cool down as the battle progresses.

Since the brain, the most prominent part of the soup, is a non-Newtonian fluid, one will find him/her/itself slowly sinking through the soup if he/she/it is stepping on the brainy part of the soup, but if one crashes into the brainy part with a lot of force, it will hurt. The livers and heart normally solid, although the livers break under pressure and the hearts are more bouncy. Remember, all these can be used to the battlers’ advantage, so watch your step.

Current Pokèmon Status

Linoone's Pack

Death Canon (X)
Ability: Download
Item: Upgrade
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Bleep beep Bloop.
Charge Beam@Faris/Barrier/Magic Coat ~ Charge Beam@Faris/Barrier/Magic Coat ~ Eat Brainzzzzz/Magic Coat

Mikeh's Hogs

Faris (F)
Sig Attribute: Gender Cloak
Ability: Pickup
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Must... Kill... NINJA!
Surf @both ~ Swords Dance ~ Brick Break @Death Canon

Dwagie's Dogs
Yoshimitsu (F)
Ability: Compound Eyes
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: I really want to kill that Cappun.
Eat Brainzzz ~ Brain Attack @ Faris / Brain Attack @ Cannon / Eat Moar Brainzzz ~ Double Team (5 Clones)

Brains, livers and heart float around in a large soupy bowl of soup, which for some reason is about 20 times larger than usual. A little sign stuck in a piece of artery points out: 'Offal Soup: Please do not eat. Reserved battleground.' Three shimmering lights appears on a large ring of Intestines on the rim of the bowl. A few trainers step out, one a clothed Linoone, who appears quite exited to be there. Another one is a Riolu, wearing a purple hat and cloak. The last, the odd one out, is a teenage human, sticking out like a sore thumb among the Pokemon. Another glow appears, this time revealing another pokemon. The trainers throw out their Pokeballs, revealing a Nincada, a Cappun and a Porygon onto a piece of Heart. A Psyduck wearing sunglasses with a few flags strapped to his back reveals himself, looking a bit flustered and confused. Nervously, he takes out the flags, waves them down, commanding the battle to begin.

Round 1 Begin

Death Canon looks at it's opponents and focus' on the Nincada, scanning it's strengh's and weaknesses. Numbers flash past on his eyes before he finally focuses on the fact that he has low Sp. Defence, and his body adjusts accordingly.

Faris begins his attack. He jumps into the water, cackling maniacally, bringing up a wave of brainy water which he rides up on a large piece of liver. The wave crashes down on the battlers, splattering them with offal.

Yoshimitsu, soaked and annoyed by that Surf attack, jumps over onto a passing bit of floaty brain stuffs. Despite her massive urges to kill the pirate, she obeys her orders and om nom noms a bit of brain. Suddenly, she feels a bit smarter and realizes how to make some of her attacks a bit more powerful. However, while barely noticeable, she starts to sink into the goopy smart stuffs.

Death Canon starts to charge up the static electricity in the air, focusing it in front of his mouth. It spins around to discover his target, the Cappun, Faris, and fires the power in the form of a crackling yellow beam. The beam flies into its target, flinging him backwards onto the rubbery heart. He bounces a bit, electricity passing through his body still.

[Death Canon -11H, -7E, +1 Sp. Attack][Yoshimitsu -16H, -1E, +1 Sp. Attack][Faris -7H, -4E]

Faris, slightly annoyed that he had been stuck down by a machine, starts to slash around in mid air, fighting an invisible enemy. He imagines it though, that he slashing that stupid NINJRRR to death. The weird, intricate dance seems to boost his focus some.

Death Canon starts to charge up again, the static in the air gathering around his mouth once more. With a bit of Deja-Vu, it releases the electricity again towards Faris, striking him once more. He flies back, this time remaining on the rubbery heart.

Yoshimitsu, slowly sinking into the brain meatz, turns her back to Faris to begin her next attack. She kicks furiously with her back legs shouting 'Take this, Pirate Scum!'. Brainzzz fly everywhere, mainly in Faris' face though. Small chunks land in Faris' eyes, slightly blinding him.

