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The Royal Wedding

Who are these people and why is their marriage significant in the slightest? What did this guy do other than be born into a certain family? How is this different than any of the other celebrity marriages heavily publicized by tabloids?
I'm definitely not a royalist, but the monarchy do draw in some tourist money here and there. And it can be handy having a figurehead to send abroad to have tea and scones with Obama et al, keeping the people of actual importance here to do things (*insert dry laughter here*).
Yeah, I remembered all the tacky merchandise after I made that post. I'm not one of those people who thinks we need to get rid of royals AT ALL COST or something but if they stopped being the royal family I wouldn't care :v

Also it's not really a once in a lifetime thing. Off the top of my head, we've had Charles and Camilla, the Dutch royals (Willem Alexander and Maxima, right) and the Swedes in my lifetime. I'm sure I'm missing out on a bunch too.
:( The Union jack makes things look so tacky. I don't understand why people feel the need to plaster them onto everything.

I would definitely like a snack serving Dalek though.

It's better than our flag. :(

To be honest I care about it about as much as I care about all weddings. A slight interest, but I won't particularly care if I miss it. Sure as hell ain't getting up at 5 in the morning for it.
Mmm, I agree. The Dalek is so tacky it's fabulous, but flags in general plastered everywhere always look terrible (see: England any time we're near the World Cup).
The sheer number of US flags all over the place in the US amazed me, though. They're in people's gardens and on random buildings and apparently even in classrooms and things! I can only imagine it's in case someone lost their memory and was all "what country am I in? Oh, the US; I'm sure glad this flag is here to inform me!".
^In classrooms, it's because we're forced to say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning with our hands over our heart and our eyes on the flag.

It also shows patriotism, which I never was that much of a fan of.
^In classrooms, it's because we're forced to say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning with our hands over our heart and our eyes on the flag.



Iiiii do think that's taking patriotism a little too far.
It's to defeat those damn unpatriotic Commies. We even added in "under God" to make them shriek in pain from their godlessness!

Seriously, everything weird about America comes from either the Revolution or the Cold War.
^In classrooms, it's because we're forced to say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning with our hands over our heart and our eyes on the flag.

It also shows patriotism, which I never was that much of a fan of.

lol, I was one of those COOL FUCK THE SYSTEM REBEL KIDS who'd refuse to stand. Pissed my teacher the hell off, even after I showed her a brief on the supreme court case where mandatory recital of the pledge was considered 'forced unification of opinion' and ruled unconstitutional.

I don't really care about the royal wedding. Eh.
I like this whole wedding business. William and Kate are going to redefine and modernise the monarchy, and I think the state of the Commonwealth depends upon what happens over the course of their marriage. I love it because of all the pomp and ceremony and the fact that we're getting to see the continuation of a centuries-old tradition.

It's lovely.
^In classrooms, it's because we're forced to say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning with our hands over our heart and our eyes on the flag.

It also shows patriotism, which I never was that much of a fan of.

You can refuse.
My sister, on the wedding:

Grabby: I think this whole thing is a bit OTT, but yeah, Kate looks pretty hot
Grabby: Not as hot as Elton John though, but then again, who is?

I can't disagree with that. Also, my neighbours (whose house I went over to) served good food (So. Much. Cake.), and I helped a couple of the kids who were stuck on various Pokemon games, so it was all good.
I really liked how they had trees inside the church, that looked quite lovely and was a really nice idea.
My grandmother was watching it so I caught a little of it before we got on a plane. I always forget how awesome the Archbishop's voice is :3c
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