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Search results

  1. G


    I saw two flies having sex right in front of my lunch tray once. Then once at the bus stop we saw a big wriggling spider behind a kid's head. He backed away and we threw stuff at it, like pine needles. I scraped it with a cigarette... and it split into two spiders. tldr my district has lots of...
  2. G


    Note: most bus drivers and at least one principal at my district are total douchebags. Yay for American public schools!
  3. G


    Hey, some are pretty cool! There was one who subbed in 4th grade and became a permanent teacher in 5th grade. He's nice and awesome and cool.
  4. G


    purple nurples are like... a virus, man we're all holding our tits and the teachers are like... making fun of us, man
  5. G


    Seventh grade dodgeball is fun except whenever the girls play all they do is huddle in a corner and talk. Otherwise it's nice. Even if you get hit in the face and your glasses are broken.
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