[Death Canon -0H, -7E][Yoshimitsu -0H, -2E][Faris -7H, -2E +2 Attack, -1 Accuracy]

Faris, still with brain meatz in his eye, runs towards the Porygon, readying his attack. Faris pulls back his hooked arm and punches it in face face repeatedly with enough force to shatter a brick wall. The computer program flies backwards and crashes on a piece of intestine. It quickly recovers though and gets back to hovering.

Yoshimitsu quickly gets on with her move, running around in a large circle, accelarating quickly until she is just a cream and green blur. She slows down, revealing not one Yoshimitsu, but six of her.

Death Canon, still recovering from the brick break attack, floats over to a bit of brainzzz, choosing a nice juicy bit. It starts to run 'Om Nom Nom.exe' in his program files, opening it's mouth, somehow, and starts to om nom nom. His file 'Special Atacks.exe' increases even more, parts of his body whiring and changing as he munches down on the brain.

[Death Canon -14H, -1E, +1 Sp. attack][Yoshimitsu -0H, -5E][Faris -0H, -4E]

Death Canon (X)
Ability: Download
Item: Upgrade
Health: 75%
Energy: 85%
Status: Bleep beep Bloop. Om nom nom Brainzzz. +2 Sp. Attack.

Mikeh's Hogs

Faris (F)
Sig Attribute: Gender Cloak
Ability: Pickup
Health: 86%
Energy: 92%
Status: BRAINS IN MY EYE! D: STUPID NINJRRR!+2 Attack, -1 Accuracy.

Dwagie's Dogs
Yoshimitsu (F)
Ability: Compound Eyes
Health: 84%
Energy: 96%
Status: KILL. THE. PIRATE! >:( +1 Sp. Attack.

Ref Notes:
Death Canon Gained +1 Sp. Attack from Download because he targeted Yoshimitsu.
Yoshimitsu is sinking slowly into the brainzzz.
This is my first reffing so sorry for it being quite rubbish.
If there is anything wrong with this (I know there probably is) don't hesitate to tell me.
Linoone attacks
Mikeh Attacks.
Dwagie Attacks.
I failref.
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Hurr I will now back off HE'S ALL YOURS DWAGIE


Drink soup and eat liver. Protect against Brick Breaks, but not twice in a row. Magic Coat all status-inducing things aimed at you. Ok? Ok. Good.

Eat liver/Protect/Magic Coat ~ Eat liver/Protect/Magic Coat ~ Drink soup/Protect/Magic Coat
Well, Death Canon's off our back for now. It'll come back to bite us in the end, I guess, but for now it's a one-on-on pirate-vs-ninja face-off >:3

First off, Surf. May as well get a bit of damage on that Porygon. If Yoshimitsu uses Protect, hit Death Canon with a Waterfall instead. Then after that hit Yoshimitsu with another couple of Waterfalls, unless he Protects in which case switch to Death Canon. If the Nincada tries to use anything to raise stats, Substitute, Double Team etc. on the last two turns, Snatch them.

Surf @both/Waterfall @Death Canon ~ Waterfall @Yoshimitsu/Waterfall @Death Canon/Snatch ~ Waterfall @Yoshimitsu/Waterfall @Death Canon/Snatch

(And that really wasn't a bad reffing at all, especially not for a first attempt. Only criticism is that it could use a little more description of each attack. Oh, and that Faris is in fact a Shiny Cappun, but that doesn't really matter.)
Okay Yoshi those surfs are mean and that piwate is stoopid so what we'll do is use your SUPER SECRET LIFE DRAINING NINJITSU TECHNIQUES TO STAY ALIVE.

Giga Drain x3 @ Faris

(I feel lazy, oh so lazy~ I feel lazy, and stupid and- derp)
Originally Posted by Crazy Linoone
2vs2vs2 three-way battle, one pokemon per trainer at a time
Style: Switch
DQ: 12 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves:
Arena: A Hearty Bowl of Offal Soup

It’s not just hearty either, but livery and brainy as well.

