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  1. Not Meowth

    Are you a virgin?

    Since this is now apparently the "haven't you losers got laid yet" thread since the bump, I shall report that I still am. Shocking, I know. \o/
  2. Not Meowth

    Are you a virgin?

    Maybe we do. But perhaps much like "defenestration" it's not in common usage.
  3. Not Meowth

    Are you a virgin?

    Somewhat interesting thought I had today; is there actually any single specific word describing somebody who has had sex, or is it just "not a virgin"?
  4. Not Meowth

    Are you a virgin?

    That must be the creepiest suggestion I've ever heard. xD Anyway, if it does go ahead I think I'll just sit that one out. For everyone's sake. :3
  5. Not Meowth

    Are you a virgin?

    That may be, but not everybody's that sensible. :3
  6. Not Meowth

    Are you a virgin?

    "Successful" in regard to the amount of members it gets. =3
  7. Not Meowth

    Are you a virgin?

    I heard it was a total no-sex thing... but yeah, now you mention it it does just seem to be anti-reproducing. See, Mike, this is why you read websites before posting links to them ^w^
  8. Not Meowth

    Are you a virgin?

    Yeah, sex really is far too hyped up for them ever to succeed. XD (Really, when you hear of an organisation called "the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement", you think "suicide cult" rather than people taking vows of abstinence, though, don't you? =s)
  9. Not Meowth

    Are you a virgin?

    Well, as far as I'm aware the Voluntary Human Extinction movement is somewhat serious, so not really. XD
  10. Not Meowth

    Are you a virgin?

    That's really more your duty as someone who wants to have sex sometime in the future. Anyway, I don't know the reason, the club wasn't my idea.
  11. Not Meowth

    Are you a virgin?

    Because you're a virgin? It would be, like, your duty as a virgin. (I say some really retarded stuff sometimes.)
  12. Not Meowth

    Are you a virgin?

    Pfft, you're just jealous because at this rate it'll be way more successful than any non-virgin club >=( Though I grant you membership would start to dwindle as the members reached consenting age or got into relationships, and eventually it'd just be me on my own, but still.
  13. Not Meowth

    Are you a virgin?

    We totally should. The Virgin Club, where we all get together and boast about how we totally didn't get laid last night. (I deliberately avoided saying "where we all come together" there, by the way.)
  14. Not Meowth

    Are you a virgin?

    Ooh, somewhat personal questions =3 I wouldn't have thought anyone who even remotely knows me needs to ask. :3 If you don't remotely know me, I'm fat, not particularly attractive, a nerd, I lack any form of life (social or otherwise) and every girl outside the Internets instinctively despises...
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