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The Royal Wedding

No, I see where you're coming from. I think it's nice that there's something that brings everyone together... I just sort of wish it was something a little less tacky.

Though this could help make the Olympics more of a uniting force, and at least sports celebrate people's achievements and a country's investment in sports (and, for the Paralympics, in helping those with disabilities, and I'm always thrilled at how well Team GB does in that), so it's, for me, more of a reason to get excited. :)
Honestly, I hate to be morbid, but the marriage is DOOMED. I mean, if giving Kate a dead woman's ring isn't enough of a hint, I don't know what is.
'A dead woman's ring'? You... do realise that that's often a tradition in ~ordinary~ (and heteronormative) families, giving the woman the husband's grandmother's ring and whatever as a family heirloom of sorts? o_O How would that even be a factor in divorce lmfao that doesn't make any sense.

Anyway, I hate weddings enough to not be interested in watching this one. And I'm a republican with a small 'r' so not caring about the Royal Family is to be expected.
Honestly, I hate to be morbid, but the marriage is DOOMED. I mean, if giving Kate a dead woman's ring isn't enough of a hint, I don't know what is.
It's history, man.

It's sort of the same as the Obama Inauguration, in the fact that it's never going to happen again. Pointless or not, I want to be able to say I witnessed the Wedding, just like I can safely say I watched the Inauguration.
Gah I know, but there's still something about it that I find unsettling D:
So it's that "Death's Bell be rung twice" sort of thing? Can't blame you, considering Charles/Diana was treated with the same hype.

Just drink yourself half to death and hope Catherine doesn't go to Paris in a limo.
The day after the wedding is Queen's day in Holland. And you know what Brits our family can beat your family any day. Any day man.

EDIT: Aobaru: basically anything our royals do costs us tons of money because they get everything for free and they're completely useless, yes.
Good thing Portugal killed off its royals years ago or imagine the extra cost, northern countries dodged a bullet there (and good thing they were the only ones to do so) I tell you what.
EDIT: Aobaru: basically anything our royals do costs us tons of money because they get everything for free and they're completely useless, yes.

I'm definitely not a royalist, but the monarchy do draw in some tourist money here and there. And it can be handy having a figurehead to send abroad to have tea and scones with Obama et al, keeping the people of actual importance here to do things (*insert dry laughter here*).

I'm actually quite fond of Liz. She seems really cool. The rest of them seem like a bunch of nutters, and I'm not entirely comfortable with the whole unelected thing, but they're really nowhere near the top of the list of things wrong with the UK, so it's not a huge deal.
Does Scotland even have banks??

(I was once asked if the town I live in has houses - by someone who knew I lived there. I don't even.)
It is a day, always the most inconvenient possible, on which banks are closed! Also most people get the day off.
It's sort of the same as the Obama Inauguration, in the fact that it's never going to happen again. Pointless or not, I want to be able to say I witnessed the Wedding, just like I can safely say I watched the Inauguration.

Since when did the royals have any power?

President of the free world is one thing, aristocrats getting married is something else entirely.
Does America even have banks??

No, we don't actually! We just bury our money underground until we need it. The truffles we find are interest enough for most!

The extent to which I care about watching this thing is apparently inversely proportional to how many times specials about it replace Doctor Who on BBC America. So, I'm in the negatives now; I'll have to watch the whole thing in reversed colors and backwards just to satiate my annoyance.
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