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  1. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Fuck Palin

    Vietnam kicked America's ass, hth edit: assuming private ryan is a hero or something, haven't seen it yet, don't intend to
  2. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Fuck Palin

    I hate how in America Red is for Republicans and Blue is for Democrats. It's confusing ):
  3. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Fuck Palin

    *Obama wins election* 'Yeah yeah, I wish President Obama everything good- Look what you did, Sarah! I hate you! I'm outta here!' 'There is a wall here!'
  4. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Fuck Palin

    I feel terrible for laughing at this. 'Where am I? Who are these people? Cindy, Cindy!' Election day tomorrow! Vote, you fuckers, vote!
  5. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Fuck Palin

    Also, this is amazing:
  6. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Fuck Palin

    I just saw McCain invited Joe the Plumber to three of his rallies. What the fuck, America.
  7. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Fuck Palin

    Unsurprisingly, she's also a hypocrite: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/10/28/palin-obama-wants-to-re-write-constitution/ http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/2008/10/palin-differs-w.html I bet she's never read the constitution. Also lol:
  8. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Fuck Palin

    And when I thought I couldn't hate her more, this happens. McCain looks fucking terrified. Anyone who's American and over eighteen, please go and vote right now if your state allows it already.
  9. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Fuck Palin

    Sorry for the bump but loool Yeah, it was pretty clear everything she said in the VP debate was bullshit but haha. Also: I wish I was paid 160,000$ to be a retarded biggot ): Then I could spend it all on fabulous clothes
  10. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Fuck Palin

    Ahaha, all of the videos rule.
  11. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Fuck Palin

    very drunk more like comatose
  12. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Fuck Palin

    Okay so I watched half of it and am now going to sleep because it's 4:30 AM here and I'm having trouble thinking coherently. But all I'll say for now is: Palin's a lying cunt, and I'd like to know what a 'nukular' is.
  13. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Fuck Palin

    So is anyone watching the vice-presidential debate tonight? I'll try, though it'll probably air really late here in Belgium :/
  14. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Fuck Palin

    Haha, Bill O'Reily's website has been hacked. This hacking spree can continue forever as far as I'm concerned.
  15. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Fuck Palin

    its where he stores his goooooold
  16. Vladimir Putin's LJ

    Fuck Palin

    Hahaha I like how he's WAR HERO when what happened was basically *crash* *crash* *crash* *crash* *crash* *oh shit captured by gooks* *torture torture* *suspend by arms for five year* *probable rape* *freedom!* *FUCKING TECHNOLOGY ):* Again McCain would be a huge threat to American politics if...
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