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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
One (belated where appropriate) anything for Barubu, RTB, Syl and moon-panther, and one anything + an IOU for the prettiest pony for Negrek.
And Wargle, I know I still haven't bought you that porygon, so I'll do that when I buy everyone else's stuff. Sorry.
Ooh, how about a bachuru ticket?
Also, $15 for Barubu if he wants it. moon-panther, you can have anything from me, right back at you. Happy birthday!
IT EES YOUR BIRTHDAY. Well it was until 45 minutes ago but whatever. You are 20 now! Have a giant poisonous snake to celebrate, and then we shall get drunk off our butts on my namesake.
[Lux] Seviper (F) <Shed Skin>
Hm, I missed moon-panther's birthday.
Have a belated anything.
When your birthday is the last of a relatively long streak, definetly.My, anything is a popular gift this year~ Think you could get me a Horsea?
Giving Barubu a deliciously late seafood combo:
[Kergen] Mankey [♀]
Vital Spirit
Finished Battles: vs. Metallica Fanboy (1/3)
Notes: She's my lucky Negrek Pokémon.
[Clairent] Shellder [♀]![]()
Skill Link
Signature Move: Pearlshot
Finished Battles:
Notes: Skill Link is cool, btw.
And I suppose moon-panther can have a free something, yes? Or four free berries.
Female, please. How about for your feebas?Done, I'll get you a ticket. Any gender you'd like?
As for something I'd like...hm, a Feebas? I would like a Feebas if that's alright.
Giving Barubu a deliciously late seafood combo:
[Kergen] Mankey [♀]
Vital Spirit
Finished Battles: vs. Metallica Fanboy (1/3)
Notes: She's my lucky Negrek Pokémon.
[Clairent] Shellder [♀]![]()
Skill Link
Signature Move: Pearlshot
Finished Battles:
Notes: Skill Link is cool, btw.
And I suppose moon-panther can have a free something, yes? Or four free berries.
Do you two have a preference for your eevee's ability? Barubu, do you want a specific gender?
Took understandably long to be approved, but, moon-panther's now extremely late present.