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Search results

  1. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    Thank all guys, really~ <3
  2. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    Woo my birthday is in two days on the 21st~
  3. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    Ah, yes. Hut me up for a Gift of choice, Zora. I'm pretty sure I can do something. Be is a pokemon, a drawing, the like.
  4. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    Thank you~
  5. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    Yay, present~
  6. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    Yay~ Thank you!
  7. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    Negrek, I hope you like this teeny-tiny spider
  8. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    Either gender will be fine, Negrek~
  9. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    I missed this. Ok lets see what I may want...think you could get me a male Cleffa with Magic Guard?
  10. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    Sniper would be great and I wouldn't mind a girl. Thanks for this hun.
  11. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    Adaptability would be cool, Kratos.
  12. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    I would like a Female Eevee, if that's alright. Thank you so much for this, Kratos Done, I'll get you a ticket. Any gender you'd like? As for something I'd like...hm, a Feebas? I would like a Feebas if that's alright. Wee~ Now to work on a sig thing that links her and Jon together~ Thanks...
  13. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    Hey Negrek, happy birthday! I don't quite know what you want, so I'm giving you the gift of choice. Be it a drawing, a pokemon, item or a ticket for a fifth gen pokemon. Name it. Hope you like the gift of choice.
  14. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    Hey guys, my Birthday is on the 21st! ...yeah, I do have too much time, thanks for asking.
  15. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    Hey Yoshi~ [Vinny] Shinx (m) Ability: Intimidate Happy Birthday!
  16. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    Kusa, I see it was your birthday yesterday. Here, have a puppy. Riolu [Greed] Riolu (M) Ability: Inner Focus Item: Soothe Bell EXP: 0 Location: Approval centre
  17. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    Zora, a little late yes but I got you a gift as well. Cubone [All I need is a Home] Cubone (M) Ability: Rock Head EXP: 0 Location: Approval Thread I hope you are kind to him. He's a real sweet soul under that skull.
  18. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    Cyndaquil [Scout]Cyndaquil (M) Ability: Blaze EXP: 0 Location: Approval Yeah. Have him Kat. As for the disk...well, guess you don't need it no more.
  19. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    I have something here that's been coming for ya. Something you deserve. And something I've tried to give you before on the black market Meowth [Sonja] Meowth (F) Ability: Pick-up EXP: 0 Location: Approval Center Take her. You know you want too.
  20. Sylph

    The Birthday Center

    Cryptica + Darksong You two can have a "Voucher for 1/2 off on one automail attachment" at my shop in ASB. Hope you two have a good birthday.
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