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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

you get some bloody odd types round here

(PSST: for serious, neither spellings nor pronunciations are any better than the other)
How on Earth does one get from the topic of wheelie bins... (Which are enjoyable to ride around in.)
To spinny chairs....
To the fact that Americans are silly and spell aplogiSe wrong.

And then onto potatoes.
Wheelie bins are great!

The people across the pond started it. Also, not a Brit here.
Yes. We started it. I started it. I never should have stolen gq's wheelietrashbincan with wheels, because otherwise he wouldn't have had to post about it and this horrible, vitriolic argument would never have occurred. I do apologize.
Swivel chairs, office chairs, secretarial chairs, desk chairs, computer chairs...?


Oh my, I was tired this morning. xD It also didn't help that I was working on something for my forensic science class at the same time. "What pieces of evidence could be found at this crime scene?" should not be mixed with "What are other names for swivel chairs?"

I wouldn't be surprised if I wrote "swivel chair" somewhere on that assignment.
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Yes. We started it. I started it. I never should have stolen gq's wheelietrashbincan with wheels, because otherwise he wouldn't have had to post about it and this horrible, vitriolic argument would never have occurred. I do apologize.

Jog on, grasshopper.

My favourite wheelie bins are the ones in Liverpool. They're purple.
(Somehow, google image search for "Merseyside Wheelie Bin" brought up an image of Lady Gaga...)
You underestimate the laziness of the American.

I must not be an American.

I am not lazy, nor will I be. Unlike other people, I actually know how to use proper grammar and spelling. :/ (And I don't mean anyone on this forum. I belong to another forum full of noobs who can't spell). AND DAMMIT AUTOCORRECT CHANGED NOOBS TO BOOBS
I must not be an American.

I am not lazy, nor will I be. Unlike other people, I actually know how to use proper grammar and spelling. :/ (And I don't mean anyone on this forum. I belong to another forum full of noobs who can't spell). AND DAMMIT AUTOCORRECT CHANGED NOOBS TO BOOBS
I like autocorrect now,,,

I will never use aluminum again. Aluminium it is for me.

And wasnt there a similar discussion in #tcod recently involving Cinema vs. The movies?
I must not be an American.

I am not lazy, nor will I be. Unlike other people, I actually know how to use proper grammar and spelling. :/ (And I don't mean anyone on this forum. I belong to another forum full of noobs who can't spell). AND DAMMIT AUTOCORRECT CHANGED NOOBS TO BOOBS

Proper grammar and spelling != regional spelling differences

Joke == over head
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