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So glad I didn't decide to heal Derpy Hooves... (I was thinking about it!)
I feel sorry for the mafia though, really 0_O I mean couldn't we have had one or two more?! The proportion seems a little off, though I guess there was some seriously ridiculous RNG helping out.
Congratulations PK on being (sorta) unintentionally mega awesome! And you didn't even post during the day! Our silent hero ~~

That was ridiculously brilliant though, despite the stupid random luck. Good game, everypony! :D

Nah, pretty sure there were like three votes to abstain and only two votes for you, and both people who voted for you got blown up by me anyway, so there was no way you were gonna get lynched, at least not on the first day.

But I'll fffff because my awesome lover-healer-kill was for naught. :C screw you PK
It's really only 2:11 if the terrorist is unable to speak to the mafia and the mafia loses if the terrorist is their only remaining member, though.
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