Bad puns aside, the Offal Soup is, like all Linoone arenas, contained in a very large bowl with a diameter of two Wailords and a depth of one and a half, so a Wailord can actually battle in it, just not very easily. Three platforms, shaped like a liver, brain, and a heart, float nearby for the trainers to stand on, while a fourth platform in the shape of an offal of the referee’s choice floats in an area of the referee’s choice.

Now, let’s move on to the actual arena. The Offal Soup is a delicious grayish brown color, not comparable to poop because poop is browner and (probably) not as delicious. Small specks of grayish brown meat bits and protein condensations float in the soup, making the clear, light brown soup look foggy. The soup had been cooked for eight hours straight so the strong flavor of meat could fully diffuse into the soup, and it is made from three main ingredients: the lighter colored, melt-in-your-mouth soft brain, the darker colored, soft and squishy livers, and the even darker colored, chewy and hearts. Those three ingredients make up the heart of the arena, taking up most of the space and making the arena appear slightly solid. Due to this, water-only pokemon are not encouraged, since they won’t be able to see very well swimming in the arena. A meaty aroma wafts up from the arena, deliciously sweet for meat-lovers and horrible to vegetarians.

As with all Linoone arenas, the soup is edible. Although this bowl of soup may look disgusting to the untrained eye, it’s actually quite nutritious and full of protein as well as other kinds of goodies. As all EV trainers know, Protein in the pokemon world, for some reason, boosts attack, and the soup does exactly that. One bite of the deliciously chewy and protein-full heart will boost the Attack of the pokemon by 1. While the brain doesn’t contain much calcium, Special Attack has long been associated with smartness, and eating some of the wonderfully smooth brains will boost Special Attack by 1. The liver is just healthy and restores 5% HP to all pokemon that eats it, while the soup itself, full of nutrients from the ingredients, can boost a random stat of the pokemon by 1. All foods restore 5% energy in addition to other special effects when eaten. Any pokemon may take an action to eat the ingredients, although it might be hard for a pokemon to distinguish one type of offal from another when their trainers are not being very specific. After all, everything is brown.

Linoone finally had the courtesy of cooling down the soup enough so pokemon don’t get burnt battling on top. The soup is just a comfortable warmness, and will continue to cool down as the battle progresses.

Since the brain, the most prominent part of the soup, is a non-Newtonian fluid, one will find him/her/itself slowly sinking through the soup if he/she/it is stepping on the brainy part of the soup, but if one crashes into the brainy part with a lot of force, it will hurt. The livers and heart normally solid, although the livers break under pressure and the hearts are more bouncy. Remember, all these can be used to the battlers’ advantage, so watch your step.

While waiting for the referee to wave his flags again (why it always took referees at least a day to wave their flags in the first place was a mystery), the three trainers sat cross-legged on their offal-shaped platforms and stared blankly at various places. L’il Dwagie was gazing up into the sky, watching the smoke from the arena curl and rise towards the distant clouds, while Mike the Foxhog was twisting a foot around awkwardly to inspect his fluffy toes, judging if he needed a pedicure yet. Crazy Linoone was being the most productive of the three, though: she was staring ravenously at the arena, obviously trying hard to restrain herself from plunging her head into the soup. A trickle of saliva dripped out of the corner of her mouth.

It was only when a week or so passed when the trainers realized that Psymon had ceased to move at all. Looking worried and the slightest bit creeped out, Mike took a deep breath and dove into the soup (probably downing five mouthfuls of the delicious liquid along the way), reaching the referee’s platform after several moments of doggypaddling. After clambering onto the platform, Mike shook his fur out, scattering drops of soup everywhere, then approached Psymon to tap him on the shoulder. He jumped, his consciousness returning to earth, and listened intently as Mike whispered a few words into his ear. Nods and handshakes were exchanged, and then Psymon abruptly vanished in a vortex of green lights.

