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NaNoWriMo 2010

Likelihood of succeeding at making 50000 words: pretty low

temporary goal change: not making it awkward and this is why I really need to stop basing characters off of real-life people because then stuff like randomly crushing on your best friend who happens to be in the story with you happen arggggggh

My user profile's Flower Doll, by the way. Number 650787.

(*prays that said best friend never finds that one paragraph*)
I'm tarting to have doubts. My current plan is to write this story I've spent some tome developing, but part of me just wants to write relatively randomly and see what happens. I think mostly this doubt comes from the fact that my planned story, no matter how good it may end up being, is still technically fanfiction, and my brain's telling me it's a waste to spend so much energy on something that won't really end up going anywhere. I tell myself that, sure, even if it's 'just fanfiction', it's still and exciting and worthwhile thing to do and would probably really improve my writing. But my other side waffles back.

I don't know. Does anyone have any advice?
I'm tarting to have doubts. My current plan is to write this story I've spent some tome developing, but part of me just wants to write relatively randomly and see what happens. I think mostly this doubt comes from the fact that my planned story, no matter how good it may end up being, is still technically fanfiction, and my brain's telling me it's a waste to spend so much energy on something that won't really end up going anywhere. I tell myself that, sure, even if it's 'just fanfiction', it's still and exciting and worthwhile thing to do and would probably really improve my writing. But my other side waffles back.

I don't know. Does anyone have any advice?

It's certainly not a waste in any sense of the word; you can improve your writing and prove to yourself that you can, in fact, write a novel. Additionally, it gives you something to show off and get critique for since fanfiction is much easier to display (no potential legal issues, no shortage of sites to post at, etc.), and it might inspire you to begin a "real" novel. Lots of people write fanfiction before they write original fiction!

It's not like it's your only chance, anyway. There will be more Novembers, and there will be more of all the other months ever.

The key thing is: if you enjoy it, then it's worth doing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
Made a cover for my novel with some help from surskitty.

That looks really cool! Is that still for the same Mesoamerican story with Biblical overtones, or is it something new?

I'm tarting to have doubts. My current plan is to write this story I've spent some tome developing, but part of me just wants to write relatively randomly and see what happens. I think mostly this doubt comes from the fact that my planned story, no matter how good it may end up being, is still technically fanfiction, and my brain's telling me it's a waste to spend so much energy on something that won't really end up going anywhere. I tell myself that, sure, even if it's 'just fanfiction', it's still and exciting and worthwhile thing to do and would probably really improve my writing. But my other side waffles back.

I don't know. Does anyone have any advice?

Of course it's a waste of time, if you plan on publishing, selling or otherwise promoting every single work of fiction you ever write, and don't ever intend to write just for fun or practice or to show to friends.

Otherwise, what's the difference?
That wasn't intended to come off sounding as rude as it apparently did, for the record. Sorry. I just really don't understand why people seem to think there is a difference, or why fanfiction is so beneath original fiction if you're not trying to pass it off as your own. If you enjoy writing, who cares what it's about or what it's based on?
That looks really cool! Is that still for the same Mesoamerican story with Biblical overtones, or is it something new?

I realised I wasn't going to get 50, 000 words out of my first choice so I decided to go for a different story.

This starts out as detective noir before going philosophical with psychological horror overtones then graduating into action and finishing off with very meta fantasy.

Basically, the main character starts off investigating the death of a psychologist and ends the story dueling the angel that God assigned to keep an eye on the sub-universes created by human writers.

The cover is a hurricane of puns; the victim was found dead in a pile of ink, the victim was a psychologist (Rorschach test), that particular blot looks like an angel, the main villain is an angel called Dorinkiel, or Ink for short...

I finished outlining the time travel story. Halfway through it falls to shit and I really don't like it at all. Plus I'm not sure if I can get to 50,000 words with it. Since NaNo starts in less than 36 hours for me, I have two options.

1 - Go with the Pokemon fanfic that I have almost fully outlined. I can easily get over 50,000 words with it, and its interesting enough to draw me in.
2 - Go with the idea I had last year that I got to 10,000 words on. When my laptop crashed, it took the story with it, so if I did it for NaNo I'd be starting from scratch. I'd just need to spend tomorrow reassembling the outline.

And I thought I was going to be super prepared for NaNo this year. ><
I was still on the fence about NaNoWriMo, but my parents suddenly got interested.

"So what are you going to write about for NaNoWriMo? :D"
"Come on, weren't you complaining that your friend bailed on you?"
"What are you going to wriiiiite"

So! Now I'm in, I guess. I feel kind of bad about it because I'm way behind in History, but I'm just going to have to stop being behind in History.

I still don't know what I'm writing. Tossing out the idea of writing something really new. It isn't a productive use of time and I know I can write my novel without resorting to that. I'm running out of time so I'm just going to have to pick one.

Yayyyy last minute decisions.
I'm incredibly prepared for NaNo this year, but I don't for the life of me know where I'm going to find the time. Whenever I'm not in lectures I'm asleep or socialising, so I think I'll have to just cut back on the number of naps I take (which frankly is bordering on ridiculous) and time spent socialising.

Erk. With the teams for the wordwars... which am I in? x3

Argh, having doubts about my story but I WILL PERSEVERE because I have not that many other options given how late it is.

I just signed myself up what in the world was I thinking?! D:

Some reasons I'll never get to 50000 words:
- This is my first attempt at writing a novel/fanfic that's not a school assignment, ever
- I still have no idea what to write. I have small plot bunnies, but...
- I'm a lazy bum and will probably give up on the second week

And now there's 13 hours left until NaNo starts WHAT SHOULD I DO

*runs around in panicked circles*

I just signed myself up what in the world was I thinking?! D:

Some reasons I'll never get to 50000 words:
- This is my first attempt at writing a novel/fanfic that's not a school assignment, ever
- I still have no idea what to write. I have small plot bunnies, but...
- I'm a lazy bum and will probably give up on the second week

And now there's 13 hours left until NaNo starts WHAT SHOULD I DO

*runs around in panicked circles*
but i completely winged it and i won

You'll do fiiiiine :3
I'm gonna take another crack at this Nanothing! And hopefully I won't drop out by Week 2. My story probably won't be put anywhere in public; I'm writing it for personal reasons.

Haven't really got much of a plan for this story, but I'm pretty good at writing on my feet (according to an old English teacher, at least), so I can probably cock something up.

Lettprofile, yes.
Sign me up, yo.

Also! I hate that I just came up with a perfect NaNo idea. I'd hate to set it aside for now, which is what I'll have to do. And I know it'll take me a while to revise/edit/possibly rewrite this year's writing. Next November, maybe?
Everyone up to this point has been added. The teams and the word war widgets are all in the first post, so if you're not sure about which team you're on you can just check that.

Only about five hours left to finish everything I need to! Oh god!
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