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Search results

  1. Jolty

    University Applications

    holy dicks it's the ucas deadline tomorrow i only got mine sent yesterday because money. who else will be staring at track all day every day for the next forever?
  2. Jolty

    University Applications

    oh is it time to start this thread going again iiiiii still need to do me personal statement (and get a reference ugh) god i'm gonna be so bloody old compared to everyone else this time round. if i was a year older i'd be a mature student by the time i went which would be better i spose?? i...
  3. Jolty

    University Applications

    you have eight ASes EIGHT. I don't even know how that's possible and if you got an A* (or even an A) you lose the ability to say you have awful results ok ...dude how much money do you even have ;_;
  4. Jolty

    University Applications

    I love Leeds ;_; haven't been there in like 2 years and the other one is Liverpool John Moores I wanted to apply there last time but we couldn't go to any of the open days because "Liverpool is too annoying to drive to from here" but that won't be a problem when I can drive myself hooargh
  5. Jolty

    University Applications

    woop I'm applying for uni again this year (2012 entry I mean) because basically I'm too overqualified for college courses and everywhere has told me that going for a degree is my best option. especially as most IT jobs are graduate jobs but it will be very different to the last time I applied...
  6. Jolty

    University Applications

    I got into my first choice and ended up hating it I lived on one of the shit campuses B( and I kinda left uni for a shitload of other reasons too BUT I don't know anyone who didn't like where they ended up. and I still love Nottingham forever I will go back to live there one day but in the city...
  7. Jolty

    University Applications

    all of my open days were during school time and they all worked out fine and maybe you could get the train to wherever?? your mum should take you though >:( my stepmum still took me to one when my dad was in the hospital yeah like those guys said, all the Scots will be hatin' probably :(...
  8. Jolty

    University Applications

    I must be the only person who doesn't really like Sheffield :B TOO MANY FREAKING HILLS and I nearly got ran over once. Then again I pretty much hate the whole of South Yorkshire, the sooner I get out of here the better also wtf it's the 4th biggest city in the UK?
  9. Jolty

    University Applications

    I feel awkward posting after my last post is like... 2 above ANYHOO I got an offer from De Montfort for 240 UCAS points :) then I made them my insurance choice with Nottingham Trent as my firm (their offer was higher) and in answer to how I figured out what I wanted to do: art and graphics at...
  10. Jolty

    University Applications

    Just got back from my interview I think it went well *LURKS ON UCAS TRACK FOREVER*
  11. Jolty

    University Applications

    I wanna reply to mine alreadyyyy but I have to wait until after I've had the interview at De Montfort in February... Also I resat one of my history exams yesterday. I totally did way better than before. :D inb4 I only get a C again
  12. Jolty

    University Applications

    Yeah they said in the letter it'll be informal... ok I'm less nervous now :B even though it's not for another 2+ months
  13. Jolty

    University Applications

    It hasn't shown up on track yet but Essex emailed me telling me they made me an offer The email was lovely and it was obvious they'd actually read my whole personal statement lol. When people say OH THEY ONLY READ THE FIRST AND LAST PARAGRAPH it's bullshit :B I have like a million open days...
  14. Jolty

    University Applications

    that's lame :( I'm glad Nottingham have given me the highest requirements so far
  15. Jolty

    University Applications

    I got an offer and an interview invitation from Coventry, and and interview invitation from De Montfort today I am bloody determined to get 3 Cs at least, I am not getting put into bloody clearing
  16. Jolty

    University Applications

    yes oh my god speaking of which I GOT AN OFFER FROM PORTSMOUTH TODAY :D 240 UCAS points from 3 A-levels. So 3 Cs basically. edit: lol Tailsy I actually got my first offer before I got the welcome letter
  17. Jolty

    University Applications

    So all science applicants have to go for an interview right? My friend wants to do medicine and he's been to an interview already I think Haven't heard of any other subjects getting them yet :B I WISH YOU LUCK ANYWAY HARLE.
  18. Jolty

    University Applications

    I got a conditional offer from Nottingham Trent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need 260 UCAS points, 180 being from at least 2 A levels I can so do that
  19. Jolty

    University Applications

    My application has just gone through, no offers or anything yet BUUUT my first choice were nice enough to email me that they're looking at it now :D It would've gone through sooner but finding the £19 to send the application with was pretty irritating. Being poor is pretty irritating. I have to...
  20. Jolty

    University Applications

    I hope to all that is holy that I get a single room. I could live with other people in the same house/dorm/whichever but I NEED my own room. Part of the reason I can't wait to get to uni is so I can have my own sodding space, sharing a room with a sibling who is the polar opposite of you is...
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