As Mike swam back to his platform, there was another flash, and a large, shiny dragon appeared on the referee’s platform, clutching a flag in her mouth. Finally relieved to see some action, L’il Dwagie and Linoone stood up, cracked their knuckles, and gestured towards their Pokemon to begin the next round.

Round Two

Crazy Linoone (OO)

Porygon @Upgrade
Death Cannon (N/A) <Download>
Health: 81%
Energy: 81%
Status: Bleep beep bloop. Om nom nom brainzzz. +2 Sp. Attack.
Commands: Eat liver/Protect/Magic Coat ~ Eat liver/Protect/Magic Coat ~ Drink soup/Protect/Magic Coat

Mike the Foxhog (OO)


Faris (F) <Pickup>
Health: 80%
Energy: 88%
Status: BRAINS IN MY EYE! D: STUPID NINJRRR! +2 Attack, -1 Accuracy.
Commands: Surf/Waterfall @Death Canon ~ Waterfall @Yoshimitsu/Waterfall @Death Canon/Snatch ~ Waterfall @Yoshimitsu/Waterfall @Death Canon/Snatch

L’il Dwagie (OO)

Yoshimitsu (F) <Compoundeyes>
Health: 90%
Energy: 92%
Status: KILL. THE. PIRATE! >:( +1 Sp. Attack.
Commands: Giga Drain @Faris ~ Giga Drain @Faris ~ Giga Drain @Faris

Faris glanced quickly at both of her opponents and, when she confirmed that neither was hiding behind a transparent green shield, once again extended her arcane powers over water. The offal soup frothed in response, causing the solid contents of the arena to pitch about and prompting the trainers to lie flat on their stomachs as they fought a losing battle to stay on their feet. Finally, Faris succeeded in creating a nutritious, greyish-brown wave; snickering to herself, she leapt onto the crest of the premature wave, riding safely atop the water as it grew larger and larger. Finally, the surf broke, and Death Cannon and Yoshimitsu were driven into the supple layers of brain as a wall of water crashed down on them.

Once the majority of the soup had washed away back into the bowl, Yoshimitsu dragged her backside out of its squishy prison, blew soup out of her breathing holes, and glared at Faris. The pirate glared back. Hissing, the Nincada vengefully tapped into her rival’s life force and tore away as much as she could, the natural grass-type energy imbued in the attack only making the task easier. Faris twitched with every glowing orb that separated itself from her body, her eyes wide with indignation and pain. In contrast, Yoshimitsu’s physical state was looking better by the second as broken parts of her exoskeleton were smoothed out.

While Faris and Yoshimitsu exchanged blows in the background, Death Cannon rotated a few segments of its body to coax water out of its polygonal body. Then, it looked around the bowl. While the Porygon knew that a liver was typically brown in colour, basically everything in the bowl was brown, and without a reliable description from its trainer, Death Cannon was quite stumped by its choices. Finally, it shrugged and shoved its snout into a random lump of semi-solid stuff, strings of data unraveling and traveling to the Porygon’s head as it activated its consuming processes. Several alerts popped up on the edge of its vision, but instead of confirming a small increase of health, all of them reported a sudden swell of data-reading capabilities.

Faris took no notice of Death Cannon’s surprised beeps and clicks. All her attention was on Yoshimitsu. With a snarl, the pirate Pokemon waved her hook in front of her, impossibly conjuring water from thin air and cloaking herself with it. Then, she dashed towards Yoshimitsu, tackling the hapless insect to the springy ground in a flurry of clear and brown droplets. The Nincada yelled in pain as yet more liquid ran into her breathing holes, forcing her to struggle for her oxygen – and that wasn’t even taking the impact into consideration. She now sported a dent on her back, and she ached all over.

