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Search results

  1. Dannichu

    Candy-stripe a cancer ward

    Eeeee, so many pretty pictures! I feel terrible for not checking this more often (I totally forgot the art forum even existed), but having so much eyecandy to drool over was wonderful, I have to say :D I love your original Pokeymans. With Gen V, nobody seems to draw the original critters...
  2. Dannichu

    Candy-stripe a cancer ward

    Eeeee, I love Callow, too~ I especially adore the picture right at the top, with the smoke and Wild West writing and all. It's fantastic. I know basically nothing about lizards (Life in Cold Blood is the one Attenborough documentary series I missed ;;), but the colour scheme he has is lovely...
  3. Dannichu

    Candy-stripe a cancer ward

    Hahaha XD You just won the award for the most counterproductive let-down ever <333 I love the top-middle lizard so much. I think it's the chillaxing pose, but just looking at it makes me giggle.
  4. Dannichu

    Candy-stripe a cancer ward

    ;sfd;kxgvxfbg;;ZSDLFH;XDFBKXDFVXDF AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH YOU DID SHERLOCK ART OH GOD MY LIFE IS COMPLETE <33333 Eeee it is GLORIOUS thank you SO MUCH :DDDD *saves* *sets as background* *legally marries*
  5. Dannichu

    Candy-stripe a cancer ward

    Eeee you are most welcome and I love you too! (I'm mostly human-formed. Deformed-human-formed, if you will) Ah, I'll drink-draw occasionally (I'm not a wild-party person, but will drink if I'm in the mood), and while my art doesn't get massively bad, it goes incredibly weird and I usually end...
  6. Dannichu

    Candy-stripe a cancer ward

    I AM HERE I AM COMMENTING Seriously, your pictures are *amazing* please don't stop posting or anything D: The first one on this page, the, uh, giant wolf-flying-snakey-thing? It looks fantastic. I really love the background for it, and I like how the furriness continues down its back while...
  7. Dannichu

    Candy-stripe a cancer ward

    Is she serious? :D I really like the asymmetry of the design, and the shading, and that eye in particular looks amazing. The Cheshire-cat colouring makes me smile, too :)
  8. Dannichu

    Candy-stripe a cancer ward

    Re: Beauty is a good letter of introduction Yeah, that was it. I'm fascinated by people who can use so many different media - things like spiriting and digital art go right over my head. I found out what a pentimento was the other week, too! It was very exciting. I want one o' them Dealta...
  9. Dannichu

    Candy-stripe a cancer ward

    Re: Beauty is a good letter of introduction Eeeee, I love the fire-horses, they're wonderful <3 I think it's a shame we only got two horses in the whole Pokemon canon (oh god, correct me if I'm wrong) and they basically look the same. Yours are way cooler B) I also want Leafeon to evolve into...
  10. Dannichu

    Candy-stripe a cancer ward

    Re: Beauty is a good letter of introduction And the worst part is, often the very best art threads get even fewer comments, but mostly I put it down to people seeing the art and basically going O.O. I, for one, feel silly posting "OMG these are SO GOOD" because it's so unhelpful, but your...
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