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Search results

  1. MidnightAgony

    Grocery Store!

    Uh, short circuit. Here's a Pii. Would you please get me a fecking pepper from the store?
  2. MidnightAgony

    Grocery Store!

    Only de-chargers, sorry. I WANTZ my bike from the grocery store.
  3. MidnightAgony

    Grocery Store!

    They just had sticky notes. >.> GET ME APPLE PIE.
  4. MidnightAgony

    Grocery Store!

    Uh . . . they broke. Here's a fwend. I would like some tea from the grocery store.
  5. MidnightAgony

    Grocery Store!

    JUST HOCKEY MASKZ I wantz a fwend from the grocery store.
  6. MidnightAgony

    Grocery Store!

    Sorry, shit happened, here's some. GET ME APPLEZ.
  7. MidnightAgony

    Grocery Store!

    All they had was Moomilk. GET ME SANITY AND A NEW CAPSLOCK KEY! PLEASE.
  8. MidnightAgony

    Grocery Store!

  9. MidnightAgony

    Grocery Store!

    They didn't have any good ones. Here's Twilight instead. GET ME A WAR!
  10. MidnightAgony

    Grocery Store!

    It was gone . . . ;;burp~!;; Here's a rock.;;shoves it down Slartibartfast's throat;; Get me some dragonfruits, eh?
  11. MidnightAgony

    Grocery Store!

    They had a fatal error. Here's some nutella~ Get me nutella from the store~
  12. MidnightAgony

    Grocery Store!

    The electronics section chased me out. Here's an adobe photo shop instead. I would like some applejuice from the store.
  13. MidnightAgony

    Grocery Store!

    They were decomposed, so here's a watermelon.
  14. MidnightAgony

    Grocery Store!

    They all caught on fire, so here's Diamond.
  15. MidnightAgony

    Grocery Store!

    It melted. Heres some plastic butter. I would like fire from the grocery store.
  16. MidnightAgony

    Grocery Store!

    They were bloody. Here's a movie.
  17. MidnightAgony

    Grocery Store!

    The store? What store? There hasn't been a store here in 20 years. Here's a hobo. Could you get me a dog at the grocery store?
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