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Search results

  1. Dannichu

    you get some bloody odd types round here

    Oh no, really? My friend and her entire family in Merthyr (which is basically half of Merthyr) all say "yurr". It's adorable!
  2. Dannichu

    you get some bloody odd types round here

    Oh my god, I LOVE the Welsh use of the word "now". It's fantastic XD Also, the identical pronounciation of "ear", "year" and "here". I miss my Welsh BFF ):
  3. Dannichu

    you get some bloody odd types round here

    But it's a forum, not an essay! Who cares if someone's spelling and grammar on an internet site are perfect? People who can't spell very well can also make interesting, valid points! As long as you understand what they're saying, what does it matter? (I had to look at your post to see if it was...
  4. Dannichu

    you get some bloody odd types round here

    Half the time, I say "going to the pictures" because I am secretly from the fifties. Also, "Orange Wednesdaying".
  5. Dannichu

    you get some bloody odd types round here

    Head decorations? You can fit a whole person in easily (I have tested this with my younger sister). You couldn't put one on your head o.o
  6. Dannichu

    you get some bloody odd types round here

    We don't even get a wheelie at our place. We just get a very strict allowance of city-council-granted binbags that we keep forgetting to put out on Thursday nights so they sit in our hallway and smell. :/
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