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The Royal Wedding


also prince harry is pretty hot. at least appreciate it for that.
I wasn't expecting to watch it, but I did anyway in the end! I amused myself with the fact that David Cameron was tucked away in his own little corner at least two metres away from everyone else. Also, the Archbishop has an excellent voice.
I amused myself with the fact that David Cameron was tucked away in his own little corner at least two metres away from everyone else. Also, the Archbishop has an excellent voice.

Oh god, I loved that, I loved that so much XD

And I'm really quite fond of the Archbishop, I forgot he'd be doing the service. Maybe it's all the living in Canterbury I do, but Rowan seems really cool (nobody tell my mother, she'd kick me out of the house).
Stayed up all night to watch it because I had nothing else to do.
Snarked all the utterly bizarre hats (oh my god what the /fuck/ was that thing on Beatrice' head)
Educated my mother on British politics.

But no seriously, it was a very lovely event. Really weird hats nonwithstanding. It's still all over the news here though. Here I was hoping they'd stop after all was said and done with... :x
Beatrice's headpiece was... interesting. It was more of a GaGa item than a formal hat. It looked good though. Just not there.

Also, I've now found three Royals that I genuinely would. Four if we count Pippa.
What was on Victoria Beckham's head??? And how the hell did it stay on?

Oh and I laughed at Harry and William's baldness. Even Royalty can't escape male pattern baldness!
Ah yes, wonderful, but unfortunately I was not able to view the entire ceremony. I do hear it was quite interesting, however.

Hey, was there a failed assassination attempt or were the people at my school being really stupid???

Thank goodness the wedding did not occur on the fifth of November.

I imagine that after I stopped watching it, the wedding just turned into this.

Floating dancers? Certainly quite the excellent wedding indeed.
I skipped it, it's a waste of time + money, and I find it annoying when people try to bug me about it.
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