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NaNoWriMo 2010

Well, I did about 1,950 words today. My sig is displaying the number of words in my sroty completely, minus chapter name text.

Not bad.
Technically, I didn't get anything on day 1, 'cause I didn't update my word count for the first chapter (1307) until just after midnight. :/

Upside is, that means my word count for today will end up being something like 3000.
Well, I did about 1,950 words today. My sig is displaying the number of words in my sroty completely, minus chapter name text.

Not bad.

Is there no way you could use the progress bar for what you've written in November only, though? :/ Much as I'd like to keep that ~4000 on Team A's wordcount, you're really not supposed to count anything you've written before today started. It's misleading at the very least, anyway, and looks unfair to the other teams. For example, you could cut whatever you wrote prior to the first and paste it into a temporary storage document, leave only your November progress in your main document, and then just paste the beginning back in in December. Or, well, whatever you can think of that would help you keep the wordcount organized but separate.

Found an even better distraction-free writing program than the one I was using before and, since I got out of class early and happened to have my laptop with me today, have been doing more writing while I wait for my ride to get here. :D
So I've been home all day and...haven't worked on the story yet. Oops.

Well, right now I'm working more on the characters (the...two of them that are in it? I think there's gonna be more, but i can't remember. I fail) and the actual storyline:

Okay so there's these two best friends, and one of them draws up the two of them as superheroes, and makes up a villain for them to beat up. And, of course, Miss-Fantastical-Artist actually has minor-reality-warping-powers (a bit of a lesser-scale Haruhi, I suppose? Like she couldn't change the entire universe, but she can add little things) and their nemesis barges in and tries to kill them. And then they get their awesome powers and defeat him, at least temporarily.

It's completely nonsensical, especially seeing as the two superheroes' names are inside jokes, the non-artist is just an epic fail, and the nemesis's theme song is seriously Batman's theme song with the name changed. [/really long and unnecessary rant]

...Cause, you know, I'm pretty sure I hadn't told you guys just what was going on in this story.
Bleeeurgh, 2,500 seems a while away. :/ Though the RP on here has been distracting me, and we had guests over and I had to sit and entertain, so I have reasons, but...


Still no plot points beyond what's happening now, yay.
hmmm I'm at a good 2500 words which looks good on paper, but it's actually really not that good at all because

a) 1000 of that was from last night. while that was certainly worthwhile, these are more or less "bonus words" and were BASICALLY written the night of the 31st as far as I'm concerned. which means I only wrote 1500 today.

b) 1500 isn't bad but then you realize i'm shooting for 100,000 words which means it's less than HALF of what I should be writing on a day to day basis. so ummm

probably should be writing now instead of whatever I'm doing (practicing the guitar, which is actually pretty worthwhile so not really) but I hit that point where my writing started to feel forced and like I just was trying to get it over with, so I decided to put my word processor to bed for the day.

feel like 100,000 is looking hard, but doable. i'm already envisioning a daily routine that will help me get through this, and I think I will definitely be able to set aside the two hours it takes to write 3333 almost every day. my problem today was that I was thinking too hard and working too slowly, which should probably solve itself as the month continues and I get sick of writing :P

besides, i'm already planning on doing basically half my story over Thanksgiving break, which means that I really only need like 2000 a day until then, therefore making me above target! at least for today.

...No, that's not bad. :/ A guy in my Writer's Craft is currently five thousand in, and planning to do 150,000 words. I promptly told him I hated him and scowled at him for the whole class. x3

Well, he's probably at some improbably high amount now, considering I talked to him in school.
^Holy heck, we've got an overacheiver.

well I made 50,000 and 75,000 the past two years so it only seems natural that I would want to shoot for 100,000... the point of NaNo is to challenge yourself and it's not a challenge to do something I now know I'm more than capable of, now is it?
Just put everything into a wordcounter and it turns out I've got 1862 words written, so I'm a couple hundred over today's target wordcount already even though I haven't really done a whole lot since 2 AM this morning.

Still not quite done with the first chapter, though... I might finish it sometime later tonight before I go to bed, though that depends on how long it ends up being.
God why does November have to be my busiest month in terms of stuff I HAVE TO DO blargy. Anywho, I happened to make it over today's goal, so I'm good for now. Tomorrow, hopefully, I'll be able to work on NaNo during my down time at musical rehearsal and also meet the goal. I found out today that two friends irl are participating also.
Dammit NaNoWriMo site! Load faster!

Also, I'm late because of time zones. It's still 10 pm here! I'm not procrastinating!

My inner editor is screaming in pain. I really want to go back and fix some sentences but nuuuuu

Also, 1823 words! I'm so proud of myself, since this is now officially the longest thing I've written in my life and it's only the first day.

And I just found out how weird my writing style is.
Dammit NaNoWriMo site! Load faster!

Also, I'm late because of time zones. It's still 10 pm here! I'm not procrastinating!

My inner editor is screaming in pain. I really want to go back and fix some sentences but nuuuuu

Also, 1823 words! I'm so proud of myself, since this is now officially the longest thing I've written in my life and it's only the first day.

And I just found out how weird my writing style is.

Great job, Linoone! :D See, even if by some crazy accident you don't hit fifty thousand (this won't happen to you), you still win! It is now your best ever! You're already beating records!


I wrote two thousand words... about my story. It doesn't count toward my total. I did decide what to do for it, though! It only took me nine hours to get that much. ...And now I'm going to go read stuff on the Internet because the beginning of this is going to be super tough.

(sometime during the month I might stop procrastinating until the last minute, and then I might get some sleep at some point. Possibly!)
...I went NUTS today.


I wrote two more segments and... am now at 4,861. Dude... wow. I think that I got some big epic inspiration. It just... hit me out of nowhere and I couldn't stop writing. The story is getting really good. I might consider actually showing it somewhere... we'll see.
Yayyyy I've written 2388 so far today! That only took like four hours. But I'll get faster, I'm sure, as I get into the habit and now that I have actually started so I'm not stuck sitting around trying to come up with a beginning.

I should probably try to write some more when I stop being hungry.

So far my characters have just had a really long conversation. I write dialogue when I don't know what to do next. Apparently some people find this baffling. But although I portrayed my main character sort of badly, the chapter's actually pretty interesting. And I like my one villain guy a lot more now! I chose this story instead of one of the easier ones so that I could get to know a couple characters better, so, yay.

Things I did: I noticed I kept digging around for Halloween candy and made up a one candy per hundred words limit. I set my next candy on the desk and stared at it for motivation every time I got stuck. I don't even like candy that much, but if I have a bag of it next to me, I will eat it. This was terribly distracting. I guess I could have hidden the bag from myself, but then I'd just mess with something else. Looking at the next candy kind of makes me go "oh yeah stop messing around and write."

Near the end of the words I skipped a few candies because I didn't notice I was writing a lot and then I finished the chapter and got some potatoes. :D

Also, I keep automatically switching to Firefox and tabbing all over the place. So I went to my website and set up a page that says in giant centered black "GO BACK TO WRITING." and set that as my main tab. By the time I finished my words, I was at the point where I moused over Firefox, remembered not to click because it would just yell at me, and went back to what I was doing.

I'm telling you guys because lots of you have candy and Internet, so maybe you can find some inspiration on how to keep going!

My dad is already slacking off (~400 and quit for the day). Apparently he decided any number of words was good. This is true, particularly since I think his previous standing record was zero (ever), but aww. :(

Mom's at twelve hundred last she shooed me away from her computer and going strong. :D She's reading the official forums on her breaks and talking about writing techniques.

Gooooo, everyone! You can do it!

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