Moving rather stiffly, Yoshimitsu struggled to her feet and once again extended her natural – albeit limited – control over life force to latch onto Faris’s signature aura. The pirate Pokemon was surrounded with a faint green glow; a moment later, the familiar white spheres were peeling themselves away from her skin to sink into Yoshimitsu’s, healing bruises and patching up hides. Despite being of the highest caliber of draining techniques, though, the Giga Drain barely healed a fifth of the damage wreaked by Faris’s Waterfall.

Once more, Death Cannon managed to escape notice – a fact that it was grateful for, as it preferred to feed unmolested. Unfortunately, the problem of what exactly a liver looked like remained, and Death Cannon milled about on the surface of the soup, trying to decide whether it should try the springy, compact meat-like substance or the softer slab of chow. Eventually, the Porygon chose the former, but it seemed like it had guessed wrong again; as Death Cannon drew back, the heart all but dissolved and absorbed, it could feel its body subconsciously rearranging itself into a figure with sharper edges.

Pausing to draw a veil of water around her, Faris leapt at Yoshimitsu once more, hook ready to tear. Unfortunately, the stealthy ninja-bug had moved off to the side when Faris wasn’t paying attention, and due to the fact that the grey Nincada hardly contrasted with the grey brains, Faris didn’t notice her error until it was too late. The remainder of mulched-up brains in her eye, slowly washing off due to repeated exposure to water, didn’t help much either. There was a spectacular splash, and when the soup was dragged back into the bowl by gravity, Yoshimitsu and Death Cannon saw Faris standing next to a large, ragged hole in the expanse of brain. The pirate Pokemon was seething with humiliation.

Snickering to herself, Yoshimitsu tapped into Faris’s health for the third time, causing her to stiffen in a type of pain and horror that the pirate had come to be familiar with in this last round. And sure enough, little glowing orbs soon decorated the space between ninja and pirate, carrying vitality away from the latter and towards the former.

And once again, Death Cannon paid no attention to the scuffle going on in front of its very nose. To its relief, there was no hard choice to make this time around – it was pretty clear what soup looked like, after all! The Porygon cautiously dipped its snout into the warm, delicious liquid, careful not to damage any of its data, and drained several mouthfuls of the delectable stuff. As Death Cannon sat back, sated, it was faintly aware of the nutrients coursing rapidly through its systems, strengthening them and hardening them against assault.

Crazy Linoone (OO)

Porygon @Upgrade
Death Cannon (N/A) <Download>
Health: 74%
Energy: 96%
Status: Still feeling hungry somehow. +1 Attack, +1 Defense, +3 Sp. Attack.

Mike the Foxhog (OO)


Faris (F) <Pickup>
Health: 56%
Energy: 78%
Status: Furious at Yoshimitsu – and at herself for missing. +2 Attack, -1 Accuracy.
Pickup: $2

L’il Dwagie (OO)

Yoshimitsu (F) <Compoundeyes>
Health: 73%
Energy: 74%
Status: Laughing quietly at Faris. +1 Sp. Attack.

Terrain notes
Not much has changed. But if Death Cannon keeps going at this rate, it’s going to eat everything in no time.

Final notes
Dwagie attacks first next round, followed by Linoone, and finally, Mike.
I had to fix some of Psymon’s calculations – namely, Surf’s BP was split due to there being two targets, among other things – so the beginning stats are slightly different than the end stats of last round.
In the arena description, it said that the Pokemon might have trouble recognizing stuff if a description wasn’t provided. I made the chance of failing to pick the right offal rather small, but the RNG gods are jerks. Sorry, Death Cannon.
In case the description didn’t tip it off, Death Cannon ate brains on the first action, and hearts on the second.
Faris’s second Waterfall missed. Tough luck there.
Woop, that's the way~
...But man is Nincada's movepool making me sad panda. You my Ninjrrrrr friend need to evolve.
In the mean time, we can start with more accuhax. Flash first, directly followed by popping your Smoke Ball~ ((Why do people keep leaving out items I intend to use ; ; well at least I understand the PC now, as that Smoke Ball has been on Yoshi since 27/12/09. ))
After that... well, let's bomb the pirate, and finish this clean. Bug Buzz her to Davey Jones' locker *SHOT*
...and if she protects or sod all, just eat some more brainzzzzzezz

Flash + Smoke Ball ~ Bug Buzz / Brainzz ~ Bug Buzz / Moar Brainzzzesz
Mike you tea-cod killing, tea-ruining... something! TIME FOR REVENGE go Cannon go!

