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Search results

  1. Stormecho

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    The thing I hate about my parents forcing me to change rooms is that I need to get off the computer when they go to sleep. :/ And they go to sleep at 9, so I can't use all my time as much as I'd wish. But I wrote a ton and I'm getting slowly closer to being on track with all of you guys again~
  2. Stormecho

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    I'M CATCHING UP GUYS SLOWLY BUT SURELY YEAH :DDDDD This thread just incites capitals in me. So much enthusiasm~ And love~ CAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE TONI- *shot*
  3. Stormecho

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    ...It was a birthday party for one of my really close friends. D: So I needed to go. I already had decided not to go to Toronto to check out a Scott Pilgrim thing so that I could write. x3 I'll try today~
  4. Stormecho

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    ARGH, WHY DO PEOPLE HOLD SOCIAL GATHERINGS IN NOVEMBER WHEN THERE IS WRITING TO BE DONE. D: ...Also, I blame the person I'm RPing with who started off this epicp lot of epicness with me and it's been distracting me since Friday and I'm way behind. D: Help me, guys. I actually did write 1000...
  5. Stormecho

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    I did like... 100 words today because I was plotting RP stuff and arranging and then cancelling plans for tomorrow. SO I CAN TYPE TWICE AS MUCH AS I USUALLY DO TOMORROW, YEAH :DDDD And I had taekwondo class, so I was feeling stressed out by having to get off earlier, and... I feel guilty...
  6. Stormecho

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    And done half an hour ago, but had to go walk the dog. It seems I really, really like death scenes because half of this chapter and all of today's work was... all death scenes. I found it quite interesting that I managed to be affected by the stuff I'm writing. Or maybe it's just that I'm...
  7. Stormecho

    NaNoWriMo 2010

  8. Stormecho

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    I haven't started my words today because I had to do a critique, and someone's been begging me for a thread on a different forum, so I'm trying to do that before I get sucked into killing people off. ...That gif is the most beautiful thing. EVER. AND I LOVE NANO EXCITEMENT AND ENTHUSIASM...
  9. Stormecho

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Yes, they know, and so the stuff I do have to do - like walking the dog - is very much minimized, for which I am very grateful. And right now my parents are very understanding, but I fear that 28 more days will wear that patience a bit thin when I'm still being a grump and twitchy about moving a...
  10. Stormecho

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Blargh, the only reason eating is useful to me is because it gives me a break to think about what the hell happens next. ...Writing without a load of planning is hard when I try to be sensical, guys. D: And I can't describe and my dialogue is stilted and there are plot and logic holes...
  11. Stormecho

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    ...No, that's not bad. :/ A guy in my Writer's Craft is currently five thousand in, and planning to do 150,000 words. I promptly told him I hated him and scowled at him for the whole class. x3 Well, he's probably at some improbably high amount now, considering I talked to him in school.
  12. Stormecho

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Bleeeurgh, 2,500 seems a while away. :/ Though the RP on here has been distracting me, and we had guests over and I had to sit and entertain, so I have reasons, but... *mopes* Still no plot points beyond what's happening now, yay.
  13. Stormecho

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Blargh, my parents were working and school made it so I couldn't stay up to write once it hit midnight. :/ So I'm starting now.
  14. Stormecho

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Erk. With the teams for the wordwars... which am I in? x3 Argh, having doubts about my story but I WILL PERSEVERE because I have not that many other options given how late it is.
  15. Stormecho

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    Heeeere I am, ye gods what am I doing I am going to fail so hard. Regardless, a word war sounds interesting. I doubt many people here are fans of Naruto, but I've recently been reading a good deal of Peggy Sue (or people going back in time for whatever reason and trying to fix things, for those...
  16. Stormecho

    NaNoWriMo 2010

    I'm doing it! And because I did a novel idea last year, my second year will be either total winging it to see what insanity I can come up with, some sort of fanfiction, or an extended, somewhat falsified dream diary thing.
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