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Search results

  1. Furiianda


    So glad I didn't decide to heal Derpy Hooves... (I was thinking about it!) I feel sorry for the mafia though, really 0_O I mean couldn't we have had one or two more?! The proportion seems a little off, though I guess there was some seriously ridiculous RNG helping out. Congratulations PK on...
  2. Furiianda


    Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1] Fine, then, I'll reword too! We have... uh... (I'm bad at this) nothing likely to gain by random lynching? [: Also, nice position there. :o Very nice. I hope you enjoy that! And also why do you want to lynch Squirtles...? Are you suspicious as Squirrel was or uh. Really...
  3. Furiianda


    Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1] Uh, nothing to lose by abstaining? Don't we have... a potential innocent to lose? We can only really go for a random and that leaves us with a much higher chance of losing an innocent than a mafia (or inactivated alien), which gives us all just a little less time. It's...
  4. Furiianda


    Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1] I think they swap what happens to two people of their choice. (eg. Player 1 is targeted by mafia, bus driver swaps player 1 and player 4, player 4 is killed instead) So, the bus driver might know who the real target was. It'd be kinda helpful to know, but it'd probably...
  5. Furiianda


    Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1] Suspicious? How? And if it IS his first day post (first game?) then it was probably unintentional, anyway. ...I guess there's no harm keeping an eye on him though. Also yes, what Alraune/Spike said, (and Tailsy/Applejack,) probably a bus driver. Also abstain until further...
  6. Furiianda


    Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1] Hooray! Hello my ponies/cronies/bronies. This is mainly a "Hi, I'm active" post. Yep. Anyone have anything interesting to add? I sure don't! Since I'm a pile of inexperience, I'll leave suggestions up to the other players for now, I guess. But I'm thinking of abstaining...
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