Durr. Substitute (20%) first, since it might be useful later. If the pirate tries to Snatch, Shock Wave instead. After that, join in the revenge with some Shock Waves at the pirate. Eat some liver if the pirate protects, and Mirror Coat all status-inflicting things from the pirate.

Also, WE LOVE YOU FOREVER BLAZHY here have some brains.

Substitute (20%)/Shock Wave@Faris ~ Shock Wave@Faris/Liveeerrrrrr/Mirror Coat ~ Shock Wave@Faris/Moar liiivvvveerrrrrr/Mirror Coat
Why are you ganging up on me this is unfair I'm complaining.
Well, we're clearly in a tight spot fighting these pirate- and Mike-hating meaniefaces but let's give them as good a hiding as we can nonetheless. Start off with a Thief to snag that Ninjrrr's Smoke Ball before he can kerploof it, if only to be annoying. Then, Dive under the soup, and wait until the end of the third action to surface and attack Yoshimitsu. If you can't tell when they've finished attacking, uh, just wait a long time.

Thief @Yoshimitsu ~ Dive (down) ~ wait, then Dive (up) @Yoshimitsu
Originally Posted by Crazy Linoone
2vs2vs2 three-way battle, one pokemon per trainer at a time
Style: Switch
DQ: 12 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves:
Arena: A Hearty Bowl of Offal Soup

It’s not just hearty either, but livery and brainy as well.

Bad puns aside, the Offal Soup is, like all Linoone arenas, contained in a very large bowl with a diameter of two Wailords and a depth of one and a half, so a Wailord can actually battle in it, just not very easily. Three platforms, shaped like a liver, brain, and a heart, float nearby for the trainers to stand on, while a fourth platform in the shape of an offal of the referee’s choice floats in an area of the referee’s choice.

Now, let’s move on to the actual arena. The Offal Soup is a delicious grayish brown color, not comparable to poop because poop is browner and (probably) not as delicious. Small specks of grayish brown meat bits and protein condensations float in the soup, making the clear, light brown soup look foggy. The soup had been cooked for eight hours straight so the strong flavor of meat could fully diffuse into the soup, and it is made from three main ingredients: the lighter colored, melt-in-your-mouth soft brain, the darker colored, soft and squishy livers, and the even darker colored, chewy and hearts. Those three ingredients make up the heart of the arena, taking up most of the space and making the arena appear slightly solid. Due to this, water-only pokemon are not encouraged, since they won’t be able to see very well swimming in the arena. A meaty aroma wafts up from the arena, deliciously sweet for meat-lovers and horrible to vegetarians.

As with all Linoone arenas, the soup is edible. Although this bowl of soup may look disgusting to the untrained eye, it’s actually quite nutritious and full of protein as well as other kinds of goodies. As all EV trainers know, Protein in the pokemon world, for some reason, boosts attack, and the soup does exactly that. One bite of the deliciously chewy and protein-full heart will boost the Attack of the pokemon by 1. While the brain doesn’t contain much calcium, Special Attack has long been associated with smartness, and eating some of the wonderfully smooth brains will boost Special Attack by 1. The liver is just healthy and restores 5% HP to all pokemon that eats it, while the soup itself, full of nutrients from the ingredients, can boost a random stat of the pokemon by 1. All foods restore 5% energy in addition to other special effects when eaten. Any pokemon may take an action to eat the ingredients, although it might be hard for a pokemon to distinguish one type of offal from another when their trainers are not being very specific. After all, everything is brown.

