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New member

I don't have any since my life is boring.

I don't think I do..

I might have some that I don't currently remember.

Anyways, share and stuff!
Well, here's one (I'm guessing these have to be funny or random, as this is the insanoty thread.)

Do you have any Idea how fun it is to be in a gym full of sweaty 9th grade guys playing dodgeball? it's FRIGGIN' AWESOME! (in my opinion, of course.)
Seventh grade dodgeball is fun except whenever the girls play all they do is huddle in a corner and talk.

Otherwise it's nice. Even if you get hit in the face and your glasses are broken.
my highschool had three floors; during lunchtime the seniors were allowed on the second floor and everyone else had to sit around on the bottom floor. so once we got some lollypops and some fishing line and went fishing for first-year students. it was awesome until they brought out the scissors.
I am currently in the same room as a guy who's at least 6'6" and wearing the tiniest cheerleader uniform I've ever seen.

He's not the only one in the building.
School stories? UM

Last night I was like "I'm not going out tonight or drinking." Then I drunk half a litre of vodka. Then I went out. Um. That's seen as totally normal behaviour here, both by students and staff; I'm slightly concerned by it. BUT THAT IS MY SCHOOL STORY

oh also I have extra cupboard space in my kitchen, it's great
Seventh grade HANDBALL is fun except whenever the girls play all they do is huddle in a corner and talk.

Otherwise it's nice. Even if you get hit in the face and your glasses are broken.

Especially when you're the only guy on your team. ._.
Seventh grade dodgeball is fun except whenever the girls play all they do is huddle in a corner and talk.

Otherwise it's nice. Even if you get hit in the face and your glasses are broken.

Yep. That sucks

If my glasses broke there will be HELL to PAY

Prisonball kicks dodgeball's ass any day!

YES. ((I hope the prisonball you have and the one I know are the same.))

Especially when you're the only guy on your team. ._.

YES. Now I am not the only one who has been there.
I go to public school. Pity me.

I major in photography, so I'm forced to take photgraphs of our resident bi-- I mean principal. Principal.
My county's public schools are some of the best in the country (soon to change if those ****ers don't shut up...) so...

I've not had much homework lately.
purple nurples are like... a virus, man

we're all holding our tits and the teachers are like... making fun of us, man
Well, in choir today this is what hapened.: We have one of the best choir teachers in the world, named Mr. Baker.

Mr. Baker: "And remember about the Fish Fry. We'll hit Pink Panther hard tommorow, fix the german in Zigunnerleben, and learn one other piece."

Random guy in class: "What piece?"

'Nother random guy: "We should sing 'Don't stop believin' ! "

the whole tenor and base section (including me): "Don't stop, beleivin', Hold on to the thing you love. Streetlights, gleamin'"

My freind "Ohhh-woah-oh-OOOOOOOOO"

Yeah, my choir is awesome. My teacher taught us the jump from Do to So by using Star Wars. (Do, So, Fa Mi Re Do, So....)
This year has been awesome. Including three funny phone calls:

(in science class)
*phone rings*
Teacher: Hang on *answers*
Teacher: Hello? ...Really? Well, that's embarrassing. It's under the cat house. Okay, bye.
Teacher: That was my 8-months-pregnant wife getting locked out of the house.

(in science class again)
*phone rings*
Teacher: Hello? Whoa, don't stay stuff like that! My heart just skipped, like, four beats!
(Apparently, the secretary or someone called, with the opening words, "Hey, Daddy-o.")

(in science club)
*student rings up an old WWII telephone*
Guy: "Hello? Okay, bye." *hangs up* "They were in a meeting."
ahhh, dodgeball.

That's fun, especially when you're the only one on your team that has the balls to be the guard for jail. The people in jail can hit you, but you don't get out. And it's really fun when you get clipped on the ear and your glasses fall to the ground, only to be almost hit a second later, and you can't go and get them because the prisoners have more balls and if you move your team will get mad because like the whole other team is behind the line, and now you can't see at all to dodge the other balls coming at you from the other side, and the kid that they have throwing the ball has an arm like a major league pitcher. Fun.
I don't have gym until next semester so no dodge ball stories from me.

I'm one of the two presidents of the Anime club at my school. I almost skipped lunch just to put up fliers today. We have our first meeting this Tuesday. According to what I've heard from my friends, we may have about 10 members.
My school we did some crazy things.

Freshman year:

A friend of mine jumped out the classroom window while the teacher was yelling at someone outside the door. When the teacher walked back in everyone sat down and sat all nice and proper. The teacher was utterly confused until a friend of mine sweetly stated, "Brian jumped out the window!"
"No he didn't," teacher. but you could see he was counting the students in his head... then there was a knock at the classroom door.... it was Brian.

Our history teacher was talking about medieval siege weapons, and launched a golf ball at a paper castle using a catapult, now this was all out the window. In my class we wanted to try, we nailed a UPS truck that was coming down the street. Mr. Gieske said that was extra credit.

Our school is on an island on the Mississippi river, we were being given a tour when a hobo started yelling at my teacher to get off his lawn.

In physical science our teacher warned us not to bring cell phones to class on friday because he would be bringing in a machine that would wipe their memories clean. (we aren't supposed to have phones in class)He didn't mention it the rest of the week. Come Friday everyone had forgotten except for me and my friend John. When Mr. Jung went to the front of the class and said I hope no one brought their phones a girl grabbed her purse and started crying loudly.

I was a techie, during the fall play I had to run two spotlights at once. (We named our spotlights Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, but we called them Sir Scottish Play and Lady Scottish Play) I accidentally called Macbeth by his name and when I turned it on the whole school blew a fuse... mid show... since then it has happened every time someone uses both lights at once.

Sophomore Year:

My science teacher tried to jump out the window in an attempt to kill herself.... in my class, the football players grabbed her before she jumped...

Brother Robert's biology was epic, he assumed his authority at the beginning of the year by throwing a girls cell phone out the third floor window. (at this point I knew there was something about my school and defenestration.)

A friend of mine staple-gunned her hand in the middle of tech... it was epic.

My parents got a limo to surprise me and my friends after school.. my best friend planned it.

Junior Year:


My teacher was teaching about snipers during WWII, he had a few students stand up in class and he stood on a chair and threw pens at their backs.... he nailed this particularly mean girl in the back of the head... every Halo fan jumped up and screamed HEADSHOT!

My english teacher spent an entire class talking about how bees are flying phalluses.

I spent the fall play up in the balcony managing the lights, but it was a particularly slow play, I spent the first nighter throwing paper airplanes at people below... it was epic and funny and I soooooo got caught.

Handcuffed a teacher to his stand.

Senior Pranks:

We held a few.

We moved a teacher's entire classroom outside, placed everything in the right places as they would have been in the room. He held all his classes outside that day..

Hacked the schools computers and for thirty seconds every computer in school was showing a bit of a rather nasty porno... including classrooms doing powerpoints apparently.

I personally learned how to shim locks. Here was the plan, see the third floor was always the senior/ theater group's floor, in our senior year the school assigned lockers to only the freshman, they got the third floor. I was going to teach all my friends and we would go into school on Sunday and switch all the freshman's locks with the locker two down from it.. plus turn them backwards. It was all very organized and we would records. We got the ok from the school president. Friends never followed up though.

You know the Metal Gear games? You know Snake and the box... yep, I did that for an entire day. The best was when I sat with the box over me in the middle of a class. It was a freshman class. I got there before class started and stayed their for at least twenty minutes. Then in the middle of class I got up and walked out... with the box just like snake... A few girls screamed and I believe a guy stabbed the box with a pencil.
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