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If this is truly that legendary bug's theme, I REALLY want to know the back story.
He's the Paleozoic Pokemon, meaning he was around during the Paleozoic era. As everybody knows, the Paleozoic era ended with the largest mass extinction event in the history of life on Earth. My theory? Look at his name. Genosect, obviously Genocide+Insect, or Xenosect, Xenomorph+Insect. Either way it means he came from space and caused the mass extinction event. So why is Team Plasma trying to clone it and make it stronger by turning it into a cyborg? Halfway through the game their goal stops being "separate people and pokemon" and changes to "obliterate people completely."
They're trying to make another mass extinction event with Genosect.
Keep in mind, this is a fanmade theory based on his dex entry.
I'm pretty sure Mamepato's final evolution (Uh, Kenhorou?) also has rather different gender forms... Hold on...
The left-hand is male and the right-hand female.
...Amongst others, probably.