Linoone finally had the courtesy of cooling down the soup enough so pokemon don’t get burnt battling on top. The soup is just a comfortable warmness, and will continue to cool down as the battle progresses.

Since the brain, the most prominent part of the soup, is a non-Newtonian fluid, one will find him/her/itself slowly sinking through the soup if he/she/it is stepping on the brainy part of the soup, but if one crashes into the brainy part with a lot of force, it will hurt. The livers and heart normally solid, although the livers break under pressure and the hearts are more bouncy. Remember, all these can be used to the battlers’ advantage, so watch your step.

Round Three

Crazy Linoone (OO)

Porygon @Upgrade
Death Cannon (N/A) <Download>
Health: 74%
Energy: 96%
Status: Still feeling hungry somehow. +1 Attack, +1 Defense, +3 Sp. Attack.
Commands: Substitute (20%)/Shock Wave @Faris ~ Shock Wave@Faris/Liveeerrrrrr/Mirror Coat ~ Shock Wave @Faris/Moar liiivvvveerrrrrr/Mirror Coat

Mike the Foxhog (OO)


Faris (F) <Pickup>
Health: 56%
Energy: 78%
Status: Furious at Yoshimitsu – and at herself for missing. +2 Attack, -1 Accuracy.
Pickup: $2
Commands: Thief @Yoshimitsu ~ Dive (down) ~ wait, then Dive (up) @Yoshimitsu

L’il Dwagie (OO)

Nincada @Smoke Ball
Yoshimitsu (F) <Compoundeyes>
Health: 73%
Energy: 74%
Status: Laughing quietly at Faris. +1 Sp. Attack.
Commands: Flash + Smoke Ball ~ Bug Buzz @Faris/Brainzz ~ Bug Buzz @Faris/Moar Brainzzzesz

Determined to get revenge, even if the goal of this ‘revenge’ was to be a nuisance instead of beating the insect’s skull in, Faris shrouded herself in a light cloak of dark energy before stomping to Yoshimitsu, feet sinking in the brains with every step. Granted, it only took about three steps to close the distance between the two Pokemon, so the intimidation effect was greatly reduced. Yoshimitsu merely raised an eyebrow at her archrival.

All of a sudden, Faris lunged forward, one hand grappling for Yoshimitsu’s Smoke Ball and her hook slashing at the Nincada’s leg when she refused to comply. With a little cry, Yoshimitsu released her item, and Faris retreated with a smug grin on her face.

The Nincada glared heatedly – she was just about to use that, too! Then she shrugged; she’d have to settle for less. Taking a moment to shuffle her feet around and make sure that the angle was proper, Yoshimitsu then flared her premature wings, reflecting the light in the arena in a spectacular flash. Faris yelled indignantly and stumbled backwards, shielding her eyes, but the damage was done: when she at last dared to peel her eyelids back, her vision was distorted, swimming with dots of various colours.

Once again, Death Cannon missed out on the action, though it hardly seemed bored. Whirring and clicking softly, it plucked several strings of data from its body, programs that contained important information but ones that the Porygon could do without. The normally-abstract codes drifted through the air, shimmering in the colours of the rainbow, then congregated in a central point on front of Death Cannon. Within moments, the data had solidified into a pale blue, blobby-looking Porygon.

Rather intimidated by the appearance of another Porygon and by the painful command strings the other trainers were barking out, Faris decided the best course of action was to hide. She quickly scurried to the hole in the brains she had torn earlier and dove into the soup, leaving behind a trail of bubbles. The pirate Pokemon soon disappeared into the murky liquid. Yoshimitsu and Death Cannon stared; how were they supposed to hit her now?

After several breathless moments of uncertainty, Death Cannon decided to take a stab in the dark. The leg-like segments on its body began to twirl rapidly as it generated static electricity. The Porygon’s body was crackling before it released the energy in a single white-yellow wave. The electrical power washed over the surface of the soup, sparks dancing across the brains, but it couldn’t reach Faris, who was already settled near the bottom of the oversized bowl.

