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Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

Vixie ♥;469237 said:
All it takes is for one person to call "abstain!" and then everyone else just blindly follows. :|

And then all discussion ceases to exist.
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

Well, the main problem with not-abstaining when we have no leads is that... we have no leads, so who do we randlynch and how do we decide? Especially when everybody is basically active thus far (except Dr. Whoof I guess? But he's been busy lately I know, I'll try to prod him back over here to this thread and see if he has any input)
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

Vixie ♥;469237 said:
Presumably there are only two or three mafia left, though. Since it's unlikely we have an activated alien, this is the perfect opportunity to lynch. By abstaining, have nothing to gain but everything to lose.

All it takes is for one person to call "abstain!" and then everyone else just blindly follows. :|
And all discussion ceases to exist.
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

Vixie ♥;469237 said:
Presumably there are only two or three mafia left, though. Since it's unlikely we have an activated alien, this is the perfect opportunity to lynch. By abstaining, have nothing to gain but everything to lose.

All it takes is for one person to call "abstain!" and then everyone else just blindly follows. :|

Uh, nothing to lose by abstaining? Don't we have... a potential innocent to lose?
We can only really go for a random and that leaves us with a much higher chance of losing an innocent than a mafia (or inactivated alien), which gives us all just a little less time. It's hardly a blind bandwagon decision, at least from my perspective.
Speaking of being randomly suspicious, from the games I've read so far it's usually the mafia who try to encourage random lynches with no leads. Not that I really think that's the case, you know, but I'd like to hear a better reason than "nothing to lose".
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

But... it's not like that. We're a mafia down and all innocents are alive. We are very much more likely to get an innocent if we lynch! This is the perfect time to abstain.
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

Well, the main problem with not-abstaining when we have no leads is that... we have no leads, so who do we randlynch and how do we decide? Especially when everybody is basically active thus far (except Dr. Whoof I guess? But he's been busy lately I know, I'll try to prod him back over here to this thread and see if he has any input)

I will volunteer my services and suggest the lynching of I liek squirtles.

And to confirm my authenticity as an innocent, I will even be so bold as to claim as I feel quite secure in my position. I am Rarity the Lover. My partner is Fluttershy the Doctor. For both of our securities, I'm not saying who it is.

And all discussion ceases to exist.

And that makes for a booooring game.

Uh, nothing to lose by abstaining? Don't we have... a potential innocent to lose?

I said nothing to gain by abstaining. Unless OP is using a seriously wacko setup, innocents far outnumber mafia right now so a misfired lynch is of little consequence. It is better to lynch when we're sure there's no active alien to worry about!
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

With my typical dislike of abstaining at any point during a game, I entirely agree with Vixie in that we should lynch I liek Squirtles.
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

Vixie ♥;469297 said:
I said nothing to gain by abstaining. Unless OP is using a seriously wacko setup, innocents far outnumber mafia right now so a misfired lynch is of little consequence. It is better to lynch when we're sure there's no active alien to worry about!

Fine, then, I'll reword too!
We have... uh... (I'm bad at this) nothing likely to gain by random lynching? [:
Also, nice position there. :o Very nice. I hope you enjoy that!
And also why do you want to lynch Squirtles...? Are you suspicious as Squirrel was or uh. Really, I should ask, do you have some reasoning or are you just picking for the sake of it~?
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

I'd feel bad for lynching the new guy, it smacks of cliqueyness... even though not lynching someone just because they're new isn't a good idea either. :/ Why did you pick Squirtles?
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

I'd feel bad for lynching the new guy, it smacks of cliqueyness... even though not lynching someone just because they're new isn't a good idea either. :/ Why did you pick Squirtles?

Fine, then, I'll reword too!
We have... uh... (I'm bad at this) nothing likely to gain by random lynching? [:
Also, nice position there. :o Very nice. I hope you enjoy that!
And also why do you want to lynch Squirtles...? Are you suspicious as Squirrel was or uh. Really, I should ask, do you have some reasoning or are you just picking for the sake of it~?

They're as likely as anyone to be mafia. And assuming two mafia are left, it's better than a die throw's chance they are. Of course, the Big Idea here is to incite discussion rather than just play "let's all be quiet and abstain" while the mafia gets more chances to kill important people. I'm more than willing to change my vote if new evidence supporting someone else as mafia or Squirtles as innocent unearths!

