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University Applications

The PLAN test is pretty silly. I don't really think they should be making suggestions on what career a student would be good at based on what they're interested in. I got "biochemist" just because I answered "like" to all the things involving learning about nature/science. I would not be a very good biochemist. I never could figure out how the hell you balance those chemical equation things. :|
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The PLAN test is pretty silly. I don't really think they should be making suggestions on what career a student would be good at based on what they're interested in. I got "biochemist" just because I answered "like" to all the things involving learning about nature/science. I would not be a very good biochemist. I never could figure out how the hell you balance those chemical equation things. :|

Most of those options are ridiculous. We haven't gotten scores back yet, so I have no idea what they'd say I should be because I answered dislike for most of them. I was so fed up with all of those things that when I got to a really dumb task I pretended to basically explode with joy. I normally sounded something like: "OH MY GOD COUNT MONEY ARE YOU KIDDING WHO THE HELL DOESN'T LOVE THAT." I like to be loud and obnoxious when it's quiet. And, plus, our school district mandated the creation of this really dumb class about like colleges and character and silly things like that. I mean, it's called tribal counsel. I thought we were all going to like grab a spear and dance around a campfire.
these supplements aren't going to write themselves..

i feel like it's going to be difficult to sell myself to these colleges. i'm very modest; while i don't outright dislike myself even a little, i've never had the gut to brag about myself, ever. D:
I'm really having trouble figuring out what to write, too. I need to be able to convey my enthusiasm toward art and whatnot without sounding all "Ever since I was little, I..." or "I know you're going through a lot of applicants, but I..." or "I was going to sit here and tell you all about how excited I am, but then I came up with the even less original idea to start off on a clichéd 'I'm going to be different' note..." or... it's hard to think of original things to say, and I'm nervous to treat it like something really informal, even if that would reflect on my character a lot more.

It's... eh.
I find that I'm simply never in a mood to write.
Even to answer "Come up with a prompt of your own choosing and respond to it," I can't do.
Interest means motivation.

You're forgetting a good career at uni is 1/2 talent and 1/2 motivation.
Hey, cool, I sent my app to SCAD and they were nice enough to send me an e-mail saying that a person will contact me in a few days. c:

CCAD is proving kind of hard to get in touch with. I sent my app like three weeks ago and was promised some kind of brochure or info packet or something, but it never came. The only way I know they're getting my stuff is through the updates I can follow on their online app thing. I'm planning on visiting this month or next, though.

Speaking of that! Anyone visited any colleges yet?
Speaking of that! Anyone visited any colleges yet?

Funny you should mention it, I went to the open day at the university of Gloucestershire today :3 Not that I've anywhere to compare it with, but it seems like a really good place. The halls of residence looked quite cosy, which surprised me because every time we were being lectured about uni at school the same old message of "THE ACCOMMODATION WILL BE AWFUL YOU WILL NOT LIKE IT AT ALL" was drummed into us over and over xD

We were planning to look around Cheltenham afterwards, but my dad decided to be a git and ruin it. Also my glasses broke for no reason at all while I was there. But otherwise it was a really great day =D
Speaking of that! Anyone visited any colleges yet?

I spent a week in St. Andrews and attended one of their open days. It was pretty cool - for one I was the only non-UK citizen that I noticed so I felt pretty dedicated, and the university seemed awesome too. It's got a mini natural history museum! Also it was the first time I'd stayed in a hostel, which was fun. I went to Edinburgh too, but only to see the city; I couldn't be bothered to go look at the uni.

If I get the interview, I'll visit Cambridge in December. Other than that I am generally going in blind (though I have been to London plenty of times and have assurances from many people that York is a lovely place).
I went to Kent blind; I was a bit nervous, but there were lots of people who I've spoken to who never visited (or even knew where it was on a map) before coming here to study.

every time we were being lectured about uni at school the same old message of "THE ACCOMMODATION WILL BE AWFUL YOU WILL NOT LIKE IT AT ALL" was drummed into us over and over xD

Really? I wouldn't worry about it too much; you should be okay. I mean, I applied very late for my accomodation (past the deadline, in fact), so I fully expected to be living in a leaky cardboard box all my first year. But I ended up in an absolutely massive room with its own sink. Sure, the kitchen was absolutely tiny and I had to share the bath/shower room with five other people, but the room itself was really great and everyone else on my corridor applied late, too, so obviously we were in the worst, most undesirable accommodation in the entire university and it really wasn't that bad.

(The best thing about last year's uni room was it catered very well to my #1 requirement of a room; more than size, more than a decent kitchen, what I most want my room to have is light-excluding curtains. My sleeping pattern is all over the place, and I need to be able to go to sleep at 3pm if needs be. Unfortunately, my room in my student house this year merely has blinds instead of curtains, and they don't keep light out at all)

And look on the bright side; in lots of American unis, they (correct me if I'm wrong) make you share rooms, and I can't imagine anything worse. Two days of sharing a room, no matter now nice, with someone, and I'd be begging for that leaky cardboard box.
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And look on the bright side; in lots of American unis, they (correct me if I'm wrong) make you share rooms, and I can't imagine anything worse.

UK unis do that, too, if you want to share a room.
Yeah, but it's not a "you applied late, all the singles are gone, so you're stuck with this person for the rest of the year!" arrangement.

...I dunno if it's like that at uni level in the US (my knowledge of US univeristies totally doesn't come from a combination of Buffy and Gilmore Girls), but the very idea of sharing space with someone all year makes me shudder.
yeah, at american universities, it's pretty common to have to share a room with someone. they inform you of who your roommate is before you start to live there, but i can understand not wanting to board with someone. i had to room with someone when i stayed at american university in washington, d.c., and though he was really cool, we weren't much alike at all.
Actually, I wouldn't really mind having a roommate, as long as they're not a slob. :| It's better than having no one to talk to at your space (but I guess you'd meet people there or something).
Having a single room isn't like living on an island; last year, my friend who lived in the room next door spent most of her days in my room, especially when we had work to do (we'd stop the other from getting distracted) and every night another friend would come over and the three of us would watch DVDs together. It was very social, but because they went back to their own rooms sometimes, I had alone-time, I had privacy and, most importantly, nobody stopped me from keeping my wacky sleeping patterns.
I hope to all that is holy that I get a single room. I could live with other people in the same house/dorm/whichever but I NEED my own room. Part of the reason I can't wait to get to uni is so I can have my own sodding space, sharing a room with a sibling who is the polar opposite of you is frustrating.

Aaaand to answer the earlier question, I have visited 2 unis and liked them both a lot. The open days for my other 3 choices (I have 5 now!!) have gone, but I think that they invite people back after applying.
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