Yoshimitsu didn’t even bother to try to attack her foe – if she wanted to play coward, then she could by all means do so. Using her front legs, the Nincada scooped up some brains – she recognized them easily, since she had eaten a generous helping of it before – and stuffed the squishy delectable into her mandibles.

The next minute and a half proved uneventful. Whirring crazily, Death Cannon fired off yet another Shock Wave which did about as much as its predecessor. Yoshimitsu looked at the Porygon strangely – was the Pokemon malfunctioning, or something? While pondering, Yoshimitsu crouched down and helped herself to another lump of brain. She didn’t quite mind the lack of action – the delicious offal more than made up for it.

Alas, the relative peace could not last. All of a sudden, there was a magnificent splash and a large, ragged hole was torn in the brains right next to Yoshimitsu; startled, she all but flipped onto her back, making her a perfect target for Faris. Still dripping wet and saturated with water energy, the pirate Pokemon viciously tackled Yoshimitsu into the brains, splashing soup everywhere and giving her quite the bruise to remember.

Crazy Linoone (OO)

Porygon @Upgrade
Death Cannon (N/A) <Download>
Health: 54%
Energy: 72%
Status: Wasting energy, and having fun with it. Substitute: 20%. +1 Attack, +1 Defense, +3 Sp. Attack, +2 Speed.

Mike the Foxhog (OO)

@Smoke Ball
Faris (F) <Pickup>
Health: 56%
Energy: 68%
Status: Rubbing at her eyes in an attempt to clear them of soup and stars. +2 Attack, -3 Accuracy.
Pickup: $3

L’il Dwagie (OO)

Yoshimitsu (F) <Compoundeyes>
Health: 47%
Energy: 80%
Status: “Owww.” +3 Sp. Attack.

Terrain notes
Not much has changed. But if Death Cannon Yoshimitsu keeps going at this rate, she’s going to eat everything in no time.

Final notes
Mike attacks first next round, followed by Dwagie, and finally, Linoone.
Blarghh, and it appears that Psymon forgot about Death Cannon’s signature attribute as well. Thankfully, it hasn’t really affected much.
Since Death Cannon was only instructed to eat liver only if Faris Protected, it went ahead with Shock Waves.
Faris’s accuracy drop will lessen in a round and a half or so.
Last edited:
Good job Faris! We're crawling into the lead a teeny bit.
I guess there's nothing I can do to stop these guys ganging up on you, so just start hammering away with Aerial Aces. If Yoshimitsu can't be attacked for any reason besides a Substitute, wait for Death Cannon to move and then use Revenge. In the unlikely event you're not being targeted with any attacks, or if both targets are unavailable (again not counting substitutes), eat some of the red hearty stuff, or just whatever you end up finding if you can't tell which the heart is.

Aerial Ace @Yoshimitsu/wait, then Revenge @Death Cannon/eat heart ~ Aerial Ace @Yoshimitsu/wait, then Revenge @Death Cannon/eat heart ~ Aerial Ace @Yoshimitsu/wait, then Revenge @Death Cannon/eat heart
Blahhh sorry I just remembered that I forgot to factor in Faris's attack boosts. I've edited Yoshimitsu's health accordingly. If you want to re-order, Mike (though I doubt you will), you can go ahead and do so.
Stoopid tricksy pirates >:c stealin our stuffs. Ninjrrrrrs are the real tricksters!.......
Just buzz the everloving crap out of her!--
...Actually no, damage cap, crap. Okay buzz, and then drain. Twice. Yeah.

Bug Buzz @ Faris ~ Giga Drain @ Faris x2
It's not looking good for our ninja friend here... Let's start of with a Thunderwave at the pirate, then steal its Smokeball with Thief. Finish with a Tri-Attack at the pirate because statuses are awesome and stuff.

Thunderwave @ Faris ~ Thief @ Faris~ Tri-Attack @ Faris
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