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Search results

  1. Zeph

    Black & White

    Now I guess we'll finally be able to find out if it's Ho-Oh or Ho-oh...!
  2. Zeph

    Black & White

    ...Doesn't anyone else find it a little bit suspicious that Veekun hasn't been sent this 'letter' yet, but pretty much nearly every major fansite has? Just saying... ...Anyway, I like a lot of the older Pokémon's new sprites. Oh, and the cries are rather good too.
  3. Zeph

    Black & White

    Not necessarily! I mean, I'm sure there's lots of people who dislike Wargle and like Vuljina. (And the same for Kirkizan and Goruggo, who I'm actually rather fond of!)
  4. Zeph

    Black & White

    Maybe it's like, uh, Reshiram is steam (fire) power, Zekrom is electrical pwoer and Kyuremu is... ice power? Uh. Perhaps not.
  5. Zeph

    Black & White

    Apologies if it's been brought up before, but has anyone else yet noticed the similarities of Kyuremu to Reshiram and Zekrom? It, like them, is a, uh, dragonny thing with a headcrest, pointy tail and wings, and it's Dragon/Ice. Third game mascot, probably?
  6. Zeph

    Black & White

    Yeah; it's certainly better and more realistic than the 'slightly longer tail/ears/crest' etcetera of generation IV, anyway.
  7. Zeph

    Black & White

    I'm pretty sure Mamepato's final evolution (Uh, Kenhorou?) also has rather different gender forms... Hold on... Here: The left-hand is male and the right-hand female. ...Amongst others, probably.
  8. Zeph

    Black & White

    Never mind, I was just looking in the wrong place - Serebii's initial list called in Insekuta, although I guess that was just a mistranslation or something! Also, the music in general is quite lovely. A somewhat drastic change, but still good!
  9. Zeph

    Black & White

    Wait, where did the name Genosect even come from? According to Serebii and, uh, other places I've looked, it's called Insekuta? Unless I'm being somewhat stupid and not noticing something, in which case feel free to come along and make a smarmy and/or sarcastic comment about my ignorance...
  10. Zeph

    Black & White

    Huh what? Where are these evos shown? I can't see them anywhere on Pokébeach? Edit: Never mind, found them on Serebii. Tsutaaja's and Mijumaru's are quite brilliant, I especially like Mijumaru's final evolution. Pokabu's look like... cartoon humanoid pigs; I'm not such a big fan of them to be...
  11. Zeph

    Black & White

    Ulp, I stand corrected. Anyway, yeah, I'm not a vast fan of this thing. It looks a little stupid and it seems like it might be a sort of subtle attempt to make vegetables seem cool or something. I hope it's not the only Grass type besides Tsutarja, though. I doubt it will be though.
  12. Zeph

    Black & White

    Is that the same Pokémon as the Broccoli one? I'm pretty sure that one was called Brocco (Burokko?) and was mostly green... Although this one does have a broccoli-like head, erm, attachment.
  13. Zeph

    Black & White

    I think the 'seasons' shown was just the difference between Black and White of that area. I mean, why would they show a random season split in a montage of Black/White splits? But yeah, I like the idea of the battling train. Hopefully there'll be a feature like on the boat in Gen. II (SS...
  14. Zeph

    Black & White

    Well, it wouldn't really work any other way, to be honest.
  15. Zeph

    Black & White

    Team Plasma. Oh joy.
  16. Zeph

    Black & White

    I guess it'll become 000 in the National Dex too, then. Or it will be directly after Arceus and before the starters. Either way, I wonder what it actually is? If it's before all the others, perhaps it's meant to be a sort of origin of life or something. Which would be odd as Mew is already...
  17. Zeph

    Black & White

    If they were, somebody would have found them aaages ago. And why would the sprites matter for trades, anyway?
  18. Zeph

    Black & White

    Thank you, Flora m'dear, for saying what I failed to, erm, say. I do rather like the idea of a Dragon/Ice type. Ice needs some more love. And the Normal/Ghost depresses me greatly. I thought that I was being original when I came up with that combination ;-;* *Just in case anybody's about to...
  19. Zeph

    Black & White

    In my pinion there's pretty much no way that isn't a Luvdisc evolution. Oh well. First new evolution and all that. Perhaps we won't have so many this time around.
  20. Zeph

    Black & White

    Why are you so sure there'll be a remake of Yellow? It wouldn't make any sense, what with Red and Blue having been remade two generations ago... Also, I'm pretty sure Nintendo said once that, as an anime-only location, the Orange Islands will never feature in a game.
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