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Search results

  1. Harlequin

    University Applications

    I know people who didn't live in halls and they said that they regret not doing it for the experience, and I know that personally most of my friends are people I lived with in first year, but it's going to really be dependent on your particular circumstances. Also! Don't worry about the age...
  2. Harlequin

    University Applications

    The Bay's not... it's not... that bad. Nah, it's ridiculously cold there no matter the weather. ;; You'll enjoy Cardiff! It's fun. :D
  3. Harlequin

    University Applications

    It's okay, you get to party with the Welsh speakers!;D
  4. Harlequin

    University Applications

    Yaaaaay people attending Cardiff universitites!! What are you going to do there? Also, I was gutted that my results spell ABBC instead of ABBA D:
  5. Harlequin

    University Applications

    I'm going to second what Danni said! I missed out on my first choice and everything turned out perfectly well! I love the people I've met and I'm actually quite glad I'm closer to home than five hours away. So wherever you end up, even if it's not your first or second choice, you'll probably...
  6. Harlequin

    University Applications

    I'd think that those sorts of things would be exactly what they're looking for! It shows you have interests outside of school, and it also shows that you're dedicated and hard-working. I'd definitely mention it.
  7. Harlequin

    University Applications

    A-level French is easy anyway, you'll be fine! Yeah, the fees don't actually matter that much until you've graduated and you're earning money. You'll be able to receive a tuition fee loan to cover the cost of the fees, and how it's paid back acts more like a tax than a loan anyway. Focus on...
  8. Harlequin

    University Applications

    Fees are going to be the same for you wherever you go, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's not like you're Scottish or Welsh, is it? (Unless you are: I don't remember) If I were you I'd just keep the whole tuition fees thing out of your mind until it comes time to, like, actually pay them.
  9. Harlequin

    University Applications

    Then you put it first!
  10. Harlequin

    University Applications

    Yes, but it's like you're setting yourself up for failure if you put the easy one first! It doesn't actually matter, but surely it's better to be optimistic than pessimistic, especially if you'll get into the easier one if you meet its grades anyway? Like, if you get the grades for the harder...
  11. Harlequin

    University Applications

    It's not a good idea to put the easiest one as your first choice because if you fail to get into that one you've failed to get into any of them and you don't get to go to university! Maybe do Warwick and then St Andrews. That's what I'd do, anyway!
  12. Harlequin

    University Applications

    Yeah, exactly! I was absolutely gutted when I missed my offer for Sheffield but on reflection I'm happy I've come here. Cardiff's in an okay location, it's a decent university and it's a lot closer to home than Sheffield is. I'm able to go home and visit friends often, friends can visit me and...
  13. Harlequin

    University Applications

    Well, for one thing my entry wasn't completely guaranteed -- there was absolutely no way I could fail to get into Cardiff since my offer was ridiculously low (like, all my offers were ridiculously low anyway, but Cardiff's was so low that if I hadn't gotten in it would have been a crime)...
  14. Harlequin

    University Applications

    I chose Sheffield because I had a reasonable chance of getting accepted, the university and the course are fairly highly-ranked (Sheffield is fourth in the country for biology, after Oxbridge and ICL) and I really like the university and city when I went there. I chose Cardiff because I get...
  15. Harlequin

    University Applications

    hahahahahaha I love what happened after that comment! Just goes to show you that shitty things can and will happen! ... you should totally have applied to Cardiff, it's great.
  16. Harlequin

    University Applications

    ty <3 ... I miss the bilingual signs, too. :( Places with English-only signs are weird. I love the closeness to pubs and such because no one likes walking miles in the cold, drunk out of their head and barely able to see. Bad news bears, that is. But yeah, I can see how that might get annoying.
  17. Harlequin

    University Applications

    Re: flatness: oh my god I know. Flat places are boring. So are places without trees. (lol it's really coming through that I live on a mountain in a forest park right now) also yeah apparently Sheffield is the fourth biggest city in the UK! or it might be fifth now, the guy did say it kept...
  18. Harlequin

    University Applications

    I can get B, but the other B is a slight problem -- it's in chemistry. I CAN DO IT. Also yeah, Sheffield is a lovely place. It doesn't even feel like a big city (and it is: it's the fourth largest in the UK) and there are four trees per person. That's not as many tpp as where I live, but I live...
  19. Harlequin

    University Applications

    Warning: the following post is going to contain large text and references to things better left unseen. OH MY GOD I DID IT I DID IT. SHEFFIELD GAVE ME AN OFFER. IT'S STILL REALLY HIGH AND NOW I HAVE TO PUT CARDIFF AS MY INSURANCE BUT SHEFFIELD GAVE ME AN OFFER. FUCK YES IN THE MOTHERFUCKING...
  20. Harlequin

    University Applications

    I'm still waiting to hear from Sheffield. I really want to go there now so I hope I've got a place. :|
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