Unless we have a vigilante -- an uncommon role -- there is no practical way for us to get rid of mafia other than by lynching. (Overdose is not practical, particularly since my lover will be healing me.) We have an excess of innocents (a mafia died!) and no active alien. Therefore, it is wise to act while we have momentum.
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

Waitaminnut I just realized

Isn't this a secret roles game? Doesn't that mean you're not allowed to tell us what your role is? Or just that you can't tell us what your role does (but that's dumb because it's easy to find that out if you can tell what your role's name is)

or is that just how OrngSumb does secret roles and it just means the roles aren't posted in the sign-up thread?

This is probably a dumb idea because why would you admit you're lovers with the healer? But what the hell nothing else is happening

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Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

Out of nowhere, Spike revealed herself as a brown-and-white griffon. She then unleashed a bomb at Vixie.

Just then, Applejack appeared and said, "I want us to die together, too."

The bomb exploded and killed all three.

Spike is dead. She was Gilda and a mafia member.

Vixie is dead. She was Rarity and innocent.

Applejack is dead. She was Fluttershy and innocent.

You have 48 hours for night actions.
Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1]

At the next headcount, they noticed that another one was dead. It was Derpy Hooves (the member). What was interesting is that this was an inadvertent self-kill - maybe he'd win a Darwin Award (Google it if you don't know what it is) for it someday. But most importantly...

Derpy Hooves is dead. He was mafia. The good guys win!

Haxxiest. Game. Ever.

You guys have Doctor Whoof to thank for this one. This is his role description (a bus driver-esque role):

Me said:
You are Pinkie Pie (saboteur, which in on the good guys' side). What your role does is, every night, you choose one person's night action to be re-diverted to randomly hit someone else. However, your sabotage may fail, and you only have a 75% chance of succeeding with your sabotage. (Yes, RNG.)

Here's the log and list of roles.

Main Mafia - Tirek (Derpy Hooves)
Secondary Mafia - Hydia (Mai)
Bomber - Gilda (Spike)
Inspector - Rainbow Dash (Twilight Sparkle)
Lover - Rarity (Vixie)
Healers - Fluttershy (Applejack), Twilight Sparkle (Furiianda)
Fishing brothers - Applebloom (Wargle), Applejack (Hoity Toity)
Vigilante - Gusty (RTB)
Alien - Zecora (ILS), activating him
Saboteur - Pinkie Pie (Doctor Whoof)
Townies (2) (Cirrus, Squirrel)

Night 0:

Doctor Whoof (Pinkie Pie) sabotages Derpy Hooves’ night action, redirecting it to Mai (Hydia).
Furiianda (Twilight Sparkle) protects Twilight Sparkle (Rainbow Dash).
Vixie (Rarity) infatuates Applejack (Fluttershy).
Applejack (Fluttershy) protects Vixie (Rarity).
RTB (Gusty) targets ILS (Zecora).
Derpy Hooves (Tirek) attempts to kill Cirrus (townie), but it has been redirected by Doctor Whoof (Pinkie Pie) to Mai (Hydia).


Mai (Hydia)

Day 1:

Spike (Gilda) bombs Vixie (Rarity), taking down Applejack (Fluttershy) with them.


Spike (Gilda), Vixie (Rarity), Applejack (Fluttershy)

Night 1:

Furiianda (Twilight Sparkle) protects Cirrus (townie)
Doctor Whoof (Pinkie Pie) sabotages Derpy Hooves’ night action, redirecting it to Derpy Hooves (Tirek)
Derpy Hooves (Tirek) attempts to kill Cirrus (townie), but it has been redirected by Doctor Whoof (Pinkie Pie) to Derpy Hooves (Tirek).


Derpy Hooves (Tirek)
*reads game*

I know I didn't play, but can I say I think this game made a record for quickest game... ever....
^ Fire Mafia at the the original vB, in 2007.

Main mafia was fishing-brother killed and secondary mafia died on Day 1 because he was infatuated and the lover was lynched.

(Who remembers that, anyway?)
Me, because it was my lover and he said something extraordinarily stupid and there was nothing I could do and I still haven't forgiven him for it.

People who get lover are no longer allowed to pick me, ever. Even with that one time I won mostly due to that (and anyway I was the lover role that time, not the partner). Never again.


I just picked Derpy Hooves at random the first night and figured he must be the mafia leader


oh my god I am loling right now you have no idea

great game guys ;D
Ahahaha, ahhh that is brilliant.

I especially love the two times I managed to unwittingly evade death. :D Great game!
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