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Black & White

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I was wondering what Nageki and Dageki reminded me of;

Oh, how about an interesting theory about Genosect to pass the time.
If this is truly that legendary bug's theme, I REALLY want to know the back story.

He's the Paleozoic Pokemon, meaning he was around during the Paleozoic era. As everybody knows, the Paleozoic era ended with the largest mass extinction event in the history of life on Earth. My theory? Look at his name. Genosect, obviously Genocide+Insect, or Xenosect, Xenomorph+Insect. Either way it means he came from space and caused the mass extinction event. So why is Team Plasma trying to clone it and make it stronger by turning it into a cyborg? Halfway through the game their goal stops being "separate people and pokemon" and changes to "obliterate people completely."

They're trying to make another mass extinction event with Genosect.

Keep in mind, this is a fanmade theory based on his dex entry.

But I need to wait until YouTube stops being a noob and actually -loads- the videos for me to hear it's theme :o

EDIT: Looking at a fan's sprite rips, it appears that Smuglord -does- have arms; he just holds them behind his back, making him look even more snobbish.
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Wait, where did the name Genosect even come from? According to Serebii and, uh, other places I've looked, it's called Insekuta? Unless I'm being somewhat stupid and not noticing something, in which case feel free to come along and make a smarmy and/or sarcastic comment about my ignorance..!

Annnyway, I'm pretty pleased with all the designs of the Pokémon this generation. The Flying-type trio is quite irksome because of the fact that their main bodies appear to be literally just copy-pasted and recoloured with bits added on, but overall all seems well. I'm also astounded (in a good way) at the number of Pokémon that have different forms/huge gender differences.
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*reads Serebii's update about the change with Elite Four* Whoa. That sounds epic.

Hmm, funny, most places I've seen have called it Genosect (or genosekuto or similiar) except for perhaps one. I am also disappointed with obvious palette swaps of genies but, what can ya do. I don't do sarcastic comments often
Never mind, I was just looking in the wrong place - Serebii's initial list called in Insekuta, although I guess that was just a mistranslation or something!

Also, the music in general is quite lovely. A somewhat drastic change, but still good!
All I know about the soundtrack (curse you, YouTube) is that most people on TvTropes discussion on Black and White ... thoroughly enjoys it.

Oh, and to support the Dennis Genosect, Destroyer of Worlds theory, apparently it's signature move is "Earthershaker; 350 Damage; Steel; Changes damage type depending on opponents stats", however that's just a paraphrased rumour I found. Also supporting Dennis, Destroyer of Worlds is N's actions between the Elite 4 and the Champion battle ... sort of. Would make an awesome movie event if there was a movie about Dennis and him attempting to destroyer everything ... except he would probably be defeated by the Power of Love, seeing as it's a Pokemon movie, but still.

Best. Generation. Ever.

EDIT Genosect = Dennis because of his background music's mondegreen chanting, which is supposedly singing "Penance". And now you know.
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I have only seen one actually, and that's Shikimi's obviously female jellyfish version.

Regardless, Serebii, Pokebeach or another fansite will probably upload most of them soon.
I just got around to listening to some of the soundtrack, and I am in love.

It's epic, nostalgic, and yet new all at the same time.
I'm pretty sure Mamepato's final evolution (Uh, Kenhorou?) also has rather different gender forms... Hold on...


The left-hand is male and the right-hand female.

...Amongst others, probably.
To think they put all these new abiltiies, forms, pokemon, gender differences, animated ... just wow, GF. GF,GF. ken's gender differences have a lot more effort in them then the legendary genie trio. I have some serious ear envy right now for the music, and do want game just for all the awesome new stuff.

On a side topic, (MAJOR) Battling N with Reshiram/Zekrom using the other version exclusive as the penultimate boss battle!!!
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Kenhorou has rather realistic gender differences.

And, that spoiler sounds so awesome.

I want this game so much but I don't have $70 + shipping from Japan and I know my parents aren't going to want to split the difference with me and they know I still don't know that much Japanese andandand! *hyperventilation*
Yeah; it's certainly better and more realistic than the 'slightly longer tail/ears/crest' etcetera of generation IV, anyway.
I wonder if the pre-evo's will get a dimorphism too? Or is just the mature birds that do it in real life.

+ How many different gender forms are there in this gen?
I believe only adult birds have sexual dimorphism, in order to attract females/blend into the nest.

Chicks and young birds tend to look like the females to blend into the nest as well.
Ah right. It would be kind of odd is a baby chickling was already trying to attract the ladies.

However, considering the strangeness that is reality ...

Wait, there is only three new bird types it seems. And Wargle/Vuljina seem to be single gender, so this realistic sexual dimorphism only occurs on Ken o.o They might just be version exclusive, but I'm more inclined to the latter.
Apologies if it's been brought up before, but has anyone else yet noticed the similarities of Kyuremu to Reshiram and Zekrom? It, like them, is a, uh, dragonny thing with a headcrest, pointy tail and wings, and it's Dragon/Ice. Third game mascot, probably?
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