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Search results

  1. Dannichu

    The Royal Wedding

    Oh god, I loved that, I loved that so much XD And I'm really quite fond of the Archbishop, I forgot he'd be doing the service. Maybe it's all the living in Canterbury I do, but Rowan seems really cool (nobody tell my mother, she'd kick me out of the house).
  2. Dannichu

    The Royal Wedding

    My sister, on the wedding: Grabby: I think this whole thing is a bit OTT, but yeah, Kate looks pretty hot Grabby: Not as hot as Elton John though, but then again, who is? I can't disagree with that. Also, my neighbours (whose house I went over to) served good food (So. Much. Cake.), and I...
  3. Dannichu

    The Royal Wedding

    Mmm, I agree. The Dalek is so tacky it's fabulous, but flags in general plastered everywhere always look terrible (see: England any time we're near the World Cup). The sheer number of US flags all over the place in the US amazed me, though. They're in people's gardens and on random buildings...
  4. Dannichu

    The Royal Wedding

    Would this balance it out?
  5. Dannichu

    The Royal Wedding

    Does Scotland even have banks?? (I was once asked if the town I live in has houses - by someone who knew I lived there. I don't even.)
  6. Dannichu

    The Royal Wedding

    I'm definitely not a royalist, but the monarchy do draw in some tourist money here and there. And it can be handy having a figurehead to send abroad to have tea and scones with Obama et al, keeping the people of actual importance here to do things (*insert dry laughter here*). I'm actually...
  7. Dannichu

    The Royal Wedding

    No, I see where you're coming from. I think it's nice that there's something that brings everyone together... I just sort of wish it was something a little less tacky. Though this could help make the Olympics more of a uniting force, and at least sports celebrate people's achievements and a...
  8. Dannichu

    The Royal Wedding

    I really couldn't care less. Nobody in my family cares about the royal family at all, but I might end up sort-of watching it because my neighbours are having a bit of a party-thing on the day, and I'll probably end up going because I can play Pokemon and discuss the new Who